/* global: require, describe, it, process*/
"use strict";
var crypto_utils = require("node-opcua-crypto").crypto_utils;
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
var _ = require("underscore");
var spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
var os = require("os");
function constructFilename(p) {
var filename = path.join(__dirname, "..", p);
//xx console.log("fi = ",filename);
if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) {
throw new Error("Cannot find " + filename);
return filename;
* @method start_simple_server
* @param options
* @param options.env
* @param [options.server_sourcefile {String} ="./bin/simple_server"]
* @param [options.port {String} = 2223]
* @param callback {Function}
* @param callback.error {Error|Null}
* @param callback.data
* @param callback.data.process
* @param callback.data.endpointurl
* @param callback.data.serverCertificate
function start_simple_server(options, callback) {
if (_.isFunction(options)) {
callback = options;
options = null;
options = options || {};
var server_script = options.server_sourcefile || "./bin/simple_server.js";
if (!fs.existsSync(server_script)) {
throw new Error("start_simple_server : cannot find server script : "+ server_script);
var port = options.port || "2223";
delete options.server_sourcefile;
delete options.port;
options.env = options.env || {};
_.extend(options.env, process.env);
//xx options.env.DEBUG = "ALL";
var server_exec = spawn("node", [server_script, "-p", port], options);
var serverCertificateFilename = constructFilename("certificates/server_cert_1024.pem");
console.log(" node ", server_script);
function detect_early_termination(code, signal) {
console.log("child process terminated due to receipt of signal " + signal);
callback(new Error("Process has terminated unexpectedly with code=" + code + " signal=" + signal));
var callback_called = false;
var pid_collected = 0;
function detect_ready_message(data) {
if (!callback_called) {
if (/server PID/.test(data)) {
// note : on windows , when using nodist, the process.id might not correspond to the
// actual process id of our server. We collect here the real PID of our process
// as output by the server on the console.
var m = data.match(/([0-9]+)$/);
pid_collected = parseInt(m[1]);
if (/server now waiting for connections./.test(data)) {
server_exec.removeListener("close", detect_early_termination);
callback_called = true;
setTimeout(function () {
callback(null, {
process: server_exec,
pid_collected: pid_collected,
endpointUrl: "opc.tcp://" + os.hostname() + ":" + port + "/UA/SampleServer",
serverCertificate: crypto_utils.readCertificate(serverCertificateFilename)
}, 100);
server_exec.on("close", detect_early_termination);
server_exec.on("error", function (err) {
console.log("xxxx child process terminated due to receipt of signal ",err);
function dumpData(prolog, data) {
data = "" + data;
data = data.split("\n");
data.filter(function (a) {
return a.length > 0;
}).forEach(function (data) {
if (!options.silent) {
console.log(prolog + data);
server_exec.stdout.on("data", function (data) {
dumpData("stdout: ".cyan, data.toString("utf8"));
server_exec.stderr.on("data", function (data) {
dumpData("stderr: ".red, data.toString("utf8"));
function stop_simple_server(serverHandle, callback) {
// note : it looks like kill is not working on windows
if (!serverHandle) {
return callback(null);
console.log(" SHUTTING DOWN : killed = ", serverHandle.process.killed,
" pid = ", serverHandle.process.pid,
"collected pid=", serverHandle.pid_collected);
serverHandle.process.on("close", function (/*err*/) {
//xx console.log("XXXXX child process terminated due to receipt of signal ");
setTimeout(callback, 100);
process.kill(serverHandle.process.pid, "SIGKILL");
if (serverHandle.process.pid !== serverHandle.pid_collected) {
try {
process.kill(serverHandle.pid_collected, "SIGKILL");
catch (err) {/**/}
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (process.platform === "win32" && false) {
// under windows, we can also kill a process this way...
spawn("taskkill", ["/pid", serverHandle.pid_collected, "/f", "/t"]);
exports.start_simple_server = start_simple_server;
exports.stop_simple_server = stop_simple_server;