"use strict";
var _ = require("underscore");
var assert = require("node-opcua-assert");
var opcua = require("node-opcua");
var OPCUAServer = opcua.OPCUAServer;
var StatusCodes = opcua.StatusCodes;
var Variant = opcua.Variant;
var DataType = opcua.DataType;
var DataValue = opcua.DataValue;
var is_valid_endpointUrl = opcua.is_valid_endpointUrl;
var debugLog = require("node-opcua-debug").make_debugLog(__filename);
var address_space_for_conformance_testing = require("node-opcua-address-space-for-conformance-testing");
var build_address_space_for_conformance_testing = address_space_for_conformance_testing.build_address_space_for_conformance_testing;
* add a fake analog data item for testing
* @method addTestUAAnalogItem
* @param parentNode
function addTestUAAnalogItem(parentNode) {
//xx assert(parentNode instanceof opcua.BaseNode);
var addressSpace = parentNode.addressSpace;
// add a UAAnalogItem
/* var node = */ addressSpace.addAnalogDataItem({
componentOf: parentNode,
nodeId: "ns=4;s=TemperatureAnalogItem",
browseName: "TemperatureAnalogItem",
definition: "(tempA -25) + tempB",
valuePrecision: 0.5,
engineeringUnitsRange: {low: 100, high: 200},
instrumentRange: {low: -100, high: +200},
engineeringUnits: opcua.standardUnits.degree_celsius,
dataType: "Double",
value: {
get: function () {
return new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: Math.random() + 19.0});
var userManager = {
isValidUser: function (userName, password) {
if (userName === "user1" && password === "password1") {
return true;
if (userName === "user2" && password === "password2") {
return true;
return false;
* @method build_server_with_temperature_device
* create and start a fake OPCUA Server that exposes a temperature set point variable.
* the SetPoint temperature can be set on the server side by accessing the
* 'set_point_temperature' of the return server object.
* the SetPoint temperature can be accessed as a Read/Write variable by a opcua client
* as "Root/MyDevices/SetPointTemperature". The node id of this variable is stored into
* the 'temperatureVariableId' of the server object.
* @param options {options}
* @param [options.add_simulation = false] {Boolean} add the simulation nodes in the server
* @param done {callback}
* @return {OPCUAServer}
function build_server_with_temperature_device(options, done) {
assert(_.isFunction(done, "expecting a callback function"));
assert(typeof opcua.nodesets.standard_nodeset_file === "string");
//xx console.log("xxx building server with temperature device");
// use mini_nodeset_filename for speed up if not otherwise specified
options.nodeset_filename = options.nodeset_filename ||
options.userManager = userManager;
var server = new OPCUAServer(options);
// we will connect to first server end point
server.on("session_closed", function (session, reason) {
//xx console.log(" server_with_temperature_device has closed a session :",reason);
//xx console.log(" session name: ".cyan,session.sessionName.toString());
server.on("post_initialize", function () {
var addressSpace = server.engine.addressSpace;
var myDevices = addressSpace.addFolder("ObjectsFolder", {browseName: "MyDevices"});
assert(myDevices.browseName.toString() === "MyDevices");
var variable0 = addressSpace.addVariable({
componentOf: myDevices,
browseName: "FanSpeed",
nodeId: "ns=2;s=FanSpeed",
dataType: "Double",
value: new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: 1000.0})
var setPointTemperatureId = "ns=4;s=SetPointTemperature";
// install a Read/Write variable representing a temperature set point of a temperature controller.
server.temperatureVariableId = addressSpace.addVariable({
componentOf: myDevices,
browseName: "SetPointTemperature",
nodeId: setPointTemperatureId,
dataType: "Double",
value: {
get: function () {
return new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: server.set_point_temperature});
set: function (variant) {
// to do : test if variant can be coerce to Float or Double
server.set_point_temperature = parseFloat(variant.value);
return StatusCodes.Good;
// install a Read-Only variable defined with a fancy Opaque nodeid
var pumpSpeedId = "ns=4;b=0102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10";
server.pumpSpeed = addressSpace.addVariable({
componentOf: myDevices,
browseName: "PumpSpeed",
nodeId: pumpSpeedId,
dataType: "Double",
value: {
get: function () {
var pump_speed = 200 + Math.random();
return new Variant({dataType: DataType.Double, value: pump_speed});
set: function (variant) {
return StatusCodes.BadNotWritable;
assert(server.pumpSpeed.nodeId.toString() === pumpSpeedId);
var endpointUrl = server.endpoints[0].endpointDescriptions()[0].endpointUrl;
debugLog("endpointUrl", endpointUrl);
if (options.add_simulation) {
// add a Analog Data Item
// add a variable that can be written asynchronously
var asyncWriteNodeId = "ns=4;s=AsynchronousVariable";
var asyncValue = 46;
server.asyncWriteNode = addressSpace.addVariable({
componentOf: myDevices,
browseName: "AsynchronousVariable",
nodeId: asyncWriteNodeId,
dataType: "Double",
value: {
// asynchronous read
refreshFunc: function (callback) {
var dataValue = new DataValue({
value: {
dataType: DataType.Double,
value: asyncValue
sourceTimestamp: new Date()
// simulate a asynchronous behaviour
setTimeout(function () {
callback(null, dataValue);
}, 100);
set: function (variant) {
setTimeout(function () {
asyncValue = variant.value;
}, 1000);
return StatusCodes.GoodCompletesAsynchronously;
// add a variable that can be written asynchronously and that supports TimeStamps and StatusCodes
var asyncWriteFullNodeId = "ns=4;s=AsynchronousFullVariable";
var asyncWriteFull_dataValue = {
statusCode: StatusCodes.BadWaitingForInitialData
server.asyncWriteNode = addressSpace.addVariable({
componentOf: myDevices,
browseName: "AsynchronousFullVariable",
nodeId: asyncWriteFullNodeId,
dataType: "Double",
value: {
// asynchronous read
timestamped_get: function (callback) {
assert(_.isFunction(callback), "callback must be a function");
setTimeout(function () {
callback(null, asyncWriteFull_dataValue);
}, 100);
// asynchronous write
// in this case, we are using timestamped_set and not set
// as we want to control and deal with the dataValue provided by the client write
// This will allow us to handle more specifically timestamps and statusCodes
timestamped_set: function (dataValue, callback) {
assert(_.isFunction(callback), "callback must be a function");
//xxx console.log(" DATA VALUE !!!".cyan,dataValue.toString().yellow);
setTimeout(function () {
asyncWriteFull_dataValue = new DataValue(dataValue);
}, 500);
server.set_point_temperature = 20.0;
function start(done) {
server.start(function (err) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
assert(server.engine.status === "initialized");
return server;
exports.build_server_with_temperature_device = build_server_with_temperature_device;