"use strict";
 * @module service.filter.tools

const assert = require("node-opcua-assert").assert;

const SimpleAttributeOperand = require("../_generated_/_auto_generated_SimpleAttributeOperand").SimpleAttributeOperand;
const EventFilter = require("../_generated_/_auto_generated_EventFilter").EventFilter;
const StatusCodes = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCodes;
const DataType = require("node-opcua-variant").DataType;

const makeNodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").makeNodeId;
const _ = require("underscore");
const ObjectTypeIds = require("node-opcua-constants").ObjectTypeIds;
const AttributeIds = require("node-opcua-data-model").AttributeIds;
const stringToQualifiedName = require("node-opcua-data-model").stringToQualifiedName;

const Variant = require("node-opcua-variant").Variant;
const NodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").NodeId;
const resolveNodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").resolveNodeId;
const sameNodeId = require("node-opcua-nodeid").sameNodeId;
const debugLog = require("node-opcua-debug").make_debugLog(__filename);
const doDebug = require("node-opcua-debug").checkDebugFlag(__filename);

 * helper to construct event filters:
 * construct a simple event filter
 * @method constructEventFilter
 * @param   arrayOfNames   {Array<string>}
 * @param   conditionTypes {Array<NodeId>}
 * @return  {EventFilter}
 * @example
 *     constructEventFilter(["SourceName","Message","ReceiveTime"]);
 *     constructEventFilter(["SourceName",{namespaceIndex:2 , "MyData"}]);
 *     constructEventFilter(["SourceName","2:MyData" ]);
 *     constructEventFilter(["SourceName" ,["EnabledState","EffectiveDisplayName"] ]);
 *     constructEventFilter(["SourceName" ,"EnabledState.EffectiveDisplayName" ]);
function constructEventFilter(arrayOfNames,conditionTypes) {

    if (!_.isArray(arrayOfNames)) {
        return constructEventFilter([arrayOfNames],conditionTypes);
    if (conditionTypes && !_.isArray(conditionTypes)) {
        return constructEventFilter(arrayOfNames,[conditionTypes]);

    // replace "string" element in the form A.B.C into [ "A","B","C"]
    arrayOfNames = arrayOfNames.map(function (path) {
        if (typeof path !== "string") {
            return path;
        return path.split(".");
    arrayOfNames = arrayOfNames.map(function (path) {
        if (_.isArray(path)) {
            path = path.map(stringToQualifiedName);
        return path;
    // replace "string" elements in arrayOfName with QualifiedName in namespace 0
    arrayOfNames = arrayOfNames.map(function (s) {

        return (typeof s === "string") ? stringToQualifiedName(s) : s;

    // construct browse paths array
    const browsePaths = arrayOfNames.map(function (s) {
        return _.isArray(s) ? s : [s];

    // Part 4 page 127:
    // In some cases the same BrowsePath will apply to multiple EventTypes. If the Client specifies the BaseEventType
    // in the SimpleAttributeOperand then the Server shall evaluate the BrowsePath without considering the Type.

    // [..]
    // The SimpleAttributeOperand structure allows the Client to specify any Attribute, however, the Server is only
    // required to support the Value Attribute for Variable Nodes and the NodeId Attribute for Object Nodes.
    // That said, profiles defined in Part 7 may make support for additional Attributes mandatory.
    let selectClauses = browsePaths.map(function (browsePath) {
        return new SimpleAttributeOperand({
            typeId: makeNodeId(ObjectTypeIds.BaseEventType), // i=2041
            browsePath: browsePath,
            attributeId: AttributeIds.Value,
            indexRange: null //  NumericRange

    if (conditionTypes) {
        const extraSelectClauses = conditionTypes.map(function(nodeId) {
            return new SimpleAttributeOperand({
                typeId: nodeId, // conditionType for instance
                browsePath: null,
                attributeId: AttributeIds.NodeId,
                indexRange: null //  NumericRange
        selectClauses =[].concat(selectClauses,extraSelectClauses)

    const filter = new EventFilter({

        selectClauses: selectClauses,

        whereClause: { //ContentFilter
            elements: [ // ContentFilterElement
                //    filterOperator: FilterOperator.IsNull,
                //    filterOperands: [ //
                //        new ElementOperand({
                //            index: 123
                //        }),
                //        new AttributeOperand({
                //            nodeId: "i=10",
                //            alias: "someText",
                //            browsePath: { //RelativePath
                //            },
                //            attributeId: AttributeIds.Value
                //        })
                //    ]

    return filter;

exports.constructEventFilter = constructEventFilter;

 * @class SimpleAttributeOperand
 * @method toPath
 * @return {String}
 * @example:

SimpleAttributeOperand.prototype.toPath = function() {
    const self = this;
    return self.browsePath.map(function (a) {
        return a.name;

 * @class SimpleAttributeOperand
 * @method toShortString
 * @return {String}
 * @example:

SimpleAttributeOperand.prototype.toShortString = function(addressSpace) {

    const self = this;
    let str ="";
    if (addressSpace) {
        const n = addressSpace.findNode( self.typeId);
        str += n.BrowseName.toString()
    str +=  "[" + self.typeId.toString() +"]"+self.toPath();
    return str;

function assert_valid_event_data(eventData) {

 * @method extractEventField
 * extract a eventField from a event node, matching the given selectClause
 * @param eventData
 * @param selectClause
function extractEventField(eventData, selectClause) {

    assert(selectClause instanceof SimpleAttributeOperand);

    selectClause.browsePath = selectClause.browsePath || [];

    if (selectClause.browsePath.length === 0 && selectClause.attributeId === AttributeIds.NodeId) {

        // "ns=0;i=2782" => ConditionType
        // "ns=0;i=2041" => BaseEventType
        if (selectClause.typeId.toString() !== "ns=0;i=2782") {
            // not ConditionType
            console.warn("this case is not handled yet : selectClause.typeId = " + selectClause.typeId.toString());
            const eventSource = eventData.$eventDataSource;
            return new Variant({dataType: DataType.NodeId, value: eventSource.nodeId});
        const conditionTypeNodeId = resolveNodeId("ConditionType");

        const eventSource  = eventData.$eventDataSource;
        const eventSourceTypeDefinition = eventSource.typeDefinitionObj;
        if (!eventSourceTypeDefinition) {
            // eventSource is a EventType class
            return new Variant();
        const addressSpace = eventSource.addressSpace;
        const conditionType = addressSpace.findObjectType(conditionTypeNodeId);

        if (!eventSourceTypeDefinition.isSupertypeOf(conditionType)) {
            return new Variant();
        //xx assert(eventSource instanceof UAConditionBase);
        // Yeh : our EventType is a Condition Type !
        return new Variant({dataType: DataType.NodeId, value: eventSource.nodeId});

    const handle = eventData.resolveSelectClause(selectClause);

    if (handle !== null) {
        const value = eventData.readValue(handle,selectClause);
        assert(value instanceof Variant);
        return value;

    } else {

        ///xx console.log(" Cannot find selectClause ",selectClause.toString());
        // Part 4 - 7.17.3
        // A null value is returned in the corresponding event field in the Publish response if the selected
        // field is not part of the Event or an error was returned in the selectClauseResults of the EventFilterResult.
        // return new Variant({dataType: DataType.StatusCode, value: browsePathResult.statusCode});
        return new Variant();

 * @method extractEventFields
 * extract a array of eventFields from a event node, matching the selectClauses
 * @param selectClauses
 * @param eventData : a pseudo Node that provides a browse Method and a readValue(nodeId)
function extractEventFields(selectClauses,eventData) {

    assert(selectClauses.length===0 || selectClauses[0] instanceof SimpleAttributeOperand);
    return selectClauses.map(extractEventField.bind(null, eventData));

exports.extractEventFields = extractEventFields;