"use strict";
* @module opcua.transport
const util = require("util");
const EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
const assert = require("node-opcua-assert").assert;
const _ = require("underscore");
const doDebug = false;
* @class PacketAssembler
* @param options
* @param options.readMessageFunc {Function} a function to read
* @param options.minimumSizeInBytes {Integer} the minimum number of bytes that need to be received before the
* readMessageFunc can be called
* @constructor
const PacketAssembler = function (options) {
this._stack = [];
this.expectedLength = 0;
this.currentLength = 0;
this.readMessageFunc = options.readMessageFunc;
this.minimumSizeInBytes = options.minimumSizeInBytes || 8;
assert(_.isFunction(this.readMessageFunc), "packet assembler requires a readMessageFunc");
util.inherits(PacketAssembler, EventEmitter);
PacketAssembler.prototype._read_packet_info = function (data) {
return this.readMessageFunc(data);
PacketAssembler.prototype._build_data = function (data) {
if (data && this._stack.length === 0) {
return data;
if (!data && this._stack.length === 1) {
data = this._stack[0];
this._stack.length = 0; // empty stack array
return data;
data = Buffer.concat(this._stack);
this._stack.length = 0;
return data;
PacketAssembler.prototype.feed = function (data) {
const self = this;
let messageChunk;
//xx assert(data instanceof Buffer);
// xx assert(data.length > 0, "PacketAssembler expects a no-zero size data block");
//xx assert(this.expectedLength === 0 || this.currentLength <= this.expectedLength);
if (this.expectedLength === 0 && this.currentLength + data.length >= this.minimumSizeInBytes) {
// we are at a start of a block and there is enough data provided to read the length of the block
// let's build the whole data block with previous blocks already read.
if (this._stack.length > 0) {
data = this._build_data(data);
this.currentLength = 0;
// we can extract the expected length here
this.packet_info = this._read_packet_info(data);
this.expectedLength = this.packet_info.length;
assert(this.currentLength === 0);
assert(this.expectedLength > 0);
// we can now emit an event to signal the start of a new packet
this.emit("newMessage", this.packet_info, data);
if (this.expectedLength === 0 || this.currentLength + data.length < this.expectedLength) {
this.currentLength += data.length;
// expecting more data to complete current message chunk
} else if (this.currentLength + data.length === this.expectedLength) {
this.currentLength += data.length;
messageChunk = this._build_data(data);
// istanbul ignore next
if (doDebug) {
const packet_info = this._read_packet_info(messageChunk);
assert(this.packet_info.length === packet_info.length);
assert(messageChunk.length === packet_info.length);
// reset
this.currentLength = 0;
this.expectedLength = 0;
this.emit("message", messageChunk);
} else {
// there is more data in this chunk than expected...
// the chunk need to be split
const size1 = this.expectedLength - this.currentLength;
if (size1 > 0) {
const chunk1 = data.slice(0, size1);
const chunk2 = data.slice(size1);
if (chunk2.length > 0) {
exports.PacketAssembler = PacketAssembler;