 * This Service is used to call (invoke) a list of Methods. Each method call is invoked within the context
 * of an existing Session. If the Session is terminated, the results of the method’s execution cannot be
 * returned to the Client and are discarded. This is independent of the task actually performed at the
 * Server.
 * This Service provides for passing input and output arguments to/from a method. These arguments
 * are defined by Properties of the method.
 * @module services.call

 * extract from OPCUA Specification Part 4 Release 1.02 page 61:
 * 5.11 **Method Service Set**
 * 5.11.1 Overview
 *   Methods represent the function calls of Objects. They are defined in Part 3. Methods are invoked
 *   and return only after completion (successful or unsuccessful). Execution times for methods may
 *   vary, depending on the function that they perform.
 *   The Method Service Set defines the means to invoke methods. A method shall be a component of an
 *   Object. Discovery is provided through the Browse and Query Services. Clients discover the methods
 *   supported by a Server by browsing for the owning Objects References that identify their supported
 *   methods.
 *   Because Methods may control some aspect of plant operations, method invocation may depend on
 *   environmental or other conditions. This may be especially true when attempting to re -invoke a
 *   method immediately after it has completed execution. Conditions that are required to invoke the
 *   method might not yet have returned to the state that permits the method to start again.

module.exports = {

    Argument: require("./_generated_/_auto_generated_Argument").Argument,

     * @class CallMethodRequest
    CallMethodRequest: require("./_generated_/_auto_generated_CallMethodRequest").CallMethodRequest,
     * @class CallRequest
    CallRequest: require("./_generated_/_auto_generated_CallRequest").CallRequest,
     * @class CallMethodResult
    CallMethodResult: require("./_generated_/_auto_generated_CallMethodResult").CallMethodResult,
     * @class CallResponse
    CallResponse: require("./_generated_/_auto_generated_CallResponse").CallResponse
