#!/usr/bin/env node
/* eslint no-process-exit: 0 */
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
const _ = require("underscore");
const assert = require("assert");
const opcua = require("node-opcua");

Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity;

function constructFilename(filename) {
    return path.join(__dirname,"../",filename);

const yargs = require("yargs/yargs");

const argv = yargs(process.argv)



    .describe("maxAllowedSessionNumber","the maximum number of concurrent client session that the server will accept")

    .describe("maxAllowedSubscriptionNumber","the maximum number of concurrent subscriptions")

    .describe("silent","no trace")

    .describe("keySize","certificate keySize [1024|2048|3072|4096]")

    .describe("applicationName","the application name")

    .alias("a", "alternateHostname")
    .alias("m", "maxAllowedSessionNumber")
    .alias("p", "port")


const OPCUAServer = opcua.OPCUAServer;
const Variant = opcua.Variant;
const DataType = opcua.DataType;
const DataValue = opcua.DataValue;
const get_fully_qualified_domain_name = opcua.get_fully_qualified_domain_name;
const makeApplicationUrn = opcua.makeApplicationUrn;

const install_optional_cpu_and_memory_usage_node = opcua.install_optional_cpu_and_memory_usage_node;

const port = argv.port;
const maxAllowedSessionNumber   = argv.maxAllowedSessionNumber;
const maxConnectionsPerEndpoint = maxAllowedSessionNumber;
const maxAllowedSubscriptionNumber = argv.maxAllowedSubscriptionNumber  || 50;
opcua.OPCUAServer.MAX_SUBSCRIPTION = maxAllowedSubscriptionNumber;

const userManager = {
    isValidUser: function (userName, password) {

        if (userName === "user1" && password === "password1") {
            return true;
        if (userName === "user2" && password === "password2") {
            return true;
        return false;

const keySize = argv.keySize;

const server_certificate_file              = constructFilename("certificates/server_selfsigned_cert_"+ keySize +".pem");
const server_certificate_privatekey_file   = constructFilename("certificates/server_key_"+ keySize +".pem");

console.log(" server certificate : ", server_certificate_file);

const productUri= argv.applicationName || "NodeOPCUA-Server";
const server_options = {

    certificateFile: server_certificate_file,
    privateKeyFile: server_certificate_privatekey_file,

    port: port,
    //xx (not used: causes UAExpert to get confused) resourcePath: "UA/Server",

    maxAllowedSessionNumber: maxAllowedSessionNumber,
    maxConnectionsPerEndpoint: maxConnectionsPerEndpoint,

    nodeset_filename: [

    serverInfo: {
        applicationUri: makeApplicationUrn(get_fully_qualified_domain_name(), productUri),
        productUri: productUri,
        applicationName: {text: "NodeOPCUA" ,locale:"en"},
        gatewayServerUri: null,
        discoveryProfileUri: null,
        discoveryUrls: []
    buildInfo: {
        buildNumber: "1234"
    serverCapabilities: {
        maxBrowseContinuationPoints: 10,
        maxHistoryContinuationPoints: 10,
        // maxInactiveLockTime
        operationLimits: {
            maxNodesPerRead: 1000,
            maxNodesPerWrite: 1000,
            maxNodesPerHistoryReadData: 100,
            maxNodesPerBrowse: 1000,
    userManager: userManager,
    isAuditing: false,

    //xx registerServerMethod: opcua.RegisterServerMethod.HIDDEN,
    //xx registerServerMethod: opcua.RegisterServerMethod.MDNS,
    registerServerMethod: opcua.RegisterServerMethod.LDS,


process.title = "Node OPCUA Server on port : " + server_options.port;

server_options.alternateHostname = argv.alternateHostname;

const server = new OPCUAServer(server_options);

const endpointUrl = server.endpoints[0].endpointDescriptions()[0].endpointUrl;

const hostname = require("os").hostname();

server.on("post_initialize", function () {



    const addressSpace = server.engine.addressSpace;

    const rootFolder = addressSpace.findNode("RootFolder");
    assert(rootFolder.browseName.toString() === "Root");

    const namespace = addressSpace.getOwnNamespace();

    const myDevices = namespace.addFolder(rootFolder.objects, {browseName: "MyDevices"});

     * variation 0:
     * ------------
     * Add a variable in folder using a raw Variant.
     * Use this variation when the variable has to be read or written by the OPCUA clients
    const variable0 = namespace.addVariable({
        organizedBy: myDevices,
        browseName: "FanSpeed",
        nodeId: "ns=1;s=FanSpeed",
        dataType: "Double",
        value: new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: 1000.0})

    setInterval(function () {
        const fluctuation = Math.random() * 100 - 50;
        variable0.setValueFromSource(new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: 1000.0 + fluctuation}));
    }, 10);

     * variation 1:
     * ------------
     * Add a variable in folder using a single get function which returns the up to date variable value in Variant.
     * The server will set the timestamps automatically for us.
     * Use this variation when the variable value is controlled by the getter function
     * Avoid using this variation if the variable has to be made writable, as the server will call the getter
     * function prior to returning its value upon client read requests.
        organizedBy: myDevices,
        browseName: "PumpSpeed",
        nodeId: "ns=1;s=PumpSpeed",
        dataType: "Double",
        value: {
             * returns the  current value as a Variant
             * @method get
             * @return {Variant}
            get: function () {
                const pump_speed = 200 + 100 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 10000);
                return new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: pump_speed});

        organizedBy: myDevices,
        browseName: "SomeDate",
        nodeId: "ns=1;s=SomeDate",
        dataType: "DateTime",
        value: {
            get: function () {
                return new Variant({dataType: DataType.DateTime, value: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 9, 13, 8, 40, 0))});

     * variation 2:
     * ------------
     * Add a variable in folder. This variable gets its value and source timestamps from the provided function.
     * The value and source timestamps are held in a external object.
     * The value and source timestamps are updated on a regular basis using a timer function.
    const external_value_with_sourceTimestamp = new opcua.DataValue({
        value: new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: 10.0}),
        sourceTimestamp: null,
        sourcePicoseconds: 0
    setInterval(function () {
        external_value_with_sourceTimestamp.value.value = Math.random();
        external_value_with_sourceTimestamp.sourceTimestamp = new Date();
    }, 1000);

        organizedBy: myDevices,
        browseName: "Pressure",
        nodeId: "ns=1;s=Pressure",
        dataType: "Double",
        value: {
            timestamped_get: function () {
                return external_value_with_sourceTimestamp;

     * variation 3:
     * ------------
     * Add a variable in a folder. This variable gets its value  and source timestamps from the provided
     * asynchronous function.
     * The asynchronous function is called only when needed by the opcua Server read services and monitored item services

        organizedBy: myDevices,
        browseName: "Temperature",
        nodeId: "s=Temperature",
        dataType: "Double",

        value: {
            refreshFunc: function (callback) {

                const temperature = 20 + 10 * Math.sin(Date.now() / 10000);
                const value = new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: temperature});
                const sourceTimestamp = new Date();

                // simulate a asynchronous behaviour
                setTimeout(function () {
                    callback(null, new DataValue({value: value, sourceTimestamp: sourceTimestamp}));
                }, 100);

    // UAAnalogItem
    // add a UAAnalogItem
    const node = namespace.addAnalogDataItem({

        organizedBy: myDevices,

        nodeId: "s=TemperatureAnalogItem",
        browseName: "TemperatureAnalogItem",
        definition: "(tempA -25) + tempB",
        valuePrecision: 0.5,
        engineeringUnitsRange: {low: 100, high: 200},
        instrumentRange: {low: -100, high: +200},
        engineeringUnits: opcua.standardUnits.degree_celsius,
        dataType: "Double",
        value: {
            get: function () {
                return new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: Math.random() + 19.0});

   const m3x3 =  namespace.addVariable({
        organizedBy: addressSpace.rootFolder.objects,
        nodeId: "s=Matrix",
        browseName: "Matrix",
        dataType: "Double",
        valueRank: 2,
        arrayDimensions: [3, 3],
        value: {
            get: function(){
                return new opcua.Variant({
                    dataType: opcua.DataType.Double,
                    arrayType: opcua.VariantArrayType.Matrix,
                    dimensions: [3, 3],
                    value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    const xyz =  namespace.addVariable({
        organizedBy: addressSpace.rootFolder.objects,
        nodeId: "s=Position",
        browseName: "Position",
        dataType: "Double",
        valueRank: 1,
        arrayDimensions: null,
        value: {
            get: function(){
                return new opcua.Variant({
                    dataType: opcua.DataType.Double,
                    arrayType: opcua.VariantArrayType.Array,
                    value: [1, 2, 3, 4]

    // Add a view
    const view = namespace.addView({
        organizedBy: rootFolder.views,
        browseName: "MyView"

        nodeId: node.nodeId


function dumpObject(obj) {
    function w(str, width) {
        const tmp = str + "                                        ";
        return tmp.substr(0, width);

    return _.map(obj, function (value, key) {
        return "      " + w(key, 30).green + "  : " + ((value === null) ? null : value.toString());

console.log("  server PID          :".yellow, process.pid);
console.log("  silent              :".yellow, argv.silent);

server.start(function (err) {
    if (err) {
        console.log(" Server failed to start ... exiting");
    console.log("  server on port      :".yellow, server.endpoints[0].port.toString().cyan);
    console.log("  endpointUrl         :".yellow, endpointUrl.cyan);

    console.log("  serverInfo          :".yellow);
    console.log("  buildInfo           :".yellow);

    console.log("\n  server now waiting for connections. CTRL+C to stop".yellow);

    if (argv.silent) {
        console.log(" silent");
        console.log = function() {};
    //  console.log = function(){};


server.on("create_session", function (session) {
    console.log(" SESSION CREATED");
    console.log("    client application URI: ".cyan, session.clientDescription.applicationUri);
    console.log("        client product URI: ".cyan, session.clientDescription.productUri);
    console.log("   client application name: ".cyan, session.clientDescription.applicationName.toString());
    console.log("   client application type: ".cyan, session.clientDescription.applicationType.toString());
    console.log("              session name: ".cyan, session.sessionName ? session.sessionName.toString() : "<null>");
    console.log("           session timeout: ".cyan, session.sessionTimeout);
    console.log("                session id: ".cyan, session.sessionId);

server.on("session_closed", function (session, reason) {
    console.log(" SESSION CLOSED :", reason);
    console.log("              session name: ".cyan, session.sessionName ? session.sessionName.toString() : "<null>");

function w(s, w) {
    return ("000" + s).substr(-w);
function t(d) {
    return w(d.getHours(), 2) + ":" + w(d.getMinutes(), 2) + ":" + w(d.getSeconds(), 2) + ":" + w(d.getMilliseconds(), 3);

server.on("response", function (response) {

    if (argv.silent) { return;}

    console.log(t(response.responseHeader.timeStamp), response.responseHeader.requestHandle,
        response._schema.name.cyan, " status = ", response.responseHeader.serviceResult.toString().cyan);
    switch (response._schema.name) {
        case "xxModifySubscriptionResponse":
        case "xxCreateMonitoredItemsResponse":
        case "xxModifyMonitoredItemsResponse":
        case "xxRepublishResponse":
        case "xxCreateSessionResponse":
        case "xxActivateSessionResponse":
        case "xxCloseSessionResponse":
        case "xxBrowseResponse":
        case "xxCreateSubscriptionResponse":
        case "xxTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse":
        case "xxSetPublishingModeResponse":
        case "WriteResponse":
        case "xxPublishResponse":
            console.log("PublishResponse.subscriptionId = ",response.subscriptionId.toString());


function indent(str, nb) {
    const spacer = "                                             ".slice(0, nb);
    return str.split("\n").map(function (s) {
        return spacer + s;
server.on("request", function (request, channel) {

    if (argv.silent) { return;}

    console.log(t(request.requestHeader.timeStamp), request.requestHeader.requestHandle,
        request._schema.name.yellow, " ID =", channel.secureChannelId.toString().cyan);
    switch (request._schema.name) {
        case "xxModifySubscriptionRequest":
        case "xxCreateMonitoredItemsRequest":
        case "xxModifyMonitoredItemsRequest":
        case "xxRepublishRequest":
        case "xxReadRequest":
            const str = "    ";
            if (request.nodesToRead) {
                request.nodesToRead.map(function (node) {
                    str += node.nodeId.toString() + " " + node.attributeId + " " + node.indexRange;
        case "WriteRequest":
           if (request.nodesToWrite) {
                const lines = request.nodesToWrite.map(function (node) {
                    return "     " + node.nodeId.toString().green + " " + node.attributeId + " " + node.indexRange + "\n" + indent("" + node.value.toString(), 10) + "\n";

        case "xxTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest":
        case "xxBrowseRequest":
        case "xxCreateSessionRequest":
        case "xxActivateSessionRequest":
        case "xxCloseSessionRequest":
        case "xxCreateSubscriptionRequest":
        case "xxSetPublishingModeRequest":
            // do special console output
            //console.log(util.inspect(request, {colors: true, depth: 10}));
        case "xxPublishRequest":

process.on("SIGINT", function () {
    // only work on linux apparently
    console.error(" Received server interruption from user ".red.bold);
    console.error(" shutting down ...".red.bold);
    server.shutdown(1000, function () {
        console.error(" shutting down completed ".red.bold);
        console.error(" done ".red.bold);

const discovery_server_endpointUrl = "opc.tcp://" + hostname + ":4840/UADiscovery";

console.log("\nregistering server to :".yellow + discovery_server_endpointUrl);

server.on("serverRegistered",function() {
    console.log("server has been registered");
server.on("serverUnregistered",function() {
    console.log("server has been unregistered");
server.on("serverRegistrationRenewed",function() {
    console.log("server registration has been renewed");
server.on("serverRegistrationPending",function() {
    console.log("server registration is still pending (is Local Discovery Server up and running ?)");

server.on("newChannel",function(channel) {
    console.log("Client connected with address = ".bgYellow,channel.remoteAddress," port = ",channel.remotePort);

server.on("closeChannel",function(channel) {
    console.log("Client disconnected with address = ".bgCyan,channel.remoteAddress," port = ",channel.remotePort);
    if ( global.gc) {