"use strict";
* @module opcua.address_space
var assert = require("node-opcua-assert");
var util = require("util");
var BaseNode = require("./base_node").BaseNode;
var NodeClass = require("node-opcua-data-model").NodeClass;
var AttributeIds = require("node-opcua-data-model").AttributeIds;
var DataValue = require("node-opcua-data-value").DataValue;
var DataType = require("node-opcua-variant").DataType;
var StatusCodes = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCodes;
var SessionContext = require("./session_context").SessionContext;
var coerceLocalizedText = require("node-opcua-data-model").coerceLocalizedText;
var ReferenceTypeCounter=0;
* @class ReferenceType
* @extends BaseNode
* @param options
* @constructor
function ReferenceType(options) {
BaseNode.apply(this, arguments);
this.isAbstract = (options.isAbstract === null) ? false : options.isAbstract;
this.symmetric = (options.symmetric === null) ? false : options.symmetric;
this.inverseName = coerceLocalizedText(options.inverseName);
ReferenceTypeCounter +=1;
util.inherits(ReferenceType, BaseNode);
ReferenceType.prototype.nodeClass = NodeClass.ReferenceType;
* @method readAttribute
* @param attributeId {AttributeIds}
* @param [indexRange {NumericalRange}]
* @param [dataEncoding {String}]
* @return {DataValue}
ReferenceType.prototype.readAttribute = function (context, attributeId, indexRange, dataEncoding) {
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
var options = {};
switch (attributeId) {
case AttributeIds.IsAbstract:
options.value = {dataType: DataType.Boolean, value: this.isAbstract ? true : false};
options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
case AttributeIds.Symmetric:
options.value = {dataType: DataType.Boolean, value: this.symmetric ? true : false};
options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
case AttributeIds.InverseName: // LocalizedText
options.value = {dataType: DataType.LocalizedText, value: this.inverseName};
options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
return BaseNode.prototype.readAttribute.call(this, context, attributeId);
return new DataValue(options);
var tools = require("./tool_isSupertypeOf");
* returns true if self is a super type of baseType
* @method isSupertypeOf
* @param baseType {ReferenceType}
* @return {Boolean} true if self is a Subtype of baseType
* @example
ReferenceType.prototype.isSupertypeOf = tools.construct_isSupertypeOf(ReferenceType);
ReferenceType.prototype._slow_isSupertypeOf = tools.construct_slow_isSupertypeOf(ReferenceType);
ReferenceType.prototype.toString = function () {
var str = "";
str += this.isAbstract ? "A" : " ";
str += this.symmetric ? "S" : " ";
str += " " + this.browseName.toString() + "/" + this.inverseName.text + " ";
str += this.nodeId.toString();
return str;
function findAllSubTypes(referenceType) {
var addressSpace = referenceType.addressSpace;
var possibleReferenceTypes = [];
function _findAllSubType(referenceType) {
assert(referenceType.nodeClass === NodeClass.ReferenceType);
var references = referenceType.findReferences("HasSubtype", true);
references.forEach(function (_r) {
var subType = addressSpace.findNode(_r.nodeId);
return possibleReferenceTypes;
* returns a array of all ReferenceTypes in the addressSpace that are self or a subType of self
* @method getAllSubtypes
* @return {ReferenceType[]}
ReferenceType.prototype.getAllSubtypes = function() {
var _cache = BaseNode._getCache(this);
if (!_cache._allSubTypesVersion || _cache._allSubTypesVersion < ReferenceTypeCounter) {
_cache._allSubTypes = null;
if (!_cache._allSubTypes) {
_cache._allSubTypes = findAllSubTypes(this);
_cache._allSubTypesVersion = ReferenceTypeCounter;
return _cache._allSubTypes;
function _get_idx(referenceType) {
var possibleReferenceTypes = referenceType.getAllSubtypes();
// create a index of reference type with browseName as key for faster search
var keys = {};
keys[refType.browseName.toString()]= refType;
return keys;
ReferenceType.prototype.getSubtypeIndex = function() {
var _cache = BaseNode._getCache(this);
if (_cache._subtype_idxVersion < ReferenceTypeCounter) {
_cache._subtype_idx = null;
} else {
if (!_cache._subtype_idx) {
_cache._subtype_idx = _get_idx(this);
_cache._subtype_idxVersion = ReferenceTypeCounter;
return _cache._subtype_idx;
ReferenceType.prototype.is = function(referenceTypeString) {
return this.getSubtypeIndex().hasOwnProperty(referenceTypeString);
ReferenceType.prototype.install_extra_properties = function () {
exports.ReferenceType = ReferenceType;