"use strict";
/* global Buffer*/
 * @module opcua.client
const crypto = require("crypto");
const _ = require("underscore");
const util = require("util");
const EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
const assert = require("node-opcua-assert").assert;

const utils = require("node-opcua-utils");
const BinaryStream = require("node-opcua-binary-stream").BinaryStream;

const ClientTCP_transport = require("node-opcua-transport").ClientTCP_transport;

const hexDump = require("node-opcua-debug").hexDump;

const StatusCodes = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCodes;
const crypto_utils = require("node-opcua-crypto");

const verify_message_chunk = require("node-opcua-chunkmanager").verify_message_chunk;
const MessageSecurityMode = require("node-opcua-service-secure-channel").MessageSecurityMode;

const backoff = require("backoff");

const debug = require("node-opcua-debug");
const debugLog = debug.make_debugLog(__filename);
const doDebug = debug.checkDebugFlag(__filename);

const get_clock_tick = require("node-opcua-utils").get_clock_tick;

const readMessageHeader = require("node-opcua-chunkmanager").readMessageHeader;

const MessageBuilder = require("../message_builder").MessageBuilder;
const messageHeaderToString = require("../message_header_to_string").messageHeaderToString;
const MessageChunker = require("../message_chunker").MessageChunker;
const secure_channel_service = require("../services");
const securityPolicy_m = require("../security_policy");
const SecurityPolicy = securityPolicy_m.SecurityPolicy;

const OpenSecureChannelRequest = secure_channel_service.OpenSecureChannelRequest;
const CloseSecureChannelRequest = secure_channel_service.CloseSecureChannelRequest;
const OpenSecureChannelResponse = secure_channel_service.OpenSecureChannelResponse;
const AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader = secure_channel_service.AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader;
const ServiceFault = secure_channel_service.ServiceFault;
const SecurityTokenRequestType = secure_channel_service.SecurityTokenRequestType;

const do_trace_message = process.env.DEBUG && (process.env.DEBUG.indexOf("TRACE")) >= 0;
const do_trace_statistics = process.env.DEBUG && (process.env.DEBUG.indexOf("STATS")) >= 0;

const doPerfMonitoring = false;

function process_request_callback(request_data, err, response) {


    if (!response && !err && request_data.msgType !== "CLO") {
        // this case happens when CLO is called and when some pending transactions
        // remains in the queue...
        err = new Error(" Connection has been closed by client , but this transaction cannot be honored");
    if (response && response instanceof ServiceFault) {

        response.responseHeader.stringTable = response.responseHeader.stringTable || [];
        response.responseHeader.stringTable = [response.responseHeader.stringTable.join("\n")];
        err = new Error(" ServiceFault returned by server " + response.toString());
        err.response = response;
        response = null;

    assert((request_data.msgType === "CLO") || ((err && !response) || (!err && response)));

    const the_callback_func = request_data.callback;
    request_data.callback = null;
    the_callback_func(err, response);

function _on_message_received(response, msgType, requestId) {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;
    assert(msgType !== "ERR");

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (do_trace_message) {
        console.log("xxxxx  <<<<<< _on_message_received ".cyan.bold, requestId, response._schema.name);

    const request_data = self._request_data[requestId];
    if (!request_data) {
        console.log("xxxxx  <<<<<< _on_message_received ".cyan.bold, requestId, response._schema.name);
        throw new Error(" =>  invalid requestId =" + requestId);

    debugLog(" Deleting self._request_data", requestId);
    delete self._request_data[requestId];

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (response.responseHeader.requestHandle !== request_data.request.requestHeader.requestHandle) {
        const expected = request_data.request.requestHeader.requestHandle;
        const actual = response.responseHeader.requestHandle;
        const moreinfo = "Class = " + response._schema.name;
        console.log((" WARNING SERVER responseHeader.requestHandle is invalid" +
            ": expecting 0x" + expected.toString(16) +
            "  but got 0x" + actual.toString(16) + " ").red.bold, moreinfo.yellow);

    request_data.response = response;

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog(" RESPONSE ".red);

    if (doPerfMonitoring) {
        // record tick2 : after response message has been received, before message processing
        request_data._tick2 = self.messageBuilder._tick1;
    request_data.bytesRead = self.messageBuilder.total_message_size;

    if (doPerfMonitoring) {
        // record tick3 : after response message has been received, before message processing
        request_data._tick3 = get_clock_tick();
    process_request_callback(request_data, null, response);

    if (doPerfMonitoring) {
        // record tick4 after callback
        request_data._tick4 = get_clock_tick();
    }    // store some statistics

    // notify that transaction is completed


let g_channelId = 0;

 * a ClientSecureChannelLayer represents the client side of the OPCUA secure channel.
 * @class ClientSecureChannelLayer
 * @extends EventEmitter
 * @uses MessageChunker
 * @uses MessageBuilder
 * @param options
 * @param {Number} [options.defaultSecureTokenLifetime=30000 = 30 seconds]
 * @param {Number} [options.tokenRenewalInterval =0]  if 0, security token renewa&l will happen at 75% of defaultSecureTokenLifetime
 * @param [options.securityMode=MessageSecurityMode.NONE]
 * @param [options.securityPolicy=SecurityPolicy.None]
 * @param [options.serverCertificate=null] the serverCertificate (required if securityMode!=None)
 * @param options.parent {OPCUAClientBase} parent
 * @param [options.factory] an factory that provides a method createObjectId(id) for the message builder
 * @param [options.transportTimeout = ClientSecureChannelLayer.defaultTransportTimeout = 10 seconds] the transport timeout interval in ms
 * @param [options.connectionStrategy] {Object}
 * @param [options.connectionStrategy.maxRetry      = 10]
 * @param [options.connectionStrategy.initialDelay  = 10]
 * @param [options.connectionStrategy.maxDelay      = 10000]
 * @constructor
function ClientSecureChannelLayer(options) {

    if (global.hasResourceLeakDetector && !global.ResourceLeakDetectorStarted) {
        throw new Error("ClientSecureChannelLayer not in ResourceLeakDetectorStarted")
    options = options || {};

    assert(this instanceof ClientSecureChannelLayer);

    const self = this;

    self._transport = null;

    self._lastRequestId = 0;

    self.parent = options.parent;

    self.clientNonce = null; // will be created when needed

    self.protocolVersion = 0;

    self.messageChunker = new MessageChunker({
        derivedKeys: null

    self.defaultSecureTokenLifetime = options.defaultSecureTokenLifetime || 30000;
    self.tokenRenewalInterval = options.tokenRenewalInterval || 0;

    self.securityMode = options.securityMode || MessageSecurityMode.NONE;

    self.securityPolicy = options.securityPolicy || SecurityPolicy.None;

    self.serverCertificate = options.serverCertificate;

    assert(self.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.INVALID, "invalid security Mode");
    if (self.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.NONE) {
        assert(self.serverCertificate instanceof Buffer, "Expecting a valid certificate when security mode is not None");
        assert(self.securityPolicy !== SecurityPolicy.None, "Security Policy None is not a valid choice");

    self.messageBuilder = new MessageBuilder();
    self.messageBuilder.securityMode = self.securityMode;
    self.messageBuilder.privateKey = self.getPrivateKey();

    self._request_data = {};

        .on("message", _on_message_received.bind(this))
        .on("start_chunk", function () {
            // record tick2: when the first response chunk is received
            // request_data._tick2 = get_clock_tick();
        }).on("error", function (err, requestId) {
            debugLog("request id = ", requestId, err);
            let request_data = self._request_data[requestId];

            if (doDebug) {
                console.log(" message was ");
            if (!request_data) {
                request_data = self._request_data[requestId + 1];
                if (doDebug) {
                    console.log(" message was 2:", request_data ? request_data.request.toString() : "<null>");
            // xx console.log(request_data.request.toString());

    self.__in_normal_close_operation = false;

    self._timedout_request_count = 0;

    self._securityTokenTimeoutId = null;

    self.transportTimeout = options.transportTimeout || ClientSecureChannelLayer.defaultTransportTimeout;

    self.channelId = g_channelId;
    g_channelId += 1;

    options.connectionStrategy = options.connectionStrategy || {};
    self.connectionStrategy = {};
    self.connectionStrategy.maxRetry = utils.isNullOrUndefined(options.connectionStrategy.maxRetry) ? 10 : options.connectionStrategy.maxRetry;
    self.connectionStrategy.initialDelay = options.connectionStrategy.initialDelay || 10;
    self.connectionStrategy.maxDelay = options.connectionStrategy.maxDelay || 10000;

    const r = options.connectionStrategy.randomisationFactor;
    self.connectionStrategy.randomisationFactor = (r === undefined) ? 0 : r;


util.inherits(ClientSecureChannelLayer, EventEmitter);

ClientSecureChannelLayer.defaultTransportTimeout = 10 * 1000; // 1 minute

 * @method getPrivateKey
 * @return {Buffer} the privateKey
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.getPrivateKey = function () {
    return this.parent ? this.parent.getPrivateKey() : null;

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.getCertificateChain = function () {
    return this.parent ? this.parent.getCertificateChain() : null;

function _dump_transaction_statistics() {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const transaction_stats = this;

    function w(str) {
        return ("                  " + str).substr(-12);

    console.log("--------------------------------------------------------------------->> Stats".green.bold);
    console.log("   request                   : ",
        transaction_stats.request._schema.name.toString().yellow, " / ",
        transaction_stats.response._schema.name.toString().yellow, " - ",
    console.log("   Bytes Read                : ", w(transaction_stats.bytesRead), " bytes");
    console.log("   Bytes Written             : ", w(transaction_stats.bytesWritten), " bytes");
    console.log("   transaction duration      : ", w(transaction_stats.lap_transaction.toFixed(3)), " milliseconds");
    console.log("   time to send request      : ", w((transaction_stats.lap_sending_request).toFixed(3)), " milliseconds");
    console.log("   time waiting for response : ", w((transaction_stats.lap_waiting_response).toFixed(3)), " milliseconds");
    console.log("   time to receive response  : ", w((transaction_stats.lap_receiving_response).toFixed(3)), " milliseconds");
    console.log("   time processing response  : ", w((transaction_stats.lap_processing_response).toFixed(3)), " milliseconds");

    console.log("---------------------------------------------------------------------<< Stats".green.bold);


ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.on_transaction_completed = function (transaction_stats) {
    const self = this;
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        // dump some statistics about transaction ( time and sizes )
    self.emit("end_transaction", transaction_stats);

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._record_transaction_statistics = function (request_data) {

    const self = this;

    //      _tick0                _tick1                         _tick2                       _tick3          _tick4
    //          sending request
    //        |---------------------|  waiting response
    //                              |------------------------------|      receiving response
    //                                                             |---------------------------| process.resp
    //                                                                                         |---------------|
    self.last_transaction_stats = {
        request: request_data.request,
        response: request_data.response,
        bytesWritten: request_data.bytesWritten_after - request_data.bytesWritten_before,
        bytesRead: request_data.bytesRead,
        lap_sending_request: request_data._tick1 - request_data._tick0,
        lap_waiting_response: request_data._tick2 - request_data._tick1,
        lap_receiving_response: request_data._tick3 - request_data._tick2,
        lap_processing_response: request_data._tick4 - request_data._tick3,
        lap_transaction: request_data._tick4 - request_data._tick0
    self.last_transaction_stats.dump = _dump_transaction_statistics;

    if (do_trace_statistics) {


ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.isTransactionInProgress = function () {
    const self = this;
    return Object.keys(self._request_data).length > 0;

function _cancel_pending_transactions(err) {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    debugLog("_cancel_pending_transactions  ", Object.keys(self._request_data), self._transport ? self._transport.name : "no transport");

    assert(err === null || _.isObject(err), "expecting valid error");
    Object.keys(self._request_data).forEach(function (key) {
        const request_data = self._request_data[key];
        debugLog("xxxx Cancelling pending transaction ", request_data.key, request_data.msgType, request_data.request._schema.name);
        process_request_callback(request_data, err, null);

    self._request_data = {};


function _on_transport_closed(error) {

    debugLog(" =>ClientSecureChannelLayer#_on_transport_closed");
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    if (self.__in_normal_close_operation) {
        error = null;
     * notify the observers that the transport connection has ended.
     * The error object is null or undefined if the disconnection was initiated by the ClientSecureChannelLayer.
     * A Error object is provided if the disconnection has been initiated by an external cause.
     * @event close
     * @param error {Error}
    self.emit("close", error);

    _cancel_pending_transactions.call(this, error);

    self._transport = null;


function _on_security_token_about_to_expire() {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    debugLog(" client: Security Token ", self.securityToken.tokenId, " is about to expired, let's raise lifetime_75 event ");

     * notify the observer that the secure channel has now reach 75% of its allowed live time and
     * that a new token is going to be requested.
     * @event  lifetime_75
     * @param  securityToken {Object} : the security token that is about to expire.
    self.emit("lifetime_75", self.securityToken);



function _cancel_security_token_watchdog() {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    if (self._securityTokenTimeoutId) {
        self._securityTokenTimeoutId = null;

function _install_security_token_watchdog() {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    // install timer event to raise a 'lifetime_75' when security token is about to expired
    // so that client can request for a new security token
    // note that, for speedup in test,
    // it is possible to tweak this interval for test by specifying a tokenRenewalInterval value
    const lifeTime = self.securityToken.revisedLifeTime;
    assert(lifeTime !== 0 && lifeTime > 20);
    let timeout = self.tokenRenewalInterval || lifeTime * 75 / 100;
    timeout = Math.min(timeout, lifeTime * 75 / 100);

    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog(" time until next security token renal = ".red.bold, timeout, "( lifefime = ", lifeTime + ")");

    assert(self._securityTokenTimeoutId === null);
    self._securityTokenTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
        self._securityTokenTimeoutId = null;
    }, timeout);

function _build_client_nonce() {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    if (self.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.NONE) {
        return null;
    // create a client Nonce if secure mode is requested
    // Release 1.02 page 23 OPC Unified Architecture, Part 4 Table 7 – OpenSecureChannel Service Parameters
    // clientNonce
    // "This parameter shall have a length equal to key size used for the symmetric
    //  encryption algorithm that is identified by the securityPolicyUri"

    const cryptoFactory = securityPolicy_m.getCryptoFactory(self.securityPolicy);
    if (!cryptoFactory) {
        // this securityPolicy may not be support yet ... let's return null
        return null;

    return crypto.randomBytes(cryptoFactory.symmetricKeyLength);


function _open_secure_channel_request(is_initial, callback) {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    assert(self.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.INVALID, "invalid security mode");
    // from the specs:
    // The OpenSecureChannel Messages are not signed or encrypted if the SecurityMode is None. The
    // Nonces are ignored and should be set to null. The SecureChannelId and the TokenId are still
    // assigned but no security is applied to Messages exchanged via the channel.

    const msgType = "OPN";
    const requestType = (is_initial) ? SecurityTokenRequestType.ISSUE : SecurityTokenRequestType.RENEW;

    self.clientNonce = _build_client_nonce.call(self);

    self._isOpened = !is_initial;

    // OpenSecureChannel
    const msg = new OpenSecureChannelRequest({
        clientProtocolVersion: self.protocolVersion,
        requestType: requestType,
        securityMode: self.securityMode,
        requestHeader: {
            auditEntryId: null
        clientNonce: self.clientNonce, //
        requestedLifetime: self.defaultSecureTokenLifetime

    self._performMessageTransaction(msgType, msg, function (error, response) {

        if (response && response.responseHeader.serviceResult !== StatusCodes.Good) {
            error = new Error(response.responseHeader.serviceResult.toString());
        if (!error) {

            /* istanbul ignore next */
            if (false && doDebug) {
            assert(response instanceof OpenSecureChannelResponse);
            //xx assert(!is_initial || self.securityToken.secureChannelId === response.securityToken.secureChannelId);

            // todo : verify that server certificate is  valid
            // A self-signed application instance certificate does not need to be verified with a CA.
            // todo : verify that Certificate URI matches the ApplicationURI of the server

            self.securityToken = response.securityToken;
            assert(self.securityToken.tokenId > 0 || msgType === "OPN", "_sendSecureOpcUARequest: invalid token Id ");

            self.serverNonce = response.serverNonce;

            if (self.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.NONE) {
                // verify that server nonce if provided is at least 32 bytes long

                /* istanbul ignore next */
                if (!self.serverNonce) {
                    console.log(" client : server nonce is invalid !");
                    return callback(new Error(" Invalid server nonce"));
                // This parameter shall have a length equal to key size used for the symmetric
                // encryption algorithm that is identified by the securityPolicyUri.
                if (self.serverNonce.length !== self.clientNonce.length) {
                    console.log(" client : server nonce is invalid !");
                    return callback(new Error(" Invalid server nonce length"));

            const cryptoFactory = self.messageBuilder.cryptoFactory;
            if (cryptoFactory) {
                assert(self.serverNonce instanceof Buffer);
                self.derivedKeys = cryptoFactory.compute_derived_keys(self.serverNonce, self.clientNonce);

            const derivedServerKeys = self.derivedKeys ? self.derivedKeys.derivedServerKeys : null;
            self.messageBuilder.pushNewToken(self.securityToken, derivedServerKeys);


            self._isOpened = true;


function _on_connection(transport, callback, err) {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    const self = this;

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (err) {

        debugLog("cannot connect to server".red);

    } else {

        self._transport = transport;

        self._transport.on("message", function (message_chunk) {
             * notify the observers that ClientSecureChannelLayer has received a message chunk
             * @event receive_chunk
             * @param message_chunk {Buffer}
            self.emit("receive_chunk", message_chunk);

        self._transport.on("close", _on_transport_closed.bind(this));

        self._transport.on("connection_break", function () {
            debugLog("Client => CONNECTION BREAK  <=".red);
            _on_transport_closed.call(self, new Error("Connection Break"));

        self._transport.on("error", function () {
            debugLog(" ERROR");

        const is_initial = true;
        _open_secure_channel_request.call(self, is_initial, callback);


 * establish a secure channel with the provided server end point.
 * @method create
 * @async
 * @param endpointUrl {String}
 * @param callback {Function}  the async callback function
 * @param callback.err {Error|null}
 * @example
 *    ```javascript
 *    var secureChannel  = new ClientSecureChannelLayer();
 *    secureChannel.on("end", function(err) {
 *         console.log("secure channel has ended",err);
 *         if(err) {
 *            console.log(" the connection was closed by an external cause such as server shutdown");
  *        }
 *    });
 *    secureChannel.create("opc.tcp://localhost:1234/UA/Sample", function(err) {
 *         if(err) {
 *              console.log(" cannot establish secure channel" , err);
 *         } else {
 *              console.log("secure channel has been established");
 *         }
 *    });
 *    ```
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.create = function (endpointUrl, callback) {

    const self = this;

    if (self.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.NONE) {

        if (!self.serverCertificate) {
            return callback(new Error("ClientSecureChannelLayer#create : expecting a  server certificate when securityMode is not NONE"));

        // take the opportunity of this async method to perform some async pre-processing
        if (_.isUndefined(self.receiverPublicKey)) {

            crypto_utils.extractPublicKeyFromCertificate(self.serverCertificate, function (err, publicKey) {
                /* istanbul ignore next */
                if (err) {
                    return callback(err);
                self.receiverPublicKey = publicKey;
                assert(!_.isUndefined(self.receiverPublicKey)); // make sure we wont go into infinite recursion calling create again.
                self.create(endpointUrl, callback);
        assert(typeof self.receiverPublicKey === "string");

    self.endpointUrl = endpointUrl;
    const transport = new ClientTCP_transport();
    transport.timeout = self.transportTimeout;
    transport.protocolVersion = self.protocolVersion;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Handle reconnection
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const _establish_connection = function (transport, endpointUrl, callback) {

        let last_err = null;

        function _connect(_i_callback) {

            if (self.__call && self.__call._cancelBackoff) {

            transport.connect(endpointUrl, function (err) {

                // force Backoff to fail if err is not ECONNRESET or ECONNREFUSE
                // this mean that the connection to the server has succeeded but for some reason
                // the server has denied the connection
                // the cause could be:
                //   - invalid protocol version specified by client
                //   - server going to shutdown
                //   - server too busy -
                //   - server shielding itself from a DOS attack
                if (err) {

                    let should_abort = false;

                    if (err.message.match(/ECONNRESET/)) {
                        should_abort = true;
                    if (err.message.match(/BadProtocolVersionUnsupported/)) {
                        should_abort = true;
                    last_err = err;

                    if (self.__call) {
                        // connection cannot be establish ? if not, abort the backoff process
                        if (should_abort) {
                            debugLog(" Aborting backoff process prematurally - err = ", err.message);
                        } else {
                            debugLog(" backoff - keep trying - err = ", err.message);

        // No backoff required -> call the _connect function directly
        if (self.connectionStrategy.maxRetry <= 0) {
            self.__call = 0;
            return _connect(callback);

        function _backoff_completion(err) {

            if (self.__call) {
                // console log =
                transport.numberOfRetry = transport.numberOfRetry || 0;
                transport.numberOfRetry += self.__call.getNumRetries();
                self.__call = null;

                if (err) {
                    callback(last_err|| err);
                } else {

        self.__call = backoff.call(_connect, _backoff_completion);

        //xx self.__call._cancelBackoff = self.connectionStrategy.maxRetry <=0 ? true : false;
        self.__call.failAfter(Math.max(self.connectionStrategy.maxRetry, 1));

        self.__call.on("backoff", function (number, delay) {

            debugLog(" Backoff #".bgWhite.cyan, number, "delay = ", delay, self.__call.maxNumberOfRetry_);
            // Do something when backoff starts, e.g. show to the
            // user the delay before next reconnection attempt.
             * @event backoff
            self.emit("backoff", number, delay);

        self.__call.on("abort", function () {
            debugLog(" abort #".bgWhite.cyan, " after ", self.__call.getNumRetries(), " retries");
            // Do something when backoff starts, e.g. show to the
            // user the delay before next reconnection attempt.
             * @event backoff

            setImmediate(function () {
                _backoff_completion(null, new Error("Connection abandoned"));


        self.__call.setStrategy(new backoff.ExponentialStrategy(self.connectionStrategy));


    _establish_connection(transport, endpointUrl, _on_connection.bind(this, transport, callback));


 * true if the secure channel is trying to establish the connection with the server. In this case, the client
 * may be in the middle of the b ackoff connection process.
 * @property isConnecting
 * @type {Boolean}
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.__defineGetter__("isConnecting", function () {
    return (!!this.__call);

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.dispose = function () {
    const self = this;
    if (self.__call) {


ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.abortConnection = function (callback) {
    const self = this;
    if (self.__call) {
        self.__call.once("abort", function () {
            setTimeout(callback, 20);
        //xx console.log("_cancelBackoff !!!");
        self.__call._cancelBackoff = true;

    } else {

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._renew_security_token = function () {

    const self = this;

    if (!self.isValid()) {
        // this may happen if the communication has been closed by the client or the sever
        console.log("Invalid socket => Communication has been lost, cannot renew token");

    const is_initial = false;
    _open_secure_channel_request.call(self, is_initial, function (err) {

        /* istanbul ignore else */
        if (!err) {
            debugLog(" token renewed");
             * notify the observers that the security has been renewed
             * @event security_token_renewed

        } else {
            debugLog("ClientSecureChannelLayer: Warning: securityToken hasn't been renewed -> err ", err);

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._on_receive_message_chunk = function (message_chunk) {

    const self = this;

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        const _stream = new BinaryStream(message_chunk);
        const messageHeader = readMessageHeader(_stream);
        debugLog("CLIENT RECEIVED " + (JSON.stringify(messageHeader) + "").yellow);
        debugLog("\n" + hexDump(message_chunk).blue);

 * @method makeRequestId
 * @return {Number} a newly generated request id
 * @private
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.makeRequestId = function () {
    this._lastRequestId += 1;
    return this._lastRequestId;

 * perform a OPC-UA message transaction, asynchronously.
 * @method performMessageTransaction
 * @param requestMessage {Object}
 * @param callback  {Function}

 * During a transaction, the client sends a request to the server. The provided callback will be invoked
 * at a later stage with the reply from the server, or the error.
 * preconditions:
 *   - the channel must be opened
 * @example
 *    ```javascript
 *    var secure_channel ; // get a  ClientSecureChannelLayer somehow
 *    var message = new BrowseRequest({...});
 *    secure_channel.performMessageTransaction(message,function(err,response) {
 *       if (err) {
 *         // an error has occurred
 *       } else {
 *          assert(response instanceof BrowseResponse);
 *         // do something with response.
 *       }
 *    });
 *    ```

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.performMessageTransaction = function (requestMessage, callback) {
    this._performMessageTransaction("MSG", requestMessage, callback);

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.isValid = function () {
    const self = this;
    return self._transport!==null && self._transport.isValid();
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.isOpened = function () {
    const self = this;
    return self.isValid() && self._isOpened;

const minTransactionTimeout = 30 * 1000;    // 30 sec

const defaultTransactionTimeout = 60 * 1000; // 1 minute
 * internal version of _performMessageTransaction.
 * @method _performMessageTransaction
 * @method _performMessageTransaction
 * @param msgType {String}
 * @param requestMessage
 * @param callback
 * @private
 * - this method takes a extra parameter : msgType
 * TODO:
 * - this method can be re-entrant, meaning that a new transaction can be started before any pending transaction
 *   is fully completed.
 * - Any error on transport will cause all pending transactions to be cancelled
 * - the method returns a timeout Error if the server fails to return a response within the timeoutHint interval.
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._performMessageTransaction = function (msgType, requestMessage, callback) {

    /* jshint validthis: true */

    const self = this;

    if (!self.isValid()) {
        return callback(new Error("ClientSecureChannelLayer => Socket is closed !"));

    let local_callback = callback;

    let timeout = requestMessage.requestHeader.timeoutHint || defaultTransactionTimeout;
    timeout = Math.max(minTransactionTimeout, timeout);

    let timerId = null;

    let hasTimedOut = false;

    function modified_callback(err, response) {

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (doDebug) {
            debugLog("------------------- client receiving response".cyan, err);
            if (response) {

        if (!local_callback) {
            return; // already processed by time  out
        // when response === null we are processing the timeout , therefore there is no need to clearTimeout
        if (!hasTimedOut && timerId) {
        timerId = null;

        if (!err && response) {
             * notify the observers that a server response has been received on the channel
             * @event  receive_response
             * @param response {Object} the response object
            self.emit("receive_response", response);
        assert(!err || (err instanceof Error));

        // invoke user callback if it has not been intercepted first ( by a abrupt disconnection for instance )
        try {
            local_callback.apply(this, arguments);
        catch (err) {
            console.log("ERROR !!! , please check here !!!! callback may be called twice !! ", err);
        finally {
            local_callback = null;

    timerId = setTimeout(function () {
        timerId = null;
        console.log(" Timeout .... waiting for response for ", requestMessage.constructor.name, requestMessage.requestHeader.toString());
        hasTimedOut = true;
        modified_callback(new Error("Transaction has timed out ( timeout = " + timeout + " ms)"), null);
        self._timedout_request_count += 1;
         * notify the observer that the response from the request has not been
         * received within the timeoutHint specified
         * @event timed_out_request
         * @param message_chunk {Object}  the message chunk
        self.emit("timed_out_request", requestMessage);

    }, timeout);

    const transaction_data = {timerId: timerId, msgType: msgType, request: requestMessage, callback: modified_callback};

//xx    self._pending_callback = callback;


 * @param transaction_data
 * @param transaction_data.msgType
 * @param transaction_data.request
 * @param transaction_data.callback {Function}
 * @private
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._internal_perform_transaction = function (transaction_data) {

    const self = this;


    if (!self._transport) {
        setTimeout(function () {
            transaction_data.callback(new Error("Client not connected"));
        }, 100);
    assert(self._transport, " must have a valid transport");

    const msgType = transaction_data.msgType;
    const requestMessage = transaction_data.request;
    assert(msgType.length === 3);

    assert(requestMessage instanceof Object);

    // get a new requestId
    const requestId = self.makeRequestId();

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (do_trace_message) {
        console.log("xxxxx   >>>>>>                     ".cyan, requestId, requestMessage._schema.name);

    self._request_data[requestId] = {
        request: requestMessage,
        msgType: msgType,
        callback: transaction_data.callback,

        bytesWritten_before: self.bytesWritten,
        bytesWritten_after: 0,

        chunk_count: 0

    if (doPerfMonitoring) {
        const stats = self._request_data[requestId];
        //record tick0 : before request is being sent to server
        stats._tick0 = get_clock_tick();
        //record tick1:  after request has been sent to server
        stats._tick1 = null;
        // record tick2 : after response message has been received, before message processing
        stats._tick2 = null;
        // record tick3 : after response message has been received, before message processing
        stats._tick3 = null;
        // record tick4 after callback
        stats._tick4 = null;

    self._sendSecureOpcUARequest(msgType, requestMessage, requestId);


ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._send_chunk = function (requestId, messageChunk) {

    const self = this;
    const request_data = self._request_data[requestId];

    if (messageChunk) {

         * notify the observer that a message chunk is about to be sent to the server
         * @event send_chunk
         * @param message_chunk {Object}  the message chunk
        self.emit("send_chunk", messageChunk);

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (doDebug && false) {
            debugLog("CLIENT SEND chunk ".yellow);
        request_data.chunk_count += 1;

    } else {
        // last chunk ....

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (doDebug) {
            debugLog("CLIENT SEND done.".yellow.bold);
        if (request_data) {
            if (doPerfMonitoring) {
                //record tick1: when request has been sent to server
                request_data._tick1 = get_clock_tick();
            request_data.bytesWritten_after = self.bytesWritten;

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._construct_security_header = function () {

    const self = this;

    self.receiverCertificate = self.serverCertificate;

    let securityHeader = null;
    switch (self.securityMode.value) {
        case MessageSecurityMode.SIGN.value:
        case MessageSecurityMode.SIGNANDENCRYPT.value:
            assert(self.securityPolicy !== SecurityPolicy.None);
            // get the thumbprint of the client certificate
            const thumbprint = self.receiverCertificate ? crypto_utils.makeSHA1Thumbprint(self.receiverCertificate) : null;
            securityHeader = new AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader({
                securityPolicyUri: securityPolicy_m.toURI(self.securityPolicy),
                senderCertificate: self.getCertificateChain(),  // certificate of the private key used to sign the message
                receiverCertificateThumbprint: thumbprint       // thumbprint of the public key used to encrypt the message
            /* istanbul ignore next */
            assert(false, "invalid security mode");
    //xx console.log("xxxx security Header",securityHeader.toJSON());
    //xx console.log("xxxx receiverCertificate",self.receiverCertificate.toString("base64").cyan);
    self.securityHeader = securityHeader;

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._get_security_options_for_OPN = function () {

    const self = this;
    if (self.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.NONE) {
        return null;

    this.messageChunker.securityHeader = self.securityHeader;

    const senderPrivateKey = self.getPrivateKey();

    assert(typeof self.receiverPublicKey === "string", "expecting a valid public key");

    const cryptoFactory = securityPolicy_m.getCryptoFactory(self.securityPolicy);

    if (!cryptoFactory) {
        return null; // may be a not yet supported security Policy

    assert(cryptoFactory, "expecting a cryptoFactory");

    const options = {};

    options.signatureLength = crypto_utils.rsa_length(senderPrivateKey);
    options.signingFunc = function (chunk) {
        const s = cryptoFactory.asymmetricSign(chunk, senderPrivateKey);
        assert(s.length === options.signatureLength);
        return s;

    const keyLength = crypto_utils.rsa_length(self.receiverPublicKey);
    options.plainBlockSize = keyLength - cryptoFactory.blockPaddingSize;
    options.cipherBlockSize = keyLength;

    options.encrypt_buffer = function (chunk) {
        return cryptoFactory.asymmetricEncrypt(chunk, self.receiverPublicKey);

    return options;

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._get_security_options_for_MSG = function () {

    const self = this;
    if (self.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.NONE) {
        return null;

    const derivedClientKeys = self.derivedKeys.derivedClientKeys;
    assert(derivedClientKeys, "expecting valid derivedClientKeys");
    return securityPolicy_m.getOptionsForSymmetricSignAndEncrypt(self.securityMode, derivedClientKeys);


ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype._sendSecureOpcUARequest = function (msgType, requestMessage, requestId) {

    const self = this;

    const options = {
        requestId: requestId,
        secureChannelId: self.securityToken ? self.securityToken.secureChannelId : 0,
        tokenId: self.securityToken ? self.securityToken.tokenId : 0,

    // use chunk size that has been negotiated by the transport layer
    if (self._transport.parameters && self._transport.parameters.sendBufferSize) {
        options.chunkSize = self._transport.parameters.sendBufferSize;

    requestMessage.requestHeader.requestHandle = options.requestId;
    //xx requestMessage.requestHeader.returnDiagnostics = 0x3FF;
    requestMessage.requestHeader.returnDiagnostics = 0x0;

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog("------------------------------------- Client Sending a request".yellow.bold);
        debugLog(" CHANNEL ID ", options.secureChannelId);

    const security_options = (msgType === "OPN") ? self._get_security_options_for_OPN() : self._get_security_options_for_MSG();
    _.extend(options, security_options);

     * notify the observer that a client request is being sent the server
     * @event send_request
     * @param requestMessage {Object}
    self.emit("send_request", requestMessage);

    self.messageChunker.chunkSecureMessage(msgType, options, requestMessage, self._send_chunk.bind(self, requestId));


ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.getDisplayName = function() {
    const self = this;
    if (!self.parent) { return ""; }
    return "" + (self.parent.applicationName ?self.parent.applicationName + " " : "" ) + self.parent.clientName;
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.cancelPendingTransactions = function(callback) {
    const self = this;
    assert(_.isFunction(callback), "expecting a callback function, but got " + callback);

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog(" PENDING TRANSACTION = ",

    for ( let key of Object.keys(self._request_data)) {
        // kill timer id
        const transaction = self._request_data[key];
        if (transaction.callback) {
            transaction.callback(new Error("Transaction has been canceled because client channel  is beeing closed"));
 * Close a client SecureChannel ,by sending a CloseSecureChannelRequest to the server.
 * After this call, the connection is closed and no further transaction can be made.
 * @method close
 * @async
 * @param callback {Function}
ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.close = function (callback) {

    const self = this;
    assert(_.isFunction(callback), "expecting a callback function, but got " + callback);

    // cancel any pending transaction

        // what the specs says:
        // --------------------
        //   The client closes the connection by sending a CloseSecureChannelRequest and closing the
        //   socket gracefully. When the server receives this message it shall release all resources
        //   allocated for the channel. The server does not send a CloseSecureChannel response
        // ( Note : some servers do  send a CloseSecureChannel though !)

        // there is no need for the security token expiration event to trigger anymore

        debugLog("Sending CloseSecureChannelRequest to server");
        //xx console.log("xxxx Sending CloseSecureChannelRequest to server");
        const request = new CloseSecureChannelRequest();

        self.__in_normal_close_operation = true;

        if (!self._transport || self._transport.__disconnecting__) {
            return callback(new Error("Transport disconnected"));

        self._performMessageTransaction("CLO", request, function () {
            ///xx self._transport.disconnect(function() {
            //xxx });

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.__defineGetter__("bytesRead", function () {
    const self = this;
    return self._transport ? self._transport.bytesRead : 0;

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.__defineGetter__("bytesWritten", function () {
    const self = this;
    return self._transport ? self._transport.bytesWritten : 0;

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.__defineGetter__("transactionsPerformed", function () {
    const self = this;
    return self._lastRequestId;

ClientSecureChannelLayer.prototype.__defineGetter__("timedOutRequestCount", function () {
    const self = this;
    return self._timedout_request_count;

exports.ClientSecureChannelLayer = ClientSecureChannelLayer;