"use strict";
 * @module opcua.address_space

var assert = require("node-opcua-assert");
var util = require("util");
var _ = require("underscore");

var utils = require("node-opcua-utils");
var NodeClass = require("node-opcua-data-model").NodeClass;
var AttributeIds = require("node-opcua-data-model").AttributeIds;
var extractRange = require("node-opcua-data-value").extractRange
var is_valid_dataEncoding = require("node-opcua-data-model").is_valid_dataEncoding;
var is_dataEncoding = require("node-opcua-data-model").is_dataEncoding;
var AccessLevelFlag = require("node-opcua-data-model").AccessLevelFlag;
var makeAccessLevel = require("node-opcua-data-model").makeAccessLevel;

var NodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").NodeId;

var DataValue = require("node-opcua-data-value").DataValue;
var sameDataValue = require("node-opcua-data-value").sameDataValue;

var Variant = require("node-opcua-variant").Variant;
var DataType = require("node-opcua-variant").DataType;
var VariantArrayType = require("node-opcua-variant").VariantArrayType;

var NumericRange = require("node-opcua-numeric-range").NumericRange;

var StatusCodes = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCodes;

var write_service = require("node-opcua-service-write");
var WriteValue = write_service.WriteValue;

var getCurrentClock = require("node-opcua-date-time").getCurrentClock;
var coerceClock = require("node-opcua-date-time").coerceClock;

var findBuiltInType = require("node-opcua-factory").findBuiltInType;

var BaseNode = require("./base_node").BaseNode;
var SessionContext = require("./session_context").SessionContext;

var debug = require("node-opcua-debug");
var debugLog = debug.make_debugLog(__filename);
var doDebug = debug.checkDebugFlag(__filename);

function isGoodish(statusCode) {
    return statusCode.value < 0x10000000;

function adjust_accessLevel(accessLevel) {
    accessLevel = utils.isNullOrUndefined(accessLevel) ? "CurrentRead | CurrentWrite" : accessLevel;
    accessLevel = makeAccessLevel(accessLevel);
    return accessLevel;

function adjust_userAccessLevel(userAccessLevel, accessLevel) {
    userAccessLevel = utils.isNullOrUndefined(userAccessLevel) ? "CurrentRead | CurrentWrite" : userAccessLevel;
    userAccessLevel = makeAccessLevel(userAccessLevel);
    accessLevel = utils.isNullOrUndefined(accessLevel) ? "CurrentRead | CurrentWrite" : accessLevel;
    accessLevel = makeAccessLevel(accessLevel);
    return makeAccessLevel(accessLevel.value & userAccessLevel.value);

function adjust_samplingInterval(minimumSamplingInterval) {
    return minimumSamplingInterval;

function is_Variant(v) {
    return v instanceof Variant;

function is_StatusCode(v) {
    return v && v.constructor &&
            v.constructor.name === "ConstantStatusCode" ||
            v.constructor.name === "StatusCode" ||
            v.constructor.name === "ModifiableStatusCode"

function is_Variant_or_StatusCode(v) {
    if (is_Variant(v)) {
        // /@@assert(v.isValid());
    return is_Variant(v) || is_StatusCode(v);

var UADataType = require("./ua_data_type").UADataType;

function _dataType_toUADataType(addressSpace, dataType) {

    assert(dataType && dataType.hasOwnProperty("key"));

    var dataTypeNode = addressSpace.findDataType(dataType.key);
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (!dataTypeNode) {
        throw new Error(" Cannot find DataType " + dataType.key + " in address Space");
    return dataTypeNode;

 * @param addressSpace
 * @param dataTypeNodeId : the nodeId matching the dataType of the destination variable.
 * @param variantDataType: the dataType of the variant to write to the destination variable
 * @param nodeId
 * @return {boolean} true if the variant dataType is compatible with the Variable DataType
function validateDataType(addressSpace, dataTypeNodeId, variantDataType, nodeId) {

    if (variantDataType === DataType.ExtensionObject) {
        return true;
    var builtInType, builtInUADataType;

    var destUADataType = addressSpace.findNode(dataTypeNodeId);
    assert(destUADataType instanceof UADataType);

    if (destUADataType.isAbstract) {
        builtInUADataType = destUADataType;
    } else {
        builtInType = findBuiltInType(destUADataType.browseName).name;
        builtInUADataType = addressSpace.findDataType(builtInType);
    assert(builtInUADataType instanceof UADataType);

    // The value supplied for the attribute is not of the same type as the  value.
    var variantUADataType = _dataType_toUADataType(addressSpace, variantDataType);
    assert(variantUADataType instanceof UADataType);

    var dest_isSuperTypeOf_variant = variantUADataType.isSupertypeOf(builtInUADataType);

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        if (dest_isSuperTypeOf_variant) {
            /* istanbul ignore next*/
            console.log(" ---------- Type match !!! ".green, " on ", nodeId.toString());
        } else {
            /* istanbul ignore next*/
            console.log(" ---------- Type mismatch ".red, " on ", nodeId.toString());
        console.log(" Variable data Type is    = ".cyan, destUADataType.browseName.toString());
        console.log(" which matches basic Type = ".cyan, builtInUADataType.browseName.toString());
        console.log("        Actual   dataType = ".yellow, variantUADataType.browseName.toString());

    return (dest_isSuperTypeOf_variant);


var sameVariant = require("node-opcua-variant").sameVariant;

 * A OPCUA Variable Node
 * @class UAVariable
 * @constructor
 * @extends  BaseNode
 * @param options  {Object}
 * @param options.value
 * @param options.browseName {string}
 * @param options.dataType   {NodeId|String}
 * @param options.valueRank  {Int32}
 * @param options.arrayDimensions {null|Array<Integer>}
 * @param options.accessLevel {AccessLevel}
 * @param options.userAccessLevel {AccessLevel}
 * @param [options.minimumSamplingInterval = -1]
 * @param [options.historizing = false] {Boolean}
 * @param [options.permissions]
 * @param options.parentNodeId {NodeId}
 *  The AccessLevel Attribute is used to indicate how the Value of a Variable can be accessed (read/write) and if it
 *  contains current and/or historic data. The AccessLevel does not take any user access rights into account,
 *  i.e. although the Variable is writable this may be restricted to a certain user / user group.
 *  The AccessLevel is an 8-bit unsigned integer with the structure defined in the following table:
 *  Field            Bit    Description
 *  CurrentRead      0      Indicates if the current value is readable
 *                          (0 means not readable, 1 means readable).
 *  CurrentWrite     1      Indicates if the current value is writable
 *                          (0 means not writable, 1 means writable).
 *  HistoryRead      2      Indicates if the history of the value is readable
 *                          (0 means not readable, 1 means readable).
 *  HistoryWrite     3      Indicates if the history of the value is writable (0 means not writable, 1 means writable).
 *  SemanticChange   4      Indicates if the Variable used as Property generates SemanticChangeEvents (see 9.31).
 *  Reserved         5:7    Reserved for future use. Shall always be zero.
 *  The first two bits also indicate if a current value of this Variable is available and the second two bits
 *  indicates if the history of the Variable is available via the OPC UA server.

function UAVariable(options) {

    var self = this;

    BaseNode.apply(this, arguments);

    // assert(self.typeDefinition.value === self.resolveNodeId("VariableTypeNode").value);

     * @property dataType
     * @type {NodeId}
    self.dataType = self.resolveNodeId(options.dataType);    // DataType (NodeId)
    assert(self.dataType instanceof NodeId);

     * @property valueRank
     * @type {number} UInt32
     * This Attribute indicates whether the Value Attribute of the Variable is an array and how many dimensions
     * the array has.
     * It may have the following values:
     *  n > 1:                      the Value is an array with the specified number of dimensions.
     *  OneDimension (1):           The value is an array with one dimension.
     *  OneOrMoreDimensions (0):    The value is an array with one or more dimensions.
     *  Scalar (?1):                The value is not an array.
     *  Any (?2):                   The value can be a scalar or an array with any number of dimensions.
     *  ScalarOrOneDimension (?3):  The value can be a scalar or a one dimensional array.
     *  NOTE All DataTypes are considered to be scalar, even if they have array-like semantics
     *  like ByteString and String.
    self.valueRank = options.valueRank || 0;  // UInt32
    assert(typeof self.valueRank === "number");

     * This Attribute specifies the length of each dimension for an array value. T
     * @property arrayDimensions
     * @type {number[]} UInt32
     * The Attribute is intended to describe the capability of the Variable, not the current size.
     * The number of elements shall be equal to the value of the ValueRank Attribute. Shall be null
     * if ValueRank ? 0.
     * A value of 0 for an individual dimension indicates that the dimension has a variable length.
     * For example, if a Variable is defined by the following C array:
     * Int32 myArray[346];
     *     then this Variables DataType would point to an Int32, the Variable�s ValueRank has the
     *     value 1 and the ArrayDimensions is an array with one entry having the value 346.
     *     Note that the maximum length of an array transferred on the wire is 2147483647 (max Int32)
     *     and a multidimentional array is encoded as a one dimensional array.
    self.arrayDimensions = options.arrayDimensions || null;
    assert(_.isNull(self.arrayDimensions) || _.isArray(self.arrayDimensions));

     * @property accessLevel
     * @type {number}
     * The AccessLevel Attribute is used to indicate how the Value of a Variable can be accessed 
     * (read/write) and if it contains current and/or historic data. The AccessLevel does not take 
     * any user access rights into account, i.e. although the Variable is writable this may be 
     * restricted to a certain user / user group. The AccessLevelType is defined in 8.57.
    self.accessLevel = adjust_accessLevel(options.accessLevel);

     * @property userAccessLevel
     * @type {number}
     * The UserAccessLevel Attribute is used to indicate how the Value of a Variable can be accessed 
     * (read/write) and if it contains current or historic data taking user access rights into account.
     * The AccessLevelType is defined in 8.57.
    self.userAccessLevel = adjust_userAccessLevel(options.userAccessLevel, options.accessLevel);

     * The MinimumSamplingInterval Attribute indicates how 'current' the Value of the Variable will
     * be kept.
     * @property minimumSamplingInterval
     * @type {number} [Optional]
     *  It specifies (in milliseconds) how fast the Server can reasonably sample the value
     * for changes (see Part 4 for a detailed description of sampling interval).
     * A MinimumSamplingInterval of 0 indicates that the Server is to monitor the item continuously.
     * A MinimumSamplingInterval of -1 means indeterminate.
    self.minimumSamplingInterval = adjust_samplingInterval(options.minimumSamplingInterval);

    self.parentNodeId = options.parentNodeId;

     * The Historizing Attribute indicates whether the Server is actively collecting data for the
     * history of the Variable.
     * @property historizing
     * @type {Boolean}
     *  This differs from the AccessLevel Attribute which identifies if the
     * Variable has any historical data. A value of TRUE indicates that the Server is actively
     * collecting data. A value of FALSE indicates the Server is not actively collecting data.
     * Default value is FALSE.
    self.historizing = !!options.historizing; // coerced to boolean

    self._dataValue = new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadWaitingForInitialData, value: {}});

    if (options.value) {

    if (options.permissions) {

    self.semantic_version = 0;

    self.permission = null;

util.inherits(UAVariable, BaseNode);
UAVariable.prototype.nodeClass = NodeClass.Variable;

 * @method isReadable
 * @param context  {SesionContext}
 * @return {boolean}
UAVariable.prototype.isReadable = function (context) {
    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    return this.accessLevel.has("CurrentRead");

 * @method isUserReadable
 * @param context  {SesionContext}
 * @return {boolean}
UAVariable.prototype.isUserReadable = function (context) {
    var self = this;
    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    if (context.checkPermission) {
        assert(context.checkPermission instanceof Function);
        return context.checkPermission(self, "CurrentRead");
    return this.userAccessLevel.has("CurrentRead");

 * @method isWritable
 * @param context {SessionContext}
 * @return {boolean}
UAVariable.prototype.isWritable = function (context) {
    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    return this.accessLevel.has("CurrentWrite");

 * @method isUserWritable
 * @param context {SessionContext}
 * @return {boolean}
UAVariable.prototype.isUserWritable = function (context) {
    var self = this;
    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    if (context.checkPermission) {
        assert(context.checkPermission instanceof Function);
        return context.checkPermission(self, "CurrentWrite");
    return this.userAccessLevel.has("CurrentWrite");

 * @method readValue
 * @param [context] {SessionContext}
 * @param [indexRange] {NumericRange|null}
 * @param [dataEncoding] {String}
 * @return {DataValue}
 * from OPC.UA.Spec 1.02 part 4
 * StatusCodes
 *  Table 51 defines values for the operation level statusCode contained in the DataValue structure of
 *  each values element. Common StatusCodes are defined in Table 166.
 * Table 51 Read Operation Level Result Codes
 *  Symbolic Id                 Description
 *  BadNodeIdInvalid            The syntax of the node id is not valid.
 *  BadNodeIdUnknown            The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space.
 *  BadAttributeIdInvalid       Bad_AttributeIdInvalid The attribute is not supported for the specified node.
 *  BadIndexRangeInvalid        The syntax of the index range parameter is invalid.
 *  BadIndexRangeNoData         No data exists within the range of indexes specified.
 *  BadDataEncodingInvalid      The data encoding is invalid.
 *                              This result is used if no dataEncoding can be applied because an Attribute other than
 *                              Value was requested or the DataType of the Value Attribute is not a subtype of the
 *                              Structure DataType.
 *  BadDataEncodingUnsupported  The server does not support the requested data encoding for the node.
 *                              This result is used if a dataEncoding can be applied but the passed data encoding is not
 *                              known to the Server.
 *  BadNotReadable              The access level does not allow reading or subscribing to the Node.
 *  BadUserAccessDenied         User does not have permission to perform the requested operation. (table 165)
UAVariable.prototype.readValue = function (context, indexRange, dataEncoding) {

    if (!context) {
        context = SessionContext.defaultContext;
    var self = this;

    if (!self.isReadable(context)) {
        return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNotReadable});
    if (!self.isUserReadable(context)) {
        return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied});
    if (!is_valid_dataEncoding(dataEncoding)) {
        return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadDataEncodingInvalid});

    if (self._timestamped_get_func) {
        assert(self._timestamped_get_func.length === 0);
        self._dataValue = self._timestamped_get_func();

    var dataValue = self._dataValue;

    if (isGoodish(dataValue.statusCode)) {

        dataValue = extractRange(dataValue, indexRange);

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (dataValue.statusCode.equals(StatusCodes.BadWaitingForInitialData)) {
        debugLog(" Warning:  UAVariable#readValue ".red + self.browseName.toString().cyan + " (" + self.nodeId.toString().yellow + ") exists but dataValue has not been defined");
    return dataValue;

UAVariable.prototype._getEnumValues = function () {

    var self = this;
    // DataType must be one of Enumeration
    var dataTypeNode = self.addressSpace.findDataType(self.dataType);

    var enumerationNode = self.addressSpace.findDataType("Enumeration");

    return dataTypeNode._getDefinition();

UAVariable.prototype.readEnumValue = function readEnumValue() {

    var self = this;
    var indexes = self._getEnumValues();
    var value = self.readValue().value.value;
    return {value: value, name: indexes.valueIndex[value].name};

 * @method writeEnumValue
 * @param value {String|Number}
UAVariable.prototype.writeEnumValue = function writeEnumValue(value) {

    var self = this;
    var indexes = self._getEnumValues();

    if (_.isString(value)) {

        if (!indexes.nameIndex.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
            throw new Error("UAVariable#writeEnumValue: cannot find value " + value);
        var valueIndex = indexes.nameIndex[value].value;
        value = valueIndex;
    if (_.isFinite(value)) {

        if (!indexes.valueIndex[value]) {
            throw new Error("UAVariable#writeEnumValue : value out of range", value);
        self.setValueFromSource({dataType: DataType.Int32, value: value});
    } else {
        throw new Error("UAVariable#writeEnumValue:  value type mismatch");

UAVariable.prototype._readDataType = function () {
    assert(this.dataType instanceof NodeId);
    var options = {
        value: {dataType: DataType.NodeId, value: this.dataType},
        statusCode: StatusCodes.Good
    return new DataValue(options);

UAVariable.prototype._readValueRank = function () {
    assert(typeof this.valueRank === "number");
    var options = {
        value: {dataType: DataType.Int32, value: this.valueRank},
        statusCode: StatusCodes.Good
    return new DataValue(options);

UAVariable.prototype._readArrayDimensions = function () {
    assert(_.isArray(this.arrayDimensions) || this.arrayDimensions === null);
    var options = {
        value: {dataType: DataType.UInt32, arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array, value: this.arrayDimensions},
        statusCode: StatusCodes.Good
    return new DataValue(options);

UAVariable.prototype._readAccessLevel = function (context) {
    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    var options = {
        value: {dataType: DataType.Byte, value: AccessLevelFlag.toByte(this.accessLevel)},
        statusCode: StatusCodes.Good
    return new DataValue(options);

UAVariable.prototype._readUserAccessLevel = function (context) {
    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    var options = {
        value: {dataType: DataType.Byte, value: AccessLevelFlag.toByte(this.userAccessLevel)},
        statusCode: StatusCodes.Good
    return new DataValue(options);

UAVariable.prototype._readMinimumSamplingInterval = function () {
    // expect a Duration => Double
    var options = {};
    if (this.minimumSamplingInterval === undefined) {
        options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid;
    } else {
        options.value = {dataType: DataType.Double, value: this.minimumSamplingInterval};
        options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
    return new DataValue(options);

UAVariable.prototype._readHistorizing = function () {
    assert(typeof(this.historizing) === "boolean");
    var options = {
        value: {dataType: DataType.Boolean, value: !!this.historizing},
        statusCode: StatusCodes.Good
    return new DataValue(options);

 * @method readAttribute
 * @param  context      {SessionContext}
 * @param  attributeId {AttributeIds} the attributeId to read
 * @param  indexRange {NumericRange | null}
 * @param  dataEncoding {String}
 * @return {DataValue}
UAVariable.prototype.readAttribute = function (context, attributeId, indexRange, dataEncoding) {

    if (!context) {
        context = SessionContext.defaultContext;
    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);

    var options = {};

    if (attributeId !== AttributeIds.Value) {
        if (indexRange && indexRange.isDefined()) {
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadIndexRangeNoData;
            return new DataValue(options);
        if (is_dataEncoding(dataEncoding)) {
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadDataEncodingInvalid;
            return new DataValue(options);

    switch (attributeId) {
        case AttributeIds.Value:
            return this.readValue(context, indexRange, dataEncoding);

        case AttributeIds.DataType:
            return this._readDataType();

        case AttributeIds.ValueRank:
            return this._readValueRank();

        case AttributeIds.ArrayDimensions:
            return this._readArrayDimensions();

        case AttributeIds.AccessLevel:
            return this._readAccessLevel(context);

        case AttributeIds.UserAccessLevel:
            return this._readUserAccessLevel(context);

        case AttributeIds.MinimumSamplingInterval:
            return this._readMinimumSamplingInterval();

        case AttributeIds.Historizing:
            return this._readHistorizing();

            return BaseNode.prototype.readAttribute.call(this, context, attributeId);


UAVariable.prototype._validate_DataType = function (variantDataType) {

    return validateDataType(this.addressSpace, this.dataType, variantDataType, this.nodeId);

function check_valid_array(dataType, array) {
    if (_.isArray(array)) {
        return true;
    switch (dataType) {
        case DataType.Double:
            return array instanceof Float64Array;
        case DataType.Float:
            return array instanceof Float32Array;
        case DataType.Int32:
            return array instanceof Int32Array;
        case DataType.Int16:
            return array instanceof Int16Array;
        case DataType.SByte:
            return array instanceof Int8Array;
        case DataType.UInt32:
            return array instanceof Uint32Array;
        case DataType.UInt16:
            return array instanceof Uint16Array;
        case DataType.Byte:
            return array instanceof Uint8Array || array instanceof Buffer;
    return false;

 * setValueFromSource is used to let the device sets the variable values
 * this method also records the current time as sourceTimestamp and serverTimestamp.
 * the method broadcasts an "value_changed" event
 * @method setValueFromSource
 * @param variant  {Variant}
 * @param [statusCode  {StatusCode} = StatusCodes.Good]
 * @param [sourceTimestamp= Now]
UAVariable.prototype.setValueFromSource = function (variant, statusCode, sourceTimestamp) {
    var self = this;

    // istanbul ignore next
    if (variant.hasOwnProperty("value")) {
        if (!variant.dataType) {
            throw new Error("Variant must provide a valid dataType" + variant.toString());

    // if (variant.hasOwnProperty("value")) {
    //     if (variant.dataType === DataType.UInt32) {
    //         if (!_.isFinite(variant.value)) {
    //             throw new Error("Expecting an number");
    //         }
    //     }
    // }

    variant = Variant.coerce(variant);

    var now = coerceClock(sourceTimestamp, 0);

    var dataValue = new DataValue({
        sourceTimestamp: now.timestamp,
        sourcePicoseconds: now.picoseconds,
        serverTimestamp: now.timestamp,
        serverPicoseconds: now.picoseconds,
        statusCode: statusCode || StatusCodes.Good
    dataValue.value = variant;
    self._internal_set_dataValue(dataValue, null);

function _apply_default_timestamps(dataValue) {
    var now = getCurrentClock();
    assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);

    if (!dataValue.sourceTimestamp) {
        dataValue.sourceTimestamp = now.timestamp;
        dataValue.sourcePicoseconds = now.picoseconds;
    if (!dataValue.serverTimestamp) {
        dataValue.serverTimestamp = now.timestamp;
        dataValue.serverPicoseconds = now.picoseconds;

 * @method isValueInRange
 * note:
 *     this method is overridden in address-space-data-access
 * @return {StatusCode}
UAVariable.prototype.isValueInRange = function () {

    return StatusCodes.Good;

function adjustVariant(uaVariable, variant) {

    var self = uaVariable;

    // convert Variant( Scalar|ByteString) =>  Variant(Array|ByteArray)
    var addressSpace = self.addressSpace;

    var basicType = addressSpace.findCorrespondingBasicDataType(uaVariable.dataType);

    if (basicType === DataType.Byte && uaVariable.valueRank === 1) {
        if (variant.arrayType === VariantArrayType.Scalar && variant.dataType === DataType.ByteString) {

            if ((uaVariable.dataType.value === DataType.Byte.value) && (self.dataType.namespace === 0)) { // Byte
                variant.arrayType = VariantArrayType.Array;
                variant.dataType = DataType.Byte;
                assert(variant.dataType === DataType.Byte);
                assert(!variant.value || variant.value instanceof Buffer);
    if (basicType === DataType.ByteString && uaVariable.valueRank === -1 /* Scalar*/) {

        if (variant.arrayType === VariantArrayType.Array && variant.dataType === DataType.Byte) {
            if ((self.dataType.value === DataType.ByteString.value) && (self.dataType.namespace === 0)) { // Byte
                variant.arrayType = VariantArrayType.Scalar;
                variant.dataType = DataType.ByteString;
                assert(variant.dataType === DataType.ByteString);
                assert(!variant.value || variant.value instanceof Buffer);

    return variant;


 * @method writeValue
 * @param context {SessionContext}
 * @param dataValue {DataValue}
 * @param [indexRange] {NumericRange}
 * @param callback {Function}
 * @param callback.err {Error|null}
 * @param callback.statusCode {StatusCode}
 * @async
UAVariable.prototype.writeValue = function (context, dataValue, indexRange, callback) {

    var self = this;
    if (!context) {
        context = SessionContext.defaultContext;
    if (!dataValue.sourceTimestamp) {
        if (context.currentTime) {
            dataValue.sourceTimestamp = context.currentTime;
            dataValue.sourcePicoseconds = 0;
        } else {
            var clock = getCurrentClock();
            dataValue.sourceTimestamp = clock.timestamp;
            dataValue.sourcePicoseconds = clock.picoseconds;

    if (context.currentTime && !dataValue.serverTimestamp) {
        dataValue.serverTimestamp = context.currentTime;
        dataValue.serverPicoseconds = 0;

    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);

    // adjust arguments if optional indexRange Parameter is not given
    if (!_.isFunction(callback) && _.isFunction(indexRange)) {
        callback = indexRange;
        indexRange = new NumericRange();
    assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);

    indexRange = NumericRange.coerce(indexRange);

    // test write permission
    if (!self.isWritable(context)) {
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
    if (!self.isUserWritable(context)) {
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied);

    // adjust special case
    var variant = adjustVariant(self, dataValue.value);

    var statusCode = self.isValueInRange(variant);
    if (statusCode.isNot(StatusCodes.Good)) {
        return callback(null, statusCode);

    if (!self._timestamped_set_func) {
        console.log(" warning " + self.nodeId.toString() + " has no _timestamped_set_func");
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);


    self._timestamped_set_func(dataValue, indexRange, function (err, statusCode, correctedDataValue) {

        if (!err) {

            correctedDataValue = correctedDataValue || dataValue;
            assert(correctedDataValue instanceof DataValue);
            //xx assert(correctedDataValue.serverTimestamp);

            if (indexRange && !indexRange.isEmpty()) {

                if (!indexRange.isValid()) {
                    return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadIndexRangeInvalid);

                var newArr = correctedDataValue.value.value;
                // check that source data is an array
                if (correctedDataValue.value.arrayType !== VariantArrayType.Array) {
                    return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadTypeMismatch);

                // check that destination data is also an array
                assert(check_valid_array(self._dataValue.value.dataType, self._dataValue.value.value));
                var destArr = self._dataValue.value.value;
                var result = indexRange.set_values(destArr, newArr);

                if (result.statusCode.isNot(StatusCodes.Good)) {
                    return callback(null, result.statusCode);
                correctedDataValue.value.value = result.array;

                // scrap original array so we detect range
                self._dataValue.value.value = null;
            self._internal_set_dataValue(correctedDataValue, indexRange);
            //xx self._dataValue = correctedDataValue;
        callback(err, statusCode);
 * @method writeAttribute
 * @param context                 {SessionContext}
 * @param writeValue              {WriteValue}
 * @param writeValue.nodeId       {NodeId}
 * @param writeValue.attributeId  {AttributeId}*
 * @param writeValue.value        {DataValue}
 * @param writeValue.indexRange   {NumericRange}
 * @param callback                {Function}
 * @param callback.err            {Error|null}
 * @param callback.statusCode     {StatusCode}
 * @async
UAVariable.prototype.writeAttribute = function (context, writeValue, callback) {

    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    assert(writeValue instanceof WriteValue);
    assert(writeValue.value instanceof DataValue);
    assert(writeValue.value.value instanceof Variant);

    // Spec 1.0.2 Part 4 page 58
    // If the SourceTimestamp or the ServerTimestamp is specified, the Server shall
    // use these values.

    //xx _apply_default_timestamps(writeValue.value);

    switch (writeValue.attributeId) {
        case AttributeIds.Value:
            this.writeValue(context, writeValue.value, writeValue.indexRange, callback);
        case AttributeIds.Historizing:
            if (!writeValue.value.value.dataType === DataType.Boolean) {
                return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotSupported)
            // if the uavariable has no historization in place reject
            if (!this["hA Configuration"]) {
                return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotSupported)
            // check if user is allowed to do that !
            // TODO

            this.historizing = !!writeValue.value.value.value; // yes ! indeed !

            return callback(null, StatusCodes.Good);
            BaseNode.prototype.writeAttribute.call(this, context, writeValue, callback);

function _not_writable_timestamped_set_func(dataValue, callback) {
    assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);
    callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable, null);

function _default_writable_timestamped_set_func(dataValue, callback) {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue);
    callback(null, StatusCodes.Good, dataValue);

function turn_sync_to_async(f, numberOfArgs) {
    if (f.length <= numberOfArgs) {
        return function (data, callback) {
            var r = f.call(this,data);
            setImmediate(function () {
                return callback(null, r);
    } else {
        assert(f.length === numberOfArgs + 1);
        return f;

var _default_minimumSamplingInterval = 1000;

// variation #3 :
function _Variable_bind_with_async_refresh(options) {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    var self = this;
    assert(self instanceof UAVariable);

    assert(!options.get, "a getter shall not be specified when refreshFunc is set");
    assert(!options.timestamped_get, "a getter shall not be specified when refreshFunc is set");


    self.refreshFunc = options.refreshFunc;

    function coerceDataValue(dataValue) {
        if (dataValue instanceof DataValue) {
            return dataValue;
        return new DataValue(dataValue);

    self.asyncRefresh = function (callback) {

        self.refreshFunc.call(self, function (err, dataValue) {
            if (err || !dataValue) {
                dataValue = {statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNoDataAvailable};
            dataValue = coerceDataValue(dataValue);
            self._internal_set_dataValue(dataValue, null);
            callback(err, self._dataValue);

    //assert(self._dataValue.statusCode === StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown);
    self._dataValue.statusCode = StatusCodes.UncertainInitialValue;

    if (false && self.minimumSamplingInterval === 0) {
        // when a getter /timestamped_getter or async_getter is provided
        // samplingInterval cannot be 0, as the item value must be scanned to be updated.
        self.minimumSamplingInterval = _default_minimumSamplingInterval; // MonitoredItem.minimumSamplingInterval;
        debugLog("adapting minimumSamplingInterval on " + self.browseName.toString() + " to " + self.minimumSamplingInterval);


// variation 2
function _Variable_bind_with_timestamped_get(options) {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    var self = this;
    assert(self instanceof UAVariable);
    assert(!options.get, "should not specify 'get' when 'timestamped_get' exists ");

    function async_refresh_func(callback) {
        var dataValue = self._timestamped_get_func();
        callback(null, dataValue);

    if (options.timestamped_get.length === 0) {
        // sync version
        self._timestamped_get_func = options.timestamped_get;

        var dataValue_verify = self._timestamped_get_func();
        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (!(dataValue_verify instanceof DataValue)) {
            console.log(" Bind variable error: ".red, " : the timestamped_get function must return a DataValue");
            console.log("value_check.constructor.name ", dataValue_verify ? dataValue_verify.constructor.name : "null");
            throw new Error(" Bind variable error: ".red, " : the timestamped_get function must return a DataValue");
        _Variable_bind_with_async_refresh.call(self, {refreshFunc: async_refresh_func});

    } else if (options.timestamped_get.length === 1) {

        _Variable_bind_with_async_refresh.call(self, {refreshFunc: options.timestamped_get});

    } else {
        throw new Error("timestamped_get has a invalid number of argument , should be 0 or 1  ");


// variation 1
function _Variable_bind_with_simple_get(options) {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    var self = this;
    assert(self instanceof UAVariable);
    assert(_.isFunction(options.get), "should specify get function");
    assert(options.get.length === 0, "get function should not have arguments");
    assert(!options.timestamped_get, "should not specify a timestamped_get function when get is specified");

    self._get_func = options.get;

    function timestamped_get_func_from__Variable_bind_with_simple_get() {

        var value = self._get_func();

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (!is_Variant_or_StatusCode(value)) {
            console.log(" Bind variable error: ".red, " : the getter must return a Variant or a StatusCode");
            console.log("value_check.constructor.name ", value ? value.constructor.name : "null");
            throw new Error(" bindVariable : the value getter function returns a invalid result ( expecting a Variant or a StatusCode !!!");
        if (is_StatusCode(value)) {
            return new DataValue({statusCode: value});

        } else {
            if (!self._dataValue || !isGoodish(self._dataValue.statusCode) || !sameVariant(self._dataValue.value, value)) {

                self.setValueFromSource(value, StatusCodes.Good);
            } else {
                //XXXY console.log("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY".red,self.browseName.toString());
            return self._dataValue;

    _Variable_bind_with_timestamped_get.call(self, {timestamped_get: timestamped_get_func_from__Variable_bind_with_simple_get});

function _Variable_bind_with_simple_set(options) {
    /* jshint validthis: true */
    var self = this;
    assert(self instanceof UAVariable);
    assert(_.isFunction(options.set), "should specify set function");
    assert(!options.timestamped_set, "should not specify a timestamped_set function");


    self._set_func = turn_sync_to_async(options.set, 1);
    assert(self._set_func.length === 2, " set function must have 2 arguments ( variant, callback)");

    self._timestamped_set_func = function (timestamped_value, indexRange, callback) {
        assert(timestamped_value instanceof DataValue);
        self._set_func(timestamped_value.value, function (err, statusCode) {
            callback(err, statusCode, timestamped_value);

function _Variable_bind_with_timestamped_set(options) {

    /* jshint validthis: true */
    var self = this;
    assert(self instanceof UAVariable);
    assert(options.timestamped_set.length === 2, "timestamped_set must have 2 parameters  timestamped_set: function(dataValue,callback){}");
    assert(!options.set, "should not specify set when timestamped_set_func exists ");
    self._timestamped_set_func = function (dataValue, indexRange, callback) {
        //xx assert(!indexRange,"indexRange Not Implemented");
        return options.timestamped_set.call(self, dataValue, callback);

function bind_setter(self, options) {

    if (_.isFunction(options.set)) {                                    // variation 1
        _Variable_bind_with_simple_set.call(self, options);

    } else if (_.isFunction(options.timestamped_set)) {                 // variation 2
        assert(_.isFunction(options.timestamped_get, "timestamped_set must be used with timestamped_get "));
        _Variable_bind_with_timestamped_set.call(self, options);

    } else if (_.isFunction(options.timestamped_get)) {
        // timestamped_get is  specified but timestamped_set is not
        // => Value is read-only
        _Variable_bind_with_timestamped_set.call(self, {timestamped_set: _not_writable_timestamped_set_func});

    } else {
        _Variable_bind_with_timestamped_set.call(self, {timestamped_set: _default_writable_timestamped_set_func});

function bind_getter(self, options) {

    if (_.isFunction(options.get)) {                                   // variation 1
        _Variable_bind_with_simple_get.call(self, options);

    } else if (_.isFunction(options.timestamped_get)) {                // variation 2
        _Variable_bind_with_timestamped_get.call(self, options);

    } else if (_.isFunction(options.refreshFunc)) {                     // variation 3
        _Variable_bind_with_async_refresh.call(self, options);

    } else {

        assert(!options.set, "getter is missing : a getter must be provided if a setter is provided");
        //xx bind_variant.call(self,options);

 * @method touchValue
 * touch the source timestamp of a Variable and cascade up the change
 * to the parent variable if any.
 * @param [optionalNow=null] {Object}
 * @param optionalNow.timestamp    {Date}
 * @param optionalNow.picoseconds  {Number}
UAVariable.prototype.touchValue = function (optionalNow) {
    var variable = this;
    var now = optionalNow || getCurrentClock();
    variable._dataValue.sourceTimestamp = now.timestamp;
    variable._dataValue.sourcePicoseconds = now.picoseconds;
    variable._dataValue.serverTimestamp = now.timestamp;
    variable._dataValue.serverPicoseconds = now.picoseconds;

    variable._dataValue.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;

    if (variable.minimumSamplingInterval === 0) {
        //xx console.log("xxx touchValue = ",variable.browseName.toString(),variable._dataValue.value.value);
        if (variable.listenerCount("value_changed") > 0) {
            var clonedDataValue = variable.readValue();
            variable.emit("value_changed", clonedDataValue);
    if (variable.parent && variable.parent.nodeClass == NodeClass.Variable) {

UAVariable.prototype._internal_set_dataValue = function (dataValue, indexRange) {

    var self = this;
    assert(dataValue, "expecting a dataValue");
    assert(dataValue instanceof DataValue, "expecting dataValue to be a DataValue");
    assert(dataValue !== self.__dataValue, "expecting dataValue to be different from previous DataValue instance");

    var old_dataValue = self._dataValue;

    self._dataValue = dataValue;
    self._dataValue.statusCode = self._dataValue.statusCode || StatusCodes.Good;

    // repair missing timestamps
    if (!dataValue.serverTimestamp) {
        self._dataValue.serverTimestamp = old_dataValue.serverTimestamp;
        self._dataValue.serverPicoseconds = old_dataValue.serverPicoseconds;
    if (!dataValue.sourceTimestamp) {
        self._dataValue.sourceTimestamp = old_dataValue.sourceTimestamp;
        self._dataValue.sourcePicoseconds = old_dataValue.sourcePicoseconds;

    // if (dataValue.value.arrayType ===VariantArrayType.Array) {
    //     console.log("xxxx UAVariable emit value_changed ??".bgRed, old_dataValue.value.toString(),dataValue.value.toString());
    // }
    if (!sameDataValue(old_dataValue, dataValue)) {
        //xx if(this.nodeId.toString()=== "ns=411;s=Scalar_Static_Int32") {
        //xx     console.log("UAVariable emit value_changed");
        //xx }
        self.emit("value_changed", self._dataValue, indexRange);

 * bind a variable with a get and set functions.
 * @method bindVariable
 * @param options
 * @param [options.dataType=null]   {DataType} the nodeId of the dataType
 * @param [options.accessLevel]     {Number} AccessLevelFlagItem
 * @param [options.userAccessLevel] {Number} AccessLevelFlagItem
 * @param [options.set]             {Function} the variable setter function
 * @param [options.get]             {Function} the variable getter function. the function must return a Variant or a status code
 * @param [options.timestamped_get] {Function} the getter function. this function must return a object with the following
 * @param [options.historyRead]     {Function}
 *  properties:
 *    - value: a Variant or a status code
 *    - sourceTimestamp
 *    - sourcePicoseconds
 * @param [options.timestamped_set] {Function}
 * @param [options.refreshFunc] {Function} the variable asynchronous getter function.
 * @param [overwrite {Boolean} = false] set overwrite to true to overwrite existing binding
 * @return void
 * ### Providing read access to the underlying value
 * #### Variation 1
 * In this variation, the user provides a function that returns a Variant with the current value.
 * The sourceTimestamp will be set automatically.
 * The get function is called synchronously.
 * @example
 * ```javascript
 *     ...
 *     var options =  {
 *       get : function() {
 *          return new Variant({...});
 *       },
 *       set : function(variant) {
 *          // store the variant somewhere
 *          return StatusCodes.Good;
 *       }
 *    };
 *    ...
 *    engine.bindVariable(nodeId,options):
 *    ...
 * ```
 * #### Variation 2:
 * This variation can be used when the user wants to specify a specific '''sourceTimestamp''' associated
 * with the current value of the UAVariable.
 * The provided ```timestamped_get``` function should return an object with three properties:
 * * value: containing the variant value or a error StatusCode,
 * * sourceTimestamp
 * * sourcePicoseconds
 * ```javascript
 * ...
 * var myDataValue = new DataValue({
 *   value: {dataType: DataType.Double , value: 10.0},
 *   sourceTimestamp : new Date(),
 *   sourcePicoseconds: 0
 * });
 * ...
 * var options =  {
 *   timestamped_get : function() { return myDataValue;  }
 * };
 * ...
 * engine.bindVariable(nodeId,options):
 * ...
 * // record a new value
 * myDataValue.value.value = 5.0;
 * myDataValue.sourceTimestamp = new Date();
 * ...
 * ```
 * #### Variation 3:
 * This variation can be used when the value associated with the variables requires a asynchronous function call to be
 * extracted. In this case, the user should provide an async method ```refreshFunc```.
 * The ```refreshFunc``` shall do whatever is necessary to fetch the most up to date version of the variable value, and
 * call the ```callback``` function when the data is ready.
 * The ```callback``` function follow the standard callback function signature:
 * * the first argument shall be **null** or **Error**, depending of the outcome of the fetch operation,
 * * the second argument shall be a DataValue with the new UAVariable Value,  a StatusCode, and time stamps.
 * Optionally, it is possible to pass a sourceTimestamp and a sourcePicoseconds value as a third and fourth arguments
 * of the callback. When sourceTimestamp and sourcePicoseconds are missing, the system will set their default value
 * to the current time..
 * ```javascript
 * ...
 * var options =  {
 *    refreshFunc : function(callback) {
 *      ... do_some_async_stuff_to_get_the_new_variable_value
 *      var dataValue = new DataValue({
 *          value: new Variant({...}),
 *          statusCode: StatusCodes.Good,
 *          sourceTimestamp: new Date()
 *      });
 *      callback(null,dataValue);
 *    }
 * };
 * ...
 * variable.bindVariable(nodeId,options):
 * ...
 * ```
 * ### Providing write access to the underlying value
 * #### Variation1 - provide a simple synchronous set function
 * #### Notes
 *   to do : explain return StatusCodes.GoodCompletesAsynchronously;

UAVariable.prototype.setPermissions = function (permissions) {
    this._permissions = permissions;

UAVariable.prototype.bindVariable = function (options, overwrite) {

    var self = this;

    if (overwrite) {
        self._timestamped_set_func = null;
        self._timestamped_get_func = null;
        self._get_func = null;
        self._set_func = null;
        self.asyncRefresh = null;
        self.refreshFunc = null;
        self._historyRead = null;
    options = options || {};

    assert(!_.isFunction(self._timestamped_set_func), "UAVariable already bounded");
    assert(!_.isFunction(self._timestamped_get_func), "UAVariable already bounded");
    bind_getter(self, options);
    bind_setter(self, options);
    if (options.historyRead) {

        self._historyRead = options.historyRead;
        assert(self._historyRead.length === 6);
    assert(self._timestamped_set_func.length === 3);

 * @method readValueAsync
 * @param context {SessionContext}
 * @param callback {Function}
 * @param callback.err   {null|Error}
 * @param callback.dataValue {DataValue|null} the value read
 * @async
UAVariable.prototype.readValueAsync = function (context, callback) {

    var self = this;

    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
    assert(callback instanceof Function);

    self.__waiting_callbacks = self.__waiting_callbacks || [];

    var _readValueAsync_in_progress = self.__waiting_callbacks.length >= 2;
    if (_readValueAsync_in_progress) {

    function readImmediate(callback) {
        assert(self._dataValue instanceof DataValue);
        var dataValue = this.readValue();
        callback(null, dataValue);

    var func = null;
    if (!self.isReadable(context)) {
        func = function (callback) {
            var dataValue = new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNotReadable});
            callback(null, dataValue);
    } else if (!self.isUserReadable(context)) {
        func = function (callback) {
            var dataValue = new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied});
            callback(null, dataValue);
    } else {
        func = _.isFunction(self.asyncRefresh) ? self.asyncRefresh : readImmediate;

    function satisfy_callbacks(err, dataValue) {
        // now call all pending callbacks
        var callbacks = self.__waiting_callbacks;
        self.__waiting_callbacks = [];
        var i = 0, n = callbacks.length, callback;
        for (; i < n; i++) {
            callback = callbacks[i];
            callback.call(self, err, dataValue);

    try {
        func.call(this, satisfy_callbacks);
    catch (err) {
        // istanbul ignore next
        console.log("func readValueAsync has failed ".red);
        console.log(" stack", err.stack);

UAVariable.prototype.getWriteMask = function () {
    return BaseNode.prototype.getWriteMask.call(this);

UAVariable.prototype.getUserWriteMask = function () {
    return BaseNode.prototype.getUserWriteMask.call(this);

UAVariable.prototype.clone = function (options, optionalfilter, extraInfo) {

    var self = this;
    options = options || {};
    options = _.extend(_.clone(options), {
        eventNotifier: self.eventNotifier,
        symbolicName: self.symbolicName,
        //xx value:                self.value,
        dataType: self.dataType,
        valueRank: self.valueRank,
        arrayDimensions: self.arrayDimensions,
        accessLevel: self.accessLevel,
        userAccessLevel: self.userAccessLevel,
        minimumSamplingInterval: self.minimumSamplingInterval,
        historizing: self.historizing
    var newVariable = self._clone(UAVariable, options, optionalfilter, extraInfo);


    assert(newVariable.dataType === self.dataType);
    newVariable._dataValue = self._dataValue.clone();
    return newVariable;


var lowerFirstLetter = require("node-opcua-utils").lowerFirstLetter;

function w(str, n) {
    return (str + "                                                              ").substr(0, n);

function _getter(target, key/*, receiver*/) {
    if (target[key] === undefined) {
        return undefined;
    return target[key];

function _setter(variable, target, key, value/*, receiver*/) {
    target[key] = value;
    if (variable[key] && variable[key].touchValue) {
    return true; // true means the set operation has succeeded

function makeHandler(variable) {
    var handler = {
        get: _getter,
        set: _setter.bind(null, variable)
    return handler;

UAVariable.prototype.getDataTypeNode = function () {
    var self = this;
    var addressSpace = self.addressSpace;
    var dt = addressSpace.findNode(self.dataType);
    // istanbul ignore next
    if (!dt) {
        throw new Error("cannot find dataType " + self.dataType.toString());
    return dt;

UAVariable.prototype.__defineGetter__("dataTypeObj", function () {
    var self = this;
    return self.getDataTypeNode();

 * @method bindExtensionObject
 * @param  [optionalExtensionObject=null] {ExtensionObject}
 * @return {ExtensionObject}
UAVariable.prototype.bindExtensionObject = function (optionalExtensionObject) {

    var self = this;
    var addressSpace = self.addressSpace;
    var structure = addressSpace.findDataType("Structure");
    if (!structure) {
        // the addressSpace is limited and doesn't provide extension object
        // bindExtensionObject cannot be performed and shall finish here.
        return null;

    if (doDebug) {
        console.log(" ------------------------------ binging ",self.browseName.toString(),self.nodeId.toString());
    assert(structure && structure.browseName.toString() === "Structure",
        "expecting DataType Structure to be in AddressSpace");

    var dt = self.getDataTypeNode();
    if (!dt.isSupertypeOf(structure)) {
        return null;

    var Constructor;

    // -------------------- make sure we do not bind a variable twice ....
    if (self.$extensionObject) {
        assert(utils.isNullOrUndefined(optionalExtensionObject), "unsupported case");
        Constructor = addressSpace.getExtensionObjectConstructor(self.dataType);
        var extensionObject_ = self.readValue().value.value;
        assert(extensionObject_.constructor.name === Constructor.name);
        assert(self.$extensionObject.constructor.name === Constructor.name);
        return self.$extensionObject;
        // throw new Error("Variable already bounded");
    self.$extensionObject = optionalExtensionObject;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    function prepareVariantValue(dataType, value) {
        if ((dataType === DataType.Int32 || dataType === DataType.UInt32) && value && value.key) {
            value = value.value;
        return value;

    function bindProperty(property, name, extensionObject, dataTypeNodeId) {

        var dataType = DataType.get(dataTypeNodeId.value);

        property.setValueFromSource(new Variant({
            dataType: dataType,
            value: prepareVariantValue(dataType, self.$extensionObject[name])


            timestamped_get: function () {
                var value = prepareVariantValue(dataType, self.$extensionObject[name]);
                property._dataValue.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
                property._dataValue.value.value = value;
                var d = new DataValue(property._dataValue);
                return d;
            timestamped_set: function (dataValue, callback) {
                callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
        }, true);

    var components = self.getComponents();

    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // make sure we have a structure
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    var s = self.readValue();

    if (s.value && s.value.dataType === DataType.Null) {

        // create a structure and bind it
        var extensionObject_ = self.$extensionObject || addressSpace.constructExtensionObject(self.dataType);
        extensionObject_ = new Proxy(extensionObject_, makeHandler(self));
        self.$extensionObject = extensionObject_;

        var theValue = new Variant({
            dataType: DataType.ExtensionObject,
            value: self.$extensionObject
        self.setValueFromSource(theValue, StatusCodes.Good);

            timestamped_get: function () {
                self._dataValue.value.value = self.$extensionObject;
                var d = new DataValue(self._dataValue);
                d.value = new Variant(d.value);
                return d;
            timestamped_set: function (dataValue, callback) {
                callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
        }, true);

    else {
        // verify that variant has the correct type
        assert(s.value.dataType === DataType.ExtensionObject);
        self.$extensionObject = s.value.value;
        assert(self.$extensionObject && self.$extensionObject.constructor, "expecting an valid extension object");

        var Constructor = addressSpace.getExtensionObjectConstructor(self.dataType);
        assert(self.$extensionObject.constructor.name === Constructor.name);

    var property, field, camelCaseName;
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // now bind each member
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    for (var fieldIndex = 0; fieldIndex < dt.definition.length; fieldIndex++) {
        field = dt.definition[fieldIndex];
        camelCaseName = lowerFirstLetter(field.name);
        var component = components.filter(function (f) {
            return f.browseName.name.toString() === field.name;
        if (component.length === 1) {
            property = component[0];
            /* istanbul ignore next */
        else {
            assert(component.length === 0);
            // create a variable (Note we may use ns=1;s=parentName/0:PropertyName)
            property = addressSpace.addVariable({
                browseName: field.name.toString(),
                dataType: field.dataType,
                componentOf: self,
                minimumSamplingInterval: self.minimumSamplingInterval
            assert(property.minimumSamplingInterval === self.minimumSamplingInterval);

        property._dataValue.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;

        var dataTypeNodeId = addressSpace.findCorrespondingBasicDataType(field.dataType);

        if (doDebug) {
            var x = addressSpace.findNode(field.dataType).browseName.toString();
            var basicType = addressSpace.findCorrespondingBasicDataType(field.dataType);
            console.log("xxx".cyan, " dataType",
                w(field.dataType.toString(), 8),
                w(field.name, 35),
                "valueRank", w(field.valueRank, 3).cyan,
                w(x, 25).green,
                "basicType = ", w(basicType.toString(), 20).yellow, property.nodeId.toString(),property.readValue().statusCode.toString());

        if (dataTypeNodeId.value === DataType.ExtensionObject.value) {
            assert(self.$extensionObject[camelCaseName] instanceof Object);
            self.$extensionObject[camelCaseName] = new Proxy(self.$extensionObject[camelCaseName], makeHandler(property));
            property._dataValue.value = new Variant({
                dataType: DataType.ExtensionObject,
                value: self.$extensionObject[camelCaseName]
            property.$extensionObject = self.$extensionObject[camelCaseName];
        } else {
            var dataType = DataType.get(dataTypeNodeId.value);
            property._dataValue.value = new Variant({
                dataType: dataType,
                value: prepareVariantValue(dataType, self.$extensionObject[camelCaseName])

            property.camelCaseName = camelCaseName;
            property.setValueFromSource = function (variant) {
                var inner_self = this;
                variant = Variant.coerce(variant);
                //xx console.log("PropertySetValueFromSource self", inner_self.nodeId.toString(), inner_self.browseName.toString(), variant.toString(), inner_self.dataType.toString());
                //xx assert(variant.dataType === self.dataType);
                self.$extensionObject[inner_self.camelCaseName] = variant.value;
        bindProperty(property, camelCaseName, self.$extensionObject, dataTypeNodeId);
    assert(self.$extensionObject instanceof Object);
    return self.$extensionObject;

function setExtensionObjectValue(node, partialObject) {

    var extensionObject = node.$extensionObject;
    if (!extensionObject) {
        throw new Error("setExtensionObjectValue node has no extension object " + node.browseName.toString());

    function _update_extension_object(extObject, partialObject) {
        var keys = Object.keys(partialObject);
        for (var n in keys) {
            var prop = keys[n];
            if (extObject[prop] instanceof Object) {
                _update_extension_object(extObject[prop], partialObject[prop]);
            } else {
                extObject[prop] = partialObject[prop];

    _update_extension_object(extensionObject, partialObject);

UAVariable.prototype.updateExtensionObjectPartial = function (partialExtensionObject) {
    var self = this;
    setExtensionObjectValue(self, partialExtensionObject);
    return self.$extensionObject;

UAVariable.prototype.incrementExtensionObjectPartial = function (path) {

    var self = this;
    if (typeof path === "string") {
        path = path.split(".");
    assert(path instanceof Array);
    var extensionObject = this.constructExtensionObjectFromComponents();
    var i;
    // read partial value
    var partialData = {};
    var p = partialData;
    for (i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
        name = path[i];
        p[name] = {};
        p = p[name];
    name = path[path.length - 1];
    p[name] = 0;

    var c1 = partialData;
    var c2 = extensionObject;
    var name;
    for (i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) {
        name = path[i];
        c1 = partialData[name];
        c2 = extensionObject[name];
    name = path[path.length - 1];
    c1[name] = c2[name];
    c1[name] += 1;

    //xx console.log(partialData);
    setExtensionObjectValue(self, partialData);

UAVariable.prototype.constructExtensionObjectFromComponents = function () {
    return this.readValue().value.value;

UAVariable.prototype.handle_semantic_changed = function () {
    var variable = this;
    variable.semantic_version = variable.semantic_version + 1;
exports.UAVariable = UAVariable;
