/* global require */
"use strict";
* @module opcua.server
var _ = require("underscore");
var assert = require("node-opcua-assert");
var async = require("async");
var util = require("util");
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
var SessionContext = require("node-opcua-address-space").SessionContext;
var NodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").NodeId;
var resolveNodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").resolveNodeId;
var makeNodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").makeNodeId;
var NodeIdType = require("node-opcua-nodeid").NodeIdType;
var NumericRange = require("node-opcua-numeric-range").NumericRange;
var BrowseDirection = require("node-opcua-data-model").BrowseDirection;
var BrowseResult = require("node-opcua-service-browse").BrowseResult;
var ReadRequest = require("node-opcua-service-read").ReadRequest;
var read_service = require("node-opcua-service-read");
var AttributeIds = require("node-opcua-data-model").AttributeIds;
var TimestampsToReturn = read_service.TimestampsToReturn;
var UAVariable = require("node-opcua-address-space").UAVariable;
var historizing_service = require("node-opcua-service-history");
var HistoryReadRequest = historizing_service.HistoryReadRequest;
var HistoryReadDetails = historizing_service.HistoryReadDetails;
var HistoryReadResult = historizing_service.HistoryReadResult;
var DataValue = require("node-opcua-data-value").DataValue;
var Variant = require("node-opcua-variant").Variant;
var DataType = require("node-opcua-variant").DataType;
var VariantArrayType = require("node-opcua-variant").VariantArrayType;
var isValidVariant = require("node-opcua-variant").isValidVariant;
var StatusCodes = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCodes;
var StatusCode = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCode;
var address_space = require("node-opcua-address-space");
var AddressSpace = address_space.AddressSpace;
var generate_address_space = require("node-opcua-address-space").generate_address_space;
var ServerSession = require("./server_session").ServerSession;
var VariableIds = require("node-opcua-constants").VariableIds;
var MethodIds = require("node-opcua-constants").MethodIds;
var ReferenceType = require("node-opcua-address-space").ReferenceType;
var ServerState = require("node-opcua-common").ServerState;
var ServerStatus = require("node-opcua-common").ServerStatus;
var ServerDiagnosticsSummary = require("node-opcua-common").ServerDiagnosticsSummary;
var endpoints_service = require("node-opcua-service-endpoints");
var ApplicationDescription = endpoints_service.ApplicationDescription;
var nodesets = require("node-opcua-nodesets");
exports.standard_nodeset_file = nodesets.standard_nodeset_file;
exports.di_nodeset_filename = nodesets.di_nodeset_filename;
exports.adi_nodeset_filename = nodesets.adi_nodeset_filename;
var mini_nodeset_filename = require("node-opcua-address-space/test_helpers/get_mini_address_space").mini_nodeset_filename;
exports.mini_nodeset_filename = mini_nodeset_filename;
var debugLog = require("node-opcua-debug").make_debugLog(__filename);
var doDebug = require("node-opcua-debug").checkDebugFlag(__filename);
var ServerCapabilities = require("./server_capabilities").ServerCapabilities;
var HistoryServerCapabilities = require("./history_server_capabilities").HistoryServerCapabilities;
var eoan = require("node-opcua-address-space");
var ServerSidePublishEngine = require("./server_publish_engine").ServerSidePublishEngine;
* @class ServerEngine
* @extends EventEmitter
* @uses ServerSidePublishEngine
* @param options {Object}
* @param options.buildInfo
* @param [options.isAuditing = false ] {Boolean}
* @param [options.serverCapabilities]
* @param [options.serverCapabilities.serverProfileArray]
* @param [options.serverCapabilities.localeIdArray]
* @param options.applicationUri {String} the application URI.
* @param [options.historyServerCapabilities]
* @param [options.serverDiagnosticsEnabled = true] set to true to enable serverDiagnostics
* @constructor
function ServerEngine(options) {
options = options || {};
options.buildInfo = options.buildInfo || {};
EventEmitter.apply(this, arguments);
var engine = this;
engine._sessions = {};
engine._closedSessions = {};
engine._orphanPublishEngine = null; // will be constructed on demand
engine.isAuditing = _.isBoolean(options.isAuditing) ? options.isAuditing : false;
options.buildInfo.buildDate = options.buildInfo.buildDate || new Date();
// ---------------------------------------------------- ServerStatus
engine.serverStatus = new ServerStatus({
startTime: new Date(),
currentTime: new Date(),
state: ServerState.NoConfiguration,
buildInfo: options.buildInfo,
secondsTillShutdown: 0,
shutdownReason: {text: ""}
// --------------------------------------------------- ServerCapabilities
options.serverCapabilities = options.serverCapabilities || {};
options.serverCapabilities.serverProfileArray = options.serverCapabilities.serverProfileArray || [
"Standard UA Server Profile",
"Embedded UA Server Profile",
"Micro Embedded Device Server Profile",
"Nano Embedded Device Server Profile"
options.serverCapabilities.localeIdArray = options.serverCapabilities.localeIdArray || ["en-EN", "fr-FR"];
engine.serverCapabilities = new ServerCapabilities(options.serverCapabilities);
engine.historyServerCapabilities = new HistoryServerCapabilities(options.historyServerCapabilities);
// --------------------------------------------------- serverDiagnosticsSummary extension Object
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary = new ServerDiagnosticsSummary({});
// note spelling is different for serverDiagnosticsSummary.currentSubscriptionCount
// and sessionDiagnostics.currentSubscriptionsCount ( with an s)
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.__defineGetter__("currentSubscriptionCount", function () {
// currentSubscriptionCount returns the total number of subscriptions
// that are currently active on all sessions
var counter = 0;
_.values(engine._sessions).forEach(function (session) {
counter += session.currentSubscriptionCount;
return counter;
engine.status = "creating";
engine.addressSpace = null;
engine._shutdownTask = [];
engine._applicationUri = options.applicationUri || "<unset _applicationUri>";
options.serverDiagnosticsEnabled = options.hasOwnProperty("serverDiagnosticsEnable") ? coerceoptions.serverDiagnosticsEnabled : true;
engine.serverDiagnosticsEnabled = options.serverDiagnosticsEnabled;
util.inherits(ServerEngine, EventEmitter);
var ObjectRegistry = require("node-opcua-object-registry").ObjectRegistry;
ServerEngine.registry = new ObjectRegistry();
ServerEngine.prototype.dispose = function () {
var engine = this;
engine.addresSpaec = null;
assert(Object.keys(engine._sessions).length === 0, "ServerEngine#_sessions not empty");
engine._sessions = {};
// todo fix me
engine._closedSessions = {};
assert(Object.keys(engine._closedSessions).length === 0, "ServerEngine#_closedSessions not empty");
engine._closedSessions = {};
if (engine._orphanPublishEngine) {
engine._orphanPublishEngine = null;
engine._shutdownTask = null;
engine.serverStatus = null;
engine.status = "disposed";
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("startTime", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverStatus.startTime;
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("currentTime", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverStatus.currentTime;
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("buildInfo", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverStatus.buildInfo;
* register a function that will be called when the server will perform its shut down.
* @method registerShutdownTask
ServerEngine.prototype.registerShutdownTask = function (task) { var engine = this;
var engine = this;
function shutdownAndDisposeAddressSpace() {
/* jshint validthis:true */
var engine = this;
if (engine.addressSpace) {
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace);
delete engine.addressSpace;
* @method shutdown
ServerEngine.prototype.shutdown = function () {
var engine = this;
engine.status = "shutdown";
// delete any existing sessions
var tokens = Object.keys(engine._sessions).map(function (key) {
var session = engine._sessions[key];
return session.authenticationToken;
// delete and close any orphan subscription
if (engine._orphanPublishEngine) {
//xx console.log("xxxxxxxxx ServerEngine.shutdown must terminate "+ tokens.length," sessions");
tokens.forEach(function (token) {
engine.closeSession(token, true, "Terminated");
// all sessions must have been terminated
assert(engine.currentSessionCount === 0);
// all subscriptions must have been terminated
assert(engine.currentSubscriptionCount === 0, "all subscriptions must have been terminated");
// perform registerShutdownTask
engine._shutdownTask.forEach(function (task) {
* the number of active sessions
* @property currentSessionCount
* @type {Number}
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("currentSessionCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.currentSessionCount;
* the cumulated number of sessions that have been opened since this object exists
* @property cumulatedSessionCount
* @type {Number}
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("cumulatedSessionCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.cumulatedSessionCount;
* the number of active subscriptions.
* @property currentSubscriptionCount
* @type {Number}
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("currentSubscriptionCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.currentSubscriptionCount;
* the cumulated number of subscriptions that have been created since this object exists
* @property cumulatedSubscriptionCount
* @type {Number}
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("cumulatedSubscriptionCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.cumulatedSubscriptionCount;
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("rejectedSessionCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.rejectedSessionCount;
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("rejectedRequestsCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.rejectedRequestsCount;
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("sessionAbortCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.sessionAbortCount;
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("sessionTimeoutCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.sessionTimeoutCount;
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("publishingIntervalCount", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.publishingIntervalCount;
* @method secondsTillShutdown
* @return {UInt32} the approximate number of seconds until the server will be shut down. The
* value is only relevant once the state changes into SHUTDOWN.
ServerEngine.prototype.secondsTillShutdown = function () {
// ToDo: implement a correct solution here
return 0;
var CallMethodResult = require("node-opcua-service-call").CallMethodResult;
// binding methods
function getMonitoredItemsId(inputArguments, context, callback) {
var engine = this; // ServerEngine
assert(context.hasOwnProperty("session"), " expecting a session id in the context object");
var session = context.session;
if (!session) {
return callback(null, {statusCode: StatusCodes.BadInternalError});
var subscriptionId = inputArguments[0].value;
var subscription = session.getSubscription(subscriptionId);
if (!subscription) {
// subscription may belongs to a different session that ours
if (engine.findSubscription(subscriptionId)) {
// if yes, then access to Subscription data should be denied
return callback(null, {statusCode: StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied});
return callback(null, {statusCode: StatusCodes.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid});
var result = subscription.getMonitoredItems();
assert(result.serverHandles.length === result.clientHandles.length);
var callMethodResult = new CallMethodResult({
statusCode: result.statusCode,
outputArguments: [
{dataType: DataType.UInt32, arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array, value: result.serverHandles},
{dataType: DataType.UInt32, arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array, value: result.clientHandles}
callback(null, callMethodResult);
* the name of the server
* @property serverName
* @type String
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("serverName", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine.serverStatus.buildInfo.productName;
* the server urn
* @property serverNameUrn
* @type String
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("serverNameUrn", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine._applicationUri;
* the urn of the server namespace
* @property serverNamespaceName
* @type String
ServerEngine.prototype.__defineGetter__("serverNamespaceUrn", function () {
var engine = this;
return engine._applicationUri; // "urn:" + engine.serverName;
ServerEngine.prototype.setServerState = function (serverState) {
var engine = this;
assert(serverState !== null && serverState !== undefined);
engine.serverStatus.state = serverState;
ServerEngine.prototype.getServerDiagnosticsEnabledFlag = function () {
// create SessionsDiagnosticsSummary
var serverDiagnostics = server.getComponentByName("ServerDiagnostics");
if (!serverDiagnostics) {
return false;
return serverDiagnostics.readValue().value.value;
ServerEngine.prototype.getServerDiagnosticsEnabledFlag = function () {
// create SessionsDiagnosticsSummary
var serverDiagnostics = server.getComponentByName("ServerDiagnostics");
if (!serverDiagnostics) {
return false;
return serverDiagnostics.readValue().value.value;
* @method initialize
* @async
* @param options {Object}
* @param options.nodeset_filename {String} - [option](default : 'mini.Node.Set2.xml' )
* @param callback
ServerEngine.prototype.initialize = function (options, callback) {
var engine = this;
assert(!engine.addressSpace); // check that 'initialize' has not been already called
engine.status = "initializing";
options = options || {};
options.nodeset_filename = options.nodeset_filename || nodesets.standard_nodeset_file;
var startTime = new Date();
debugLog("Loading ", options.nodeset_filename, "...");
engine.addressSpace = new AddressSpace();
// register namespace 1 (our namespace);
var serverNamespaceIndex = engine.addressSpace.registerNamespace(engine.serverNamespaceUrn);
assert(serverNamespaceIndex === 1);
generate_address_space(engine.addressSpace, options.nodeset_filename, function () {
var endTime = new Date();
debugLog("Loading ", options.nodeset_filename, " done : ", endTime - startTime, " ms");
function findObjectNodeId(name) {
var obj = engine.addressSpace.findNode(name);
return obj ? obj.nodeId : null;
engine.FolderTypeId = findObjectNodeId("FolderType");
engine.BaseObjectTypeId = findObjectNodeId("BaseObjectType");
engine.BaseDataVariableTypeId = findObjectNodeId("BaseDataVariableType");
engine.rootFolder = engine.addressSpace.findNode("RootFolder");
assert(engine.rootFolder && engine.rootFolder.readAttribute, " must provide a root folder and expose a readAttribute method");
function bindVariableIfPresent(nodeId, opts) {
assert(nodeId instanceof NodeId);
var obj = engine.addressSpace.findNode(nodeId);
if (obj) {
__bindVariable(engine, nodeId, opts);
return obj;
// -------------------------------------------- install default get/put handler
var server_NamespaceArray_Id = makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_NamespaceArray); // ns=0;i=2255
bindVariableIfPresent(server_NamespaceArray_Id, {
get: function () {
return new Variant({
dataType: DataType.String,
arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array,
value: engine.addressSpace.getNamespaceArray()
set: null // read only
var server_NameUrn_var = new Variant({
dataType: DataType.String,
arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array,
value: [
engine.serverNameUrn // this is us !
var server_ServerArray_Id = makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerArray); // ns=0;i=2254
bindVariableIfPresent(server_ServerArray_Id, {
get: function () {
return server_NameUrn_var;
set: null // read only
function bindStandardScalar(id, dataType, func, setter_func) {
assert(_.isNumber(id), "expecting id to be a number");
assert(_.isFunction(setter_func) || !setter_func);
assert(dataType !== null); // check invalid dataType
var setter_func2 = null;
if (setter_func) {
setter_func2 = function (variant) {
var variable2 = !!variant.value;
return StatusCodes.Good;
var nodeId = makeNodeId(id);
// make sur the provided function returns a valid value for the variant type
// This test may not be exhaustive but it will detect obvious mistakes.
assert(isValidVariant(VariantArrayType.Scalar, dataType, func()));
return bindVariableIfPresent(nodeId, {
get: function () {
return new Variant({
dataType: dataType,
arrayType: VariantArrayType.Scalar,
value: func()
set: setter_func2
function bindStandardArray(id, variantDataType, dataType, func) {
assert(variantDataType !== null); // check invalid dataType
var nodeId = makeNodeId(id);
// make sur the provided function returns a valid value for the variant type
// This test may not be exhaustive but it will detect obvious mistakes.
assert(isValidVariant(VariantArrayType.Array, dataType, func()));
bindVariableIfPresent(nodeId, {
get: function () {
var value = func();
return new Variant({
dataType: variantDataType,
arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array,
value: value
set: null // read only
DataType.Byte, function () {
return 255;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.isAuditing;
function bindServerDiagnostics() {
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.serverDiagnosticsEnabled;
}, function (newFlag) {
engine.serverDiagnosticsEnabled = newFlag;
var serverDiagnosticsSummary = engine.addressSpace.findNode(makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary));
if (serverDiagnosticsSummary) {
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary = serverDiagnosticsSummary.$extensionObject;
function bindServerStatus() {
var serverStatusNode = engine.addressSpace.findNode(makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerStatus));
if (!serverStatusNode) {
if (serverStatusNode) {
//xx serverStatusNode.updateExtensionObjectPartial(self.serverStatus);
//xx self.serverStatus = serverStatusNode.$extensionObject;
serverStatusNode.minimumSamplingInterval = 1000;
var currentTimeNode = engine.addressSpace.findNode(makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerStatus_CurrentTime));
if (currentTimeNode) {
currentTimeNode.minimumSamplingInterval = 1000;
var secondsTillShutdown = engine.addressSpace.findNode(makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerStatus_SecondsTillShutdown));
if (secondsTillShutdown) {
secondsTillShutdown.minimumSamplingInterval = 1000;
serverStatusNode.$extensionObject = new Proxy(serverStatusNode.$extensionObject, {
get: function (target, prop) {
if (prop === "currentTime") {
return new Date();
} else if (prop === "secondsTillShutdown") {
return engine.secondsTillShutdown();
return target[prop];
function bindServerCapabilities() {
DataType.String, "String", function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.serverProfileArray;
DataType.String, "LocaleId", function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.localeIdArray;
DataType.Double, function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.minSupportedSampleRate;
DataType.UInt16, function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.maxBrowseContinuationPoints;
DataType.UInt16, function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.maxQueryContinuationPoints;
DataType.UInt16, function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.maxHistoryContinuationPoints;
// added by DI : Server-specific period of time in milliseconds until the Server will revoke a lock.
//TODO bindStandardScalar(VariableIds.Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxInactiveLockTime,
//TODO DataType.UInt16, function () {
//TODO return self.serverCapabilities.maxInactiveLockTime;
//TODO });
DataType.ByteString, "SoftwareCertificates", function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.softwareCertificates;
DataType.UInt32, function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.maxArrayLength;
DataType.UInt32, function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.maxStringLength;
DataType.UInt32, function () {
return engine.serverCapabilities.maxByteStringLength;
function bindOperationLimits(operationLimits) {
function upperCaseFirst(str) {
return str.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
//Xx bindStandardArray(VariableIds.Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerWrite,
//Xx DataType.UInt32, "UInt32", function () { return operationLimits.maxNodesPerWrite; });
var keys = Object.keys(operationLimits);
keys.forEach(function (key) {
var uid = "Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_" + upperCaseFirst(key);
var nodeId = makeNodeId(VariableIds[uid]);
//xx console.log("xxx Binding ".bgCyan,uid,nodeId.toString());
DataType.UInt32, function () {
return operationLimits[key];
function bindHistoryServerCapabilities() {
DataType.UInt32, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.maxReturnDataValues;
DataType.UInt32, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.maxReturnEventValues;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.accessHistoryDataCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.accessHistoryEventsCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.insertDataCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.replaceDataCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.updateDataCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.insertEventCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.replaceEventCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.updateEventCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.deleteEventCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.deleteRawCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.deleteAtTimeCapability;
DataType.Boolean, function () {
return engine.historyServerCapabilities.insertAnnotationCapability;
function bindExtraStuff() {
// mainly for compliance
//The version number for the data type description. i=104
DataType.UInt16, function () {
return 0.0;
// i=111
DataType.UInt16, function () {
return 0.0;
// i=112
DataType.UInt16, function () {
return 0.0;
// i=113
DataType.UInt16, function () {
return 0.0;
engine.__internal_bindMethod(makeNodeId(MethodIds.Server_GetMonitoredItems), getMonitoredItemsId.bind(engine));
// fix getMonitoredItems.outputArguments arrayDimensions
(function fixGetMonitoredItemArgs() {
var objects = engine.addressSpace.rootFolder.objects;
if (!objects || objects.server || objects.server.getMonitoredItems) {
var outputArguments = objects.server.getMonitoredItems.outputArguments;
var dataValue = outputArguments.readValue();
assert(dataValue.value.value[0].arrayDimensions.length === 1 && dataValue.value.value[0].arrayDimensions[0] === 0);
assert(dataValue.value.value[1].arrayDimensions.length === 1 && dataValue.value.value[1].arrayDimensions[0] === 0);
function prepareServerDiagnostics() {
var addressSpace = engine.addressSpace;
if (!addressSpace.rootFolder.objects) {
var server = addressSpace.rootFolder.objects.server;
if (!server) {
// create SessionsDiagnosticsSummary
var serverDiagnostics = server.getComponentByName("ServerDiagnostics");
if (!serverDiagnostics) {
var subscriptionDiagnosticsArray = serverDiagnostics.getComponentByName("SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray");
assert(subscriptionDiagnosticsArray instanceof UAVariable);
eoan.bindExtObjArrayNode(subscriptionDiagnosticsArray, "SubscriptionDiagnosticsType", "subscriptionId");
var sessionDiagnosticsArray = serverDiagnostics.getComponentByName("SessionsDiagnosticsSummary").getComponentByName("SessionDiagnosticsArray");
assert(sessionDiagnosticsArray instanceof UAVariable);
eoan.bindExtObjArrayNode(sessionDiagnosticsArray, "SessionDiagnosticsVariableType", "sessionId");
engine.status = "initialized";
var UAVariable = require("node-opcua-address-space").UAVariable;
ServerEngine.prototype.__findObject = function (nodeId) {
var engine = this;
nodeId = resolveNodeId(nodeId);
assert(nodeId instanceof NodeId);
return engine.addressSpace.findNode(nodeId);
* @method browseSingleNode
* @param nodeId {NodeId|String} : the nodeid of the element to browse
* @param browseDescription
* @param browseDescription.browseDirection {BrowseDirection} :
* @param browseDescription.referenceTypeId {String|NodeId}
* @param [session] {ServerSession}
* @return {BrowseResult}
ServerEngine.prototype.browseSingleNode = function (nodeId, browseDescription, session) {
var engine = this;
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
var addressSpace = engine.addressSpace;
return addressSpace.browseSingleNode(nodeId, browseDescription, session);
* @method browse
* @param nodesToBrowse {BrowseDescription[]}
* @param [session] {ServerSession}
* @return {BrowseResult[]}
ServerEngine.prototype.browse = function (nodesToBrowse, session) {
var engine = this;
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
var results = [];
nodesToBrowse.forEach(function (browseDescription) {
var nodeId = resolveNodeId(browseDescription.nodeId);
var r = engine.browseSingleNode(nodeId, browseDescription, session);
return results;
var apply_timestamps = require("node-opcua-data-value").apply_timestamps;
* @method readSingleNode
* @param context {SessionContext}
* @param nodeId
* @param attributeId {AttributeId}
* @param [timestampsToReturn=TimestampsToReturn.Neither]
* @return {DataValue}
ServerEngine.prototype.readSingleNode = function (context, nodeId, attributeId, timestampsToReturn) {
var engine = this;
return engine._readSingleNode(context,
nodeId: nodeId,
attributeId: attributeId
ServerEngine.prototype._readSingleNode = function (context, nodeToRead, timestampsToReturn) {
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
var engine = this;
var nodeId = nodeToRead.nodeId;
var attributeId = nodeToRead.attributeId;
var indexRange = nodeToRead.indexRange;
var dataEncoding = nodeToRead.dataEncoding;
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
if (timestampsToReturn === TimestampsToReturn.Invalid) {
return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid});
timestampsToReturn = (_.isObject(timestampsToReturn)) ? timestampsToReturn : TimestampsToReturn.Neither;
var obj = engine.__findObject(nodeId);
var dataValue;
if (!obj) {
// may be return BadNodeIdUnknown in dataValue instead ?
// Object Not Found
return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown});
} else {
// check access
// BadUserAccessDenied
// BadNotReadable
// invalid attributes : BadNodeAttributesInvalid
// invalid range : BadIndexRangeInvalid
try {
dataValue = obj.readAttribute(context, attributeId, indexRange, dataEncoding);
assert(dataValue.statusCode instanceof StatusCode);
if(!dataValue.isValid()) {
console.log("Invalid value for node ",obj.nodeId.toString(),obj.browseName.toString());
catch (err) {
console.log(" Internal error reading NodeId ", obj.nodeId.toString());
console.log(" AttributeId ", attributeId.toString());
console.log(" ", err.message);
console.log(" ", err.stack);
return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadInternalError});
//Xx console.log(dataValue.toString());
dataValue = apply_timestamps(dataValue, timestampsToReturn, attributeId);
return dataValue;
* @method read
* @param readRequest {ReadRequest}
* @param readRequest.timestampsToReturn {TimestampsToReturn}
* @param readRequest.nodesToRead
* @param readRequest.maxAge {Number} maxAge - must be greater or equal than zero.
* Maximum age of the value to be read in milliseconds. The age of the value is based on the difference between the
* ServerTimestamp and the time when the Server starts processing the request. For example if the Client specifies a
* maxAge of 500 milliseconds and it takes 100 milliseconds until the Server starts processing the request, the age
* of the returned value could be 600 milliseconds prior to the time it was requested.
* If the Server has one or more values of an Attribute that are within the maximum age, it can return any one of the
* values or it can read a new value from the data source. The number of values of an Attribute that a Server has
* depends on the number of MonitoredItems that are defined for the Attribute. In any case, the Client can make no
* assumption about which copy of the data will be returned.
* If the Server does not have a value that is within the maximum age, it shall attempt to read a new value from the
* data source.
* If the Server cannot meet the requested maxAge, it returns its 'best effort' value rather than rejecting the
* request.
* This may occur when the time it takes the Server to process and return the new data value after it has been
* accessed is greater than the specified maximum age.
* If maxAge is set to 0, the Server shall attempt to read a new value from the data source.
* If maxAge is set to the max Int32 value or greater, the Server shall attempt to geta cached value. Negative values
* are invalid for maxAge.
* @return {DataValue[]}
ServerEngine.prototype.read = function (context, readRequest) {
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
assert(readRequest instanceof ReadRequest);
assert(readRequest.maxAge >= 0);
var engine = this;
var timestampsToReturn = readRequest.timestampsToReturn;
var nodesToRead = readRequest.nodesToRead;
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
context.currentTime = new Date();
var dataValues = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nodesToRead.length; i++) {
var readValueId = nodesToRead[i];
dataValues[i] = engine._readSingleNode(context, readValueId, timestampsToReturn);
return dataValues;
* @method writeSingleNode
* @param context {Context}
* @param writeValue {DataValue}
* @param callback {Function}
* @param callback.err {Error|null}
* @param callback.statusCode {StatusCode}
* @async
ServerEngine.prototype.writeSingleNode = function (context, writeValue, callback) {
var engine = this;
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
assert(writeValue._schema.name === "WriteValue");
assert(writeValue.value instanceof DataValue);
if (writeValue.value.value === null) {
return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadTypeMismatch);
assert(writeValue.value.value instanceof Variant);
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
var nodeId = writeValue.nodeId;
var obj = engine.__findObject(nodeId);
if (!obj) {
return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown);
} else {
obj.writeAttribute(context, writeValue, callback);
var WriteValue = require("node-opcua-service-write").WriteValue;
* write a collection of nodes
* @method write
* @param context {Object}
* @param nodesToWrite {Object[]}
* @param callback {Function}
* @param callback.err
* @param callback.results {StatusCode[]}
* @async
ServerEngine.prototype.write = function (context, nodesToWrite, callback) {
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
var engine = this;
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
context.currentTime = new Date();
function performWrite(writeValue, inner_callback) {
assert(writeValue instanceof WriteValue);
engine.writeSingleNode(context, writeValue, inner_callback);
async.map(nodesToWrite, performWrite, function (err, statusCodes) {
callback(err, statusCodes);
* @method historyReadSingleNode
* @param context {SessionContext}
* @param nodeId {NodeId}
* @param attributeId {AttributeId}
* @param historyReadDetails {HistoryReadDetails}
* @param [timestampsToReturn=TimestampsToReturn.Neither]
* @param callback {Function}
* @param callback.err
* @param callback.results {HistoryReadResult}
ServerEngine.prototype.historyReadSingleNode = function (context, nodeId, attributeId, historyReadDetails, timestampsToReturn, callback) {
var engine = this;
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
nodeId: nodeId,
attributeId: attributeId
}, historyReadDetails, timestampsToReturn, callback);
ServerEngine.prototype._historyReadSingleNode = function (context, nodeToRead, historyReadDetails, timestampsToReturn, callback) {
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
assert(callback instanceof Function);
var engine = this;
var nodeId = nodeToRead.nodeId;
var indexRange = nodeToRead.indexRange;
var dataEncoding = nodeToRead.dataEncoding;
var continuationPoint = nodeToRead.continuationPoint;
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
if (timestampsToReturn === TimestampsToReturn.Invalid) {
return new DataValue({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid});
timestampsToReturn = (_.isObject(timestampsToReturn)) ? timestampsToReturn : TimestampsToReturn.Neither;
var obj = engine.__findObject(nodeId);
if (!obj) {
// may be return BadNodeIdUnknown in dataValue instead ?
// Object Not Found
callback(null, new HistoryReadResult({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown}));
} else {
if (!obj.historyRead) {
// note : Object and View may also support historyRead to provide Event historical data
// todo implement historyRead for Object and View
var msg = " this node doesn't provide historyRead! probably not a UAVariable\n "
+ obj.nodeId.toString() + " " + obj.browseName.toString() + "\n"
+ "with " + nodeToRead.toString() + "\n"
+ "HistoryReadDetails " + historyReadDetails.toString();
if (doDebug) {
console.log("ServerEngine#_historyReadSingleNode ".cyan, msg.white.bold);
var err = new Error(msg);
// object has no historyRead method
return setImmediate(callback.bind(null, err));
// check access
// BadUserAccessDenied
// BadNotReadable
// invalid attributes : BadNodeAttributesInvalid
// invalid range : BadIndexRangeInvalid
obj.historyRead(context, historyReadDetails, indexRange, dataEncoding, continuationPoint, function (err, result) {
assert(result.statusCode instanceof StatusCode);
//result = apply_timestamps(result, timestampsToReturn, attributeId);
callback(err, result);
* @method historyRead
* @param context {SessionContext}
* @param historyReadRequest {HistoryReadRequest}
* @param historyReadRequest.requestHeader {RequestHeader}
* @param historyReadRequest.historyReadDetails {HistoryReadDetails}
* @param historyReadRequest.timestampsToReturn {TimestampsToReturn}
* @param historyReadRequest.releaseContinuationPoints {Boolean}
* @param historyReadRequest.nodesToRead {HistoryReadValueId[]}
* @param callback {Function}
* @param callback.err
* @param callback.results {HistoryReadResult[]}
ServerEngine.prototype.historyRead = function (context, historyReadRequest, callback) {
assert(context instanceof SessionContext);
assert(historyReadRequest instanceof HistoryReadRequest);
var engine = this;
var timestampsToReturn = historyReadRequest.timestampsToReturn;
var historyReadDetails = historyReadRequest.historyReadDetails;
var nodesToRead = historyReadRequest.nodesToRead;
assert(historyReadDetails instanceof HistoryReadDetails);
assert(engine.addressSpace instanceof AddressSpace); // initialize not called
var historyData = [];
async.eachSeries(nodesToRead, function (readValueId, cbNode) {
engine._historyReadSingleNode(context, readValueId, historyReadDetails, timestampsToReturn, function (err, result) {
if (err && !result) {
result = new HistoryReadResult({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadInternalError});
async.setImmediate(cbNode); //it's not guaranteed that the historical read process is really asynchronous
}, function (err) {
assert(historyData.length === nodesToRead.length);
callback(err, historyData);
function __bindVariable(self, nodeId, options) {
options = options || {};
// must have a get and a set property
assert(_.difference(["get", "set"], _.keys(options)).length === 0);
var obj = self.addressSpace.findNode(nodeId);
if (obj && obj.bindVariable) {
} else {
//xx console.log((new Error()).stack);
console.log("Warning: cannot bind object with id ", nodeId.toString(), " please check your nodeset.xml file or add this node programmatically");
* @method bindMethod
* @param nodeId {NodeId} the node id of the method
* @param func
* @param func.inputArguments {Array<Variant>}
* @param func.context {Object}
* @param func.callback {Function}
* @param func.callback.err {Error}
* @param func.callback.callMethodResult {CallMethodResult}
ServerEngine.prototype.__internal_bindMethod = function (nodeId, func) {
var engine = this;
assert(nodeId instanceof NodeId);
var methodNode = engine.addressSpace.findNode(nodeId);
if (!methodNode) {
if (methodNode && methodNode.bindMethod) {
} else {
//xx console.log((new Error()).stack);
console.log("WARNING: cannot bind a method with id ".yellow + nodeId.toString().cyan + ". please check your nodeset.xml file or add this node programmatically".yellow);
console.log(require("node-opcua-debug").trace_from_this_projet_only(new Error()))
ServerEngine.prototype.getOldestUnactivatedSession = function () {
var engine = this;
var tmp = _.filter(engine._sessions, function (session) {
return session.status === "new";
if (tmp.length === 0) {
return null;
var session = tmp[0];
for (var i = 1; i < session.length; i++) {
var c = tmp[i];
if (session.creationDate.getTime() < c.creationDate.getTime()) {
session = c;
return session;
// note OPCUA 1.03 part 4 page 76
// The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription (see 7.14 for IntegerId definition). This identifier shall
// be unique for the entire Server, not just for the Session, in order to allow the Subscription to be transferred
// to another Session using the TransferSubscriptions service.
// After Server start-up the generation of subscriptionIds should start from a random IntegerId or continue from
// the point before the restart.
var next_subscriptionId = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000000);
function _get_next_subscriptionId() {
debugLog(" next_subscriptionId = ", next_subscriptionId);
return next_subscriptionId++;
var Subscription = require("./subscription").Subscription;
ServerEngine.prototype._getServerSubscriptionDiagnosticsArray = function () {
var engine = this;
if (!engine.addressSpace) {
if (doDebug) {
console.warn("ServerEngine#_getServerSubscriptionDiagnosticsArray : no addressSpace");
return null; // no addressSpace
var subscriptionDiagnosticsType = engine.addressSpace.findVariableType("SubscriptionDiagnosticsType");
if (!subscriptionDiagnosticsType) {
if (doDebug) {
console.warn("ServerEngine#_getServerSubscriptionDiagnosticsArray : cannot find SubscriptionDiagnosticsType");
// SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray = i=2290
var subscriptionDiagnosticsArray = engine.addressSpace.findNode(makeNodeId(VariableIds.Server_ServerDiagnostics_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray));
return subscriptionDiagnosticsArray;
var SubscriptionDiagnostics = require("node-opcua-common").SubscriptionDiagnostics;
ServerEngine.prototype._exposeSubscriptionDiagnostics = function (subscription) {
var engine = this;
var subscriptionDiagnosticsArray = engine._getServerSubscriptionDiagnosticsArray();
var subscriptionDiagnostics = subscription.subscriptionDiagnostics;
assert(subscriptionDiagnostics.$subscription == subscription);
if (subscriptionDiagnostics && subscriptionDiagnosticsArray) {
//xx console.log("GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ServerEngine => Exposing subscription diagnostics =>",subscription.id);
eoan.addElement(subscriptionDiagnostics, subscriptionDiagnosticsArray);
ServerEngine.prototype._unexposeSubscriptionDiagnostics = function (subscription) {
var engine = this;
var subscriptionDiagnosticsArray = engine._getServerSubscriptionDiagnosticsArray();
var subscriptionDiagnostics = subscription.subscriptionDiagnostics;
assert(subscriptionDiagnostics instanceof SubscriptionDiagnostics);
if (subscriptionDiagnostics && subscriptionDiagnosticsArray) {
var node = subscriptionDiagnosticsArray[subscription.id];
/// console.log("GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ServerEngine => **Unexposing** subscription diagnostics =>",subscription.id);
eoan.removeElement(subscriptionDiagnosticsArray, subscriptionDiagnostics);
assert(!subscriptionDiagnosticsArray[subscription.id]," subscription node must have been removed from subscriptionDiagnosticsArray");
* create a new subscription
* @method _createSubscriptionOnSession
* @param request
* @param request.requestedPublishingInterval {Duration}
* @param request.requestedLifetimeCount {Counter}
* @param request.requestedMaxKeepAliveCount {Counter}
* @param request.maxNotificationsPerPublish {Counter}
* @param request.publishingEnabled {Boolean}
* @param request.priority {Byte}
* @return {Subscription}
ServerEngine.prototype._createSubscriptionOnSession = function (session,request) {
var engine = this;
assert(request.hasOwnProperty("requestedPublishingInterval")); // Duration
assert(request.hasOwnProperty("requestedLifetimeCount")); // Counter
assert(request.hasOwnProperty("requestedMaxKeepAliveCount")); // Counter
assert(request.hasOwnProperty("maxNotificationsPerPublish")); // Counter
assert(request.hasOwnProperty("publishingEnabled")); // Boolean
assert(request.hasOwnProperty("priority")); // Byte
var subscription = new Subscription({
publishingInterval: request.requestedPublishingInterval,
lifeTimeCount: request.requestedLifetimeCount,
maxKeepAliveCount: request.requestedMaxKeepAliveCount,
maxNotificationsPerPublish: request.maxNotificationsPerPublish,
publishingEnabled: request.publishingEnabled,
priority: request.priority,
id: _get_next_subscriptionId(),
// -------------------
publishEngine: session.publishEngine, //
sessionId: NodeId.NullNodeId
// add subscriptionDiagnostics
assert(subscription.publishEngine === session.publishEngine);
subscription.once("terminated",function() {
var subscription = this;
return subscription;
* create a new server session object.
* @class ServerEngine
* @method createSession
* @param [options] {Object}
* @param [options.sessionTimeout = 1000] {Number} sessionTimeout
* @param [options.clientDescription] {ApplicationDescription}
* @return {ServerSession}
ServerEngine.prototype.createSession = function (options) {
options = options || {};
var engine = this;
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.cumulatedSessionCount += 1;
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.currentSessionCount += 1;
engine.clientDescription = options.clientDescription || new ApplicationDescription({});
var sessionTimeout = options.sessionTimeout || 1000;
var session = new ServerSession(engine, engine.cumulatedSessionCount, sessionTimeout);
var key = session.authenticationToken.toString();
engine._sessions[key] = session;
// see spec OPC Unified Architecture, Part 2 page 26 Release 1.02
// TODO : When a Session is created, the Server adds an entry for the Client
// in its SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable
session.on("new_subscription", function (subscription) {
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.cumulatedSubscriptionCount += 1;
// add the subscription diagnostics in our subscriptions diagnostics array
session.on("subscription_terminated", function (subscription) {
// remove the subscription diagnostics in our subscriptions diagnostics array
// OPC Unified Architecture, Part 4 23 Release 1.03
// Sessions are terminated by the Server automatically if the Client fails to issue a Service request on the Session
// within the timeout period negotiated by the Server in the CreateSession Service response. This protects the
// Server against Client failures and against situations where a failed underlying connection cannot be
// re-established. Clients shall be prepared to submit requests in a timely manner to prevent the Session from
// closing automatically. Clients may explicitly terminate sessions using the CloseSession Service.
session.on("timeout", function () {
// the session hasn't been active for a while , probably because the client has disconnected abruptly
// it is now time to close the session completely
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.sessionTimeoutCount += 1;
session.sessionName = session.sessionName || "";
console.log("Server: closing SESSION ".cyan, session.status, session.sessionName.yellow, " because of timeout = ".cyan, session.sessionTimeout, " has expired without a keep alive".cyan);
var channel = session.channel;
if (channel) {
console.log("channel = ".bgCyan, channel.remoteAddress, " port = ", channel.remotePort);
// If a Server terminates a Session for any other reason, Subscriptions associated with the Session,
// are not deleted. => deleteSubscription= false
engine.closeSession(session.authenticationToken, /*deleteSubscription=*/false, /* reason =*/"Timeout");
return session;
var ServerSidePublishEngine = require("./server_publish_engine").ServerSidePublishEngine;
* the ServerSidePublishEngineForOrphanSubscription is keeping track of
* live subscription that have been detached from timed out session.
* It takes care of providing back those subscription to any session that
* will claim them again with transferSubscription service
* It also make sure that subscription are properly disposed when they expire.
* @constructor
function ServerSidePublishEngineForOrphanSubscription() {
ServerSidePublishEngine.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(ServerSidePublishEngineForOrphanSubscription, ServerSidePublishEngine);
ServerSidePublishEngineForOrphanSubscription.prototype.add_subscription = function (subscription) {
debugLog(" adding live subscription with id=".bgCyan.yellow.bold, subscription.id, " to orphan");
var publish_engine = this;
ServerSidePublishEngine.prototype.add_subscription.apply(this, arguments);
// also add an event handler to detected when the subscription has ended
// so we can automatically remove it from the orphan table
subscription._expired_func = function () {
var subscription = this;
debugLog(" Removing expired subscription with id=".bgCyan.yellow, subscription.id, " from orphan");
// make sure all monitored item have been deleted
//Xx subscription.terminate();
//xx publish_engine.detach_subscription(subscription);
//Xx subscription.dispose();
subscription.on("expired", subscription._expired_func);
ServerSidePublishEngineForOrphanSubscription.prototype.detach_subscription = function (subscription) {
// un set the event handler
ServerSidePublishEngine.prototype.detach_subscription.apply(this, arguments);
subscription.removeListener("expired", subscription._expired_func);
subscription._expired_func = null;
return subscription;
* @method closeSession
* @param authenticationToken
* @param deleteSubscriptions {Boolean} : true if sessions's subscription shall be deleted
* @param {String} [reason = "CloseSession"] the reason for closing the session (shall be "Timeout", "Terminated" or "CloseSession")
* what the specs say:
* -------------------
* If a Client invokes the CloseSession Service then all Subscriptions associated with the Session are also deleted
* if the deleteSubscriptions flag is set to TRUE. If a Server terminates a Session for any other reason, Subscriptions
* associated with the Session, are not deleted. Each Subscription has its own lifetime to protect against data loss
* in the case of a Session termination. In these cases, the Subscription can be reassigned to another Client before
* its lifetime expires.
ServerEngine.prototype.closeSession = function (authenticationToken, deleteSubscriptions, reason) {
var engine = this;
reason = reason || "CloseSession";
assert(reason === "Timeout" || reason === "Terminated" || reason === "CloseSession" || reason === "Forcing");
debugLog("ServerEngine.closeSession ", authenticationToken.toString(), deleteSubscriptions);
var key = authenticationToken.toString();
var session = engine.getSession(key);
if (!deleteSubscriptions) {
// Live Subscriptions will not be deleted, but transferred to the orphanPublishEngine
// until they time out or until a other session transfer them back to it.
if (!engine._orphanPublishEngine) {
engine._orphanPublishEngine = new ServerSidePublishEngineForOrphanSubscription({maxPublishRequestInQueue: 0});
debugLog("transferring remaining live subscription to orphanPublishEngine !");
ServerSidePublishEngine.transferSubscriptionsToOrphan(session.publishEngine, engine._orphanPublishEngine);
session.close(deleteSubscriptions, reason);
assert(session.status === "closed");
engine.serverDiagnosticsSummary.currentSessionCount -= 1;
//xx //TODO make sure _closedSessions gets cleaned at some point
//xx self._closedSessions[key] = session;
// remove sessionDiagnostics from server.ServerDiagnostics.SessionsDiagnosticsSummary.SessionDiagnosticsSummary
delete engine._sessions[key];
ServerEngine.prototype.findSubscription = function (subscriptionId) {
var engine = this;
var subscriptions = [];
_.map(engine._sessions, function (session) {
if (subscriptions.length) return;
var subscription = session.publishEngine.getSubscriptionById(subscriptionId);
if (subscription) {
//xx console.log("foundSubscription ", subscriptionId, " in session", session.sessionName);
if (subscriptions.length) {
assert(subscriptions.length === 1);
return subscriptions[0];
return engine.findOrphanSubscription(subscriptionId);
ServerEngine.prototype.findOrphanSubscription = function (subscriptionId) {
var engine = this;
if (!engine._orphanPublishEngine) {
return null;
return engine._orphanPublishEngine.getSubscriptionById(subscriptionId);
ServerEngine.prototype.deleteOrphanSubscription = function (subscription) {
var engine = this;
var c = engine._orphanPublishEngine.subscriptionCount;
assert(engine._orphanPublishEngine.subscriptionCount === c - 1);
return StatusCodes.Good;
var TransferResult = require("node-opcua-service-subscription").TransferResult;
* @method transferSubscription
* @param session {ServerSession} - the new session that will own the subscription
* @param subscriptionId {IntegerId} - the subscription Id to transfer
* @param sendInitialValues {Boolean} - true if initial values will be resent.
* @return {TransferResult}
ServerEngine.prototype.transferSubscription = function (session, subscriptionId, sendInitialValues){
var engine = this;
assert(session instanceof ServerSession);
if (subscriptionId <= 0) {
return new TransferResult({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid});
var subscription = engine.findSubscription(subscriptionId);
if (!subscription) {
return new TransferResult({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadSubscriptionIdInvalid});
// // now check that new session has sufficient right
// if (session.authenticationToken.toString() !== subscription.authenticationToken.toString()) {
// console.log("ServerEngine#transferSubscription => BadUserAccessDenied");
// return new TransferResult({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied });
// }
if (session.publishEngine === subscription.publishEngine) {
// subscription is already in this session !!
return new TransferResult({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNothingToDo});
if (session === subscription.$session) {
// subscription is already in this session !!
return new TransferResult({statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNothingToDo});
var nbSubscriptionBefore = session.publishEngine.subscriptionCount;
ServerSidePublishEngine.transferSubscription(subscription, session.publishEngine, sendInitialValues);
subscription.$session = session;
assert(subscription.publishEngine === session.publishEngine);
assert(session.publishEngine.subscriptionCount === nbSubscriptionBefore + 1);
// TODO: If the Server transfers the Subscription to the new Session, the Server shall issue a
// StatusChangeNotification notificationMessage with the status code Good_SubscriptionTransferred
// to the old Session.
var result = new TransferResult({
statusCode: StatusCodes.Good,
availableSequenceNumbers: subscription.getAvailableSequenceNumbers()
// istanbul ignore next
if (doDebug) {
debugLog("TransferResult", result.toString());
return result;
* retrieve a session by its authenticationToken.
* @method getSession
* @param authenticationToken
* @param activeOnly
* @return {ServerSession}
ServerEngine.prototype.getSession = function (authenticationToken, activeOnly) {
var engine = this;
if (!authenticationToken || (authenticationToken.identifierType && (authenticationToken.identifierType.value !== NodeIdType.BYTESTRING.value))) {
return null; // wrong type !
var key = authenticationToken.toString();
var session = engine._sessions[key];
if (!activeOnly && !session) {
session = engine._closedSessions[key];
return session;
* @method browsePath
* @param browsePath
* @return {BrowsePathResult}
ServerEngine.prototype.browsePath = function (browsePath) {
var engine = this;
return engine.addressSpace.browsePath(browsePath);
* performs a call to ```asyncRefresh``` on all variable nodes that provide an async refresh func.
* @method refreshValues
* @param nodesToRefresh {Array<Object>} an array containing the node to consider
* Each element of the array shall be of the form { nodeId: <xxx>, attributeIds: <value> }.
* @param callback {Function}
* @param callback.err {null|Error}
* @param callback.data {Array} : an array containing value read
* The array length matches the number of nodeIds that are candidate for an async refresh (i.e: nodes that are of type
* Variable with asyncRefresh func }
* @async
ServerEngine.prototype.refreshValues = function (nodesToRefresh, callback) {
assert(callback instanceof Function);
var engine = this;
var objs = {};
for (var i = 0; i < nodesToRefresh.length; i++) {
var nodeToRefresh = nodesToRefresh[i];
// only consider node for which the caller wants to read the Value attribute
// assuming that Value is requested if attributeId is missing,
if (nodeToRefresh.attributeId && nodeToRefresh.attributeId !== AttributeIds.Value) {
// ... and that are valid object and instances of Variables ...
var obj = engine.addressSpace.findNode(nodeToRefresh.nodeId);
if (!obj || !(obj instanceof UAVariable)) {
// ... and that have been declared as asynchronously updating
if (!_.isFunction(obj.refreshFunc)) {
var key = obj.nodeId.toString();
if (objs[key]) {
objs[key] = obj;
if (Object.keys(objs).length === 0) {
// nothing to do
return callback(null, []);
// perform all asyncRefresh in parallel
async.map(objs, function (obj, inner_callback) {
}, function (err, arrResult) {
callback(err, arrResult);
exports.ServerEngine = ServerEngine;