"use strict";
 * @module opcua.miscellaneous

const _ = require("underscore");
const assert = require("node-opcua-assert").assert;

const _defaultTypeMap = require("./factories_builtin_types")._defaultTypeMap;
const TypeSchema = require("./factories_builtin_types").TypeSchema;

const _enumerations = require("./factories_enumerations")._private._enumerations;
const getFactory = require("./factories_factories").getFactory;

const debugLog = require("node-opcua-debug").make_debugLog(__filename);
exports.doDebug = !!process.env.DEBUG_CLASS;

const display_trace_from_this_projet_only = require("node-opcua-utils").display_trace_from_this_projet_only;

 * ensure correctness of a schema object.
 * @method check_schema_correctness
 * @param schema
function check_schema_correctness(schema) {
    assert(schema.name, " expecting schema to have a name");
    assert(schema.fields, " expecting schema to provide a set of fields " + schema.name);
    assert(schema.baseType === undefined || (typeof schema.baseType === "string"));
exports.check_schema_correctness = check_schema_correctness;

 * @method get_base_schema
 * @param schema
 * @return {*}
function get_base_schema(schema) {

    let base_schema = schema._base_schema;
    if (base_schema) {
        return base_schema;

    if (schema.baseType && schema.baseType !== "BaseUAObject") {
        const baseType = getFactory(schema.baseType);

        // istanbul ignore next
        if (!baseType) {
            throw new Error(" cannot find factory for " + schema.baseType);
        if (baseType.prototype._schema) {
            base_schema = baseType.prototype._schema;
    // put in  cache for speedup
    schema._base_schema = base_schema;

    return base_schema;
exports.get_base_schema = get_base_schema;

 * extract a list of all possible fields for a schema
 * (by walking up the inheritance chain)
 * @method extract_all_fields
function extract_all_fields(schema) {

    // returns cached result if any
    // istanbul ignore next
    if (schema._possible_fields) {
        return schema._possible_fields;
    // extract the possible fields from the schema.
    let possible_fields = schema.fields.map(function (field) {
        return field.name;

    const base_schema = get_base_schema(schema);

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (base_schema) {
        const fields = extract_all_fields(base_schema);
        possible_fields = fields.concat(possible_fields);

    // put in cache to speed up
    schema._possible_fields = possible_fields;

    return possible_fields;
exports.extract_all_fields = extract_all_fields;

 * check correctness of option fields against scheme
 * @method  check_options_correctness_against_schema
function check_options_correctness_against_schema(obj, schema, options) {

    if (!exports.doDebug) {
        return ; // ignoring set

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (!_.isObject(options)) {
        let message = " Invalid options specified while trying to construct a ".red.bold + " " + schema.name.yellow;
        message += " expecting a ".red.bold + " Object ".yellow;
        message += " and got a ".red.bold + (typeof options).yellow + " instead ".red.bold;
        console.log(" Schema  = ", schema);
        console.log(" options = ", options);
        throw new Error(message);

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (options instanceof obj.constructor) {
        return true;

    // extract the possible fields from the schema.
    const possible_fields = obj.constructor.possibleFields;

    // extracts the fields exposed by the option object
    const current_fields = Object.keys(options);

    // get a list of field that are in the 'options' object but not in schema
    const invalid_options_fields = _.difference(current_fields, possible_fields);

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (invalid_options_fields.length > 0)   {
        console.log("expected schema", schema.name);
        console.log("schema", schema);
        console.log("possible_fields", possible_fields);
        console.log("invalid_options_fields= ", invalid_options_fields);
    if (invalid_options_fields.length !== 0) {
        throw new Error(" invalid field found in option :" + JSON.stringify(invalid_options_fields));

    // check that fields that are supposed to be array are either null or array
    for(const field of schema.fields) {
        if (field.isArray) {
            const a = options[field.name];
            if (a === undefined ||a === null ) {
            if(!(a instanceof Array)) {
                console.log("expected schema", schema.name);
                console.log("schema", schema);
                console.log("field ", field.name, " is supposed to be an array");
                throw new Error(" Invalid array in field " + field.name);


    return true;

exports.check_options_correctness_against_schema = check_options_correctness_against_schema;

function __field_category(field) {

    if (!field.category) {
        const fieldType = field.fieldType;

        if (_enumerations[fieldType]) {

            field.category = "enumeration";
            field.schema = _enumerations[fieldType];

            assert(field.schema instanceof TypeSchema);

        } else if (getFactory(fieldType)) {

            field.category = "complex";
            field.schema = getFactory(fieldType);

        } else if (_defaultTypeMap[fieldType]) {

            field.category = "basic";
            field.schema = _defaultTypeMap[fieldType];
            assert(field.schema instanceof TypeSchema);

        // istanbul ignore next
        else {
            console.log("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ERROR !".bgRed);

            Object.keys(require.cache).sort().forEach(function (k) {
            //xx console.log(f);
            throw new Error("Invalid field type : " + fieldType + " =( " + JSON.stringify(field) + ") is not a default type nor a registered complex struct");
    return field.category;
function resolve_schema_field_types(schema) {

    if (schema.resolved) {
    for(const field of schema.fields) {
        if (field.fieldType === schema.name) {
            // special case for structure recursion
            field.category = "complex";
            field.schema = schema;
        } else {
    schema.resolved = true;
exports.resolve_schema_field_types = resolve_schema_field_types;

 * @method initialize_field
 * @param field
 * @param value
 * @return {*}
exports.initialize_field = function (field, value) {

    const _t = field.schema;
    assert(_t instanceof TypeSchema);
    assert(_.isObject(_t), "expecting a object here ");

    const defaultValue = _t.computer_default_value(field.defaultValue);

    value = _t.initialize_value(value, defaultValue);

    if (field.validate) {
        if (!field.validate(value)) {
            throw Error(" invalid value " + value + " for field " + field.name + " of type " + field.fieldType);
    return value;

// * Initialize a array of object of a given type.
// * @method initialize_array
// * @param typeName {string} the type name of the objects ( must be in _defaultTypeMap)
// * @param values   {Array[Object] || null} a optional array with the parameters to pass to the object constructor
// * @return {Array[typeName]}
// *
// * @example:
// *
// *
// *
// */
//exports.initialize_array = function(typeName,values) {
//    var arr = [];
//    if (_.isArray(values)) {
//        var _t = _defaultTypeMap[typeName];
//        var defaultValue = _t.computer_default_value(undefined);
//        values.forEach(function(el){
//            arr.push(_t.initialize_value(el,defaultValue));
//        });
//    }
//    return arr;

 * @method initialize_field_array
 * @param field
 * @param valueArray
 * @return {Array}
exports.initialize_field_array = function (field, valueArray) {

    const _t = field.schema;

    let value, i;

    if (!valueArray && field.defaultValue === null) {
        return null;

    valueArray = valueArray || [];
    const defaultValue = _t.computer_default_value(field.defaultValue);

    const arr = [];
    for (i = 0; i < valueArray.length; i++) {
        value = _t.initialize_value(valueArray[i], defaultValue);
    if (field.validate) {
        for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (!field.validate(arr[i])) {
                throw Error(" invalid value " + arr[i] + " for field " + field.name + " of type " + field.fieldType);
    return arr;