"use strict";
 * @module opcua.miscellaneous
var _ = require("underscore");
var util = require("util");
var assert = require("node-opcua-assert");

var _defaultTypeMap = require("./factories_builtin_types")._defaultTypeMap;
var registerType = require("./factories_builtin_types").registerType;

 * register a Basic Type ,
 * A basic type is new entity type that resolved to  a SubType
 * @example:
 *   registerBasicType({name:"Duration"   ,subtype:"Double"});
 * @method registerBasicType
 * @param schema
 * @param schema.name {String}
 * @param schema.subtype {String} mandatory, the basic type from which the new type derives.
 * @param [schema.encode] {Function} optional,a specific encoder function to encode an instance of this type.
 * @param schema.encode.value  {*}
 * @param schema.encode.stream {Stream}
 * @param [schema.decode] {Function} optional,a specific decoder function that returns  the decode value out of the stream.
 * @param [schema.decode.stream] {Stream}
 * @param [schema.coerce] {Function} optional, a method to convert a value into the request type.
 * @param schema.coerce.value {*} the value to coerce.
 * @param [schema.random] {Function} optional, a method to construct a random object of this type
 * @param [schema.toJSONFunc]{Function} optional, a method to convert a value into the request type.
function registerBasicType(schema) {
    var name = schema.name;

    var t = _defaultTypeMap[schema.subtype];

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (!t) {
        console.log(util.inspect(schema, {color: true}));
        throw new Error(" cannot find subtype " + schema.subtype);

    var encodeFunc = schema.encode || t.encode;

    var decodeFunc = schema.decode || t.decode;

    var defaultValue = (schema.defaultValue === undefined ) ? t.defaultValue : schema.defaultValue;
    // assert(_.isFunction(defaultValue));

    var coerceFunc = schema.coerce || t.coerce;

    var toJSONFunc = schema.toJSON || t.toJSON;

    var random = schema.random || defaultValue;

    var new_schema = {
        name: name,
        encode: encodeFunc,
        decode: decodeFunc,
        defaultValue: defaultValue,
        coerce: coerceFunc,
        toJSON: toJSONFunc,
        subType: schema.subtype,
        random: random

// =============================================================================================
// Registering the Basic Type already defined int the OPC-UA Specification
// =============================================================================================

registerBasicType({name: "Counter", subtype: "UInt32"});
// OPC Unified Architecture, part 3.0 $8.13 page 65
registerBasicType({name: "Duration", subtype: "Double"});
registerBasicType({name: "UAString", subtype: "String"});
registerBasicType({name: "UtcTime",  subtype: "DateTime"});
registerBasicType({name: "Int8",     subtype: "SByte"});
registerBasicType({name: "UInt8",    subtype: "Byte"});
//xx registerBasicType({name:"XmlElement" ,subtype:"String"  });
registerBasicType({name: "Time",     subtype: "String"});
// string in the form "en-US" or "de-DE" or "fr" etc...

var ec = require("node-opcua-basic-types");
registerBasicType({name: "LocaleId",
    subtype: "String",
    encode: ec.encodeLocaleId,
    decode: ec.decodeLocaleId,
    validate: ec.validateLocaleId,
    defaultValue: null

registerBasicType({name: "ContinuationPoint", subtype: "ByteString"});
registerBasicType({name: "Image",    subtype: "ByteString"});
registerBasicType({name: "ImageBMP", subtype: "ByteString"});
registerBasicType({name: "ImageJPG", subtype: "ByteString"});
registerBasicType({name: "ImagePNG", subtype: "ByteString"});
registerBasicType({name: "ImageGIF", subtype: "ByteString"});

exports.registerBasicType = registerBasicType;