"use strict";
 * @module opcua.miscellaneous

const util = require("util");
const assert = require("node-opcua-assert").assert;
const _ = require("underscore");

const MessageBuilderBase = require("node-opcua-transport/src/message_builder_base").MessageBuilderBase;

const chooseSecurityHeader = require("./secure_channel_service").chooseSecurityHeader;

const SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader = require("./secure_channel_service").SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader;
const SequenceHeader = require("./secure_channel_service").SequenceHeader;
const BinaryStream = require("node-opcua-binary-stream").BinaryStream;

const ec = require("node-opcua-basic-types");
const decodeString = ec.decodeString;

const packet_analyzer = require("node-opcua-packet-analyzer").packet_analyzer;
const hexDump = require("node-opcua-debug").hexDump;

//xx require("./utils").setDebugFlag(__filename,true);
const debugLog = require("node-opcua-debug").make_debugLog(__filename);
const doDebug = require("node-opcua-debug").checkDebugFlag(__filename);

const securityPolicy_m = require("./security_policy");
const SecurityPolicy = securityPolicy_m.SecurityPolicy;

const MessageSecurityMode = require("node-opcua-service-secure-channel").MessageSecurityMode;

const crypto_utils = require("node-opcua-crypto");

const decodeStatusCode = require("node-opcua-status-code").decodeStatusCode;

 * @class MessageBuilder
 * @extends MessageBuilderBase
 * @constructor
 * @param options
 * @param options.securityMode {MessageSecurityMode} the security Mode
 * @param [options.objectFactory=factories] a object that provides a constructObject(id) method
function MessageBuilder(options) {

    options = options || {};
    MessageBuilderBase.call(this, options);

    this.securityPolicy = SecurityPolicy.Invalid; // not known yet
    this.securityMode = options.securityMode || MessageSecurityMode.INVALID; // not known yet

    this.objectFactory = options.objectFactory || require("node-opcua-factory");

    assert(_.isFunction(this.objectFactory.constructObject), " the objectFactory must provide a constructObject method");

    this.previous_sequenceNumber = -1; // means unknown
util.inherits(MessageBuilder, MessageBuilderBase);

MessageBuilder.prototype.setSecurity = function (securityMode, securityPolicy) {
    assert(this.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.INVALID, "security already set");
    this.securityPolicy = SecurityPolicy.get(securityPolicy);
    this.securityMode = MessageSecurityMode.get(securityMode);
    assert(this.securityPolicy !== undefined, "invalid security policy " + securityPolicy);
    assert(this.securityMode !== undefined, "invalid security mode " + securityMode);
    assert(this.securityPolicy !== SecurityPolicy.Invalid);
    assert(this.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.INVALID);

MessageBuilderBase.prototype.dispose = function() {
    const self = this;

MessageBuilder.prototype.dispose = function() {
    const self = this;
    self.securityPolicy = null;
    self.securityMode = null;
    self.objectFactory = null;
    self.cryptoFactory = null;
    self.securityHeader = null;
    self._tokenStack = null;

MessageBuilder.prototype._validateSequenceNumber = function (sequenceNumber) {

    // checking that sequenceNumber is increasing
    assert(_.isFinite(sequenceNumber) && sequenceNumber >= 0);

    let expectedSequenceNumber;
    if (this.previous_sequenceNumber !== -1) {

        expectedSequenceNumber = this.previous_sequenceNumber + 1;

        if (expectedSequenceNumber !== sequenceNumber) {
            const errMessage = "Invalid Sequence Number found ( expected " + expectedSequenceNumber + ", got " + sequenceNumber + ")";
             * notify the observers that a message with an invalid sequence number has been received.
             * @event invalid_sequence_number
             * @param {Number} expected sequence Number
             * @param {Number} actual sequence Number
            this.emit("invalid_sequence_number", expectedSequenceNumber, sequenceNumber);
        // todo : handle the case where sequenceNumber wraps back to < 1024
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog(" Sequence Number = ".yellow.bold, sequenceNumber);
    this.previous_sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;

MessageBuilder.prototype._decrypt_OPN = function (binaryStream) {

    assert(this.securityPolicy !== SecurityPolicy.None);
    assert(this.securityPolicy !== SecurityPolicy.Invalid);
    assert(this.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.NONE);
    //xx assert(this.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.INVALID);

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog("securityHeader", JSON.stringify(this.securityHeader, null, " "));

    // OpcUA part 2 V 1.02 page 15
    // 4.11 OPC UA Security Related Services
    // [...]
    // The OPC UA Client sends its Public Key in a Digital Certificate and secret information with the
    // OpenSecureChannel service Message to the Server. This Message is secured by applying
    // Asymmetric Encryption with the Server's Public Key and by generating Asymmetric Signatures with
    // the Client's Private Key. However the Digital Certificate is sent unencrypted so that the receiver can
    // use it to verify the Asymmetric Signature.
    // [...]

    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog("---------------------- SENDER CERTIFICATE");

    if (!this.cryptoFactory) {
        this._report_error(" Security Policy " + this.securityPolicy.key + " is not implemented yet");
        return false;

    // The message has been signed  with sender private key and has been encrypted with receiver public key.
    // We shall decrypt it with the receiver private key.
    const buf = binaryStream._buffer.slice(binaryStream.length);

    if (this.securityHeader.receiverCertificateThumbprint) { // this mean that the message has been encrypted ....

        assert(typeof this.privateKey === "string", "expecting valid key");

        const decryptedBuffer = this.cryptoFactory.asymmetricDecrypt(buf, this.privateKey);

        // replace decrypted buffer in initial buffer
        decryptedBuffer.copy(binaryStream._buffer, binaryStream.length);

        // adjust length
        binaryStream._buffer = binaryStream._buffer.slice(0, binaryStream.length + decryptedBuffer.length);

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (doDebug) {
            debugLog("Certificate :", hexDump(this.securityHeader.senderCertificate));

    const cert = crypto_utils.exploreCertificateInfo(this.securityHeader.senderCertificate);
    // then verify the signature
    const signatureLength = cert.publicKeyLength; // 1024 bits = 128Bytes or 2048=256Bytes or 3072 or 4096
    assert(signatureLength === 128 || signatureLength === 256 || signatureLength === 384 || signatureLength === 512 );

    const chunk = binaryStream._buffer;

    const signatureIsOK = this.cryptoFactory.asymmetricVerifyChunk(chunk, this.securityHeader.senderCertificate);

    if (!signatureIsOK) {
        this._report_error("SIGN and ENCRYPT asymmetricVerify : Invalid packet signature");
        return false;

    // remove signature
    binaryStream._buffer = crypto_utils.reduceLength(binaryStream._buffer, signatureLength);

    // remove padding
    if (this.securityHeader.receiverCertificateThumbprint) {
        binaryStream._buffer = crypto_utils.removePadding(binaryStream._buffer);

    return true; // success

MessageBuilder.prototype.pushNewToken = function (securityToken, derivedKeys) {

    //xx assert(derivedKeys ); in fact, can be null

    // TODO: make sure this list doesn't grow indefinitly
    this._tokenStack = this._tokenStack || [];
    assert(this._tokenStack.length === 0 || this._tokenStack[0].tokenId !== securityToken.tokenId);
    this._tokenStack.push({securityToken: securityToken, derivedKeys: derivedKeys});


MessageBuilder.prototype._select_matching_token = function (tokenId) {

    let got_new_token = false;
    this._tokenStack = this._tokenStack || [];
    while (this._tokenStack.length) {
        if (this._tokenStack.length === 0) {
            return null; // no token
        if (this._tokenStack[0].securityToken.tokenId === tokenId) {
            if (got_new_token) {
                this.emit("new_token", tokenId);
            return this._tokenStack[0];
        // remove first
        this._tokenStack = this._tokenStack.slice(1);
        got_new_token = true;


MessageBuilder.prototype._decrypt_MSG = function (binaryStream) {

    assert(this.securityHeader instanceof SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader);
    assert(this.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.NONE);
    assert(this.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.INVALID);
    assert(this.securityPolicy !== SecurityPolicy.None);
    assert(this.securityPolicy !== SecurityPolicy.Invalid);

    // Check  security token
    // securityToken may have been renewed
    const securityTokenData = this._select_matching_token(this.securityHeader.tokenId);
    if (!securityTokenData) {
        this._report_error("Security token data for token " + this.securityHeader.tokenId + " doesn't exist");
        return false;


    // SecurityToken may have expired, in this case the MessageBuilder shall reject the message
    if (securityTokenData.securityToken.expired) {
        this._report_error("Security token has expired : tokenId " + securityTokenData.securityToken.tokenId);
        return false;

    // We shall decrypt it with the receiver private key.
    const buf = binaryStream._buffer.slice(binaryStream.length);

    const derivedKeys = securityTokenData.derivedKeys;

    assert(derivedKeys !== null);
    assert(derivedKeys.signatureLength, " must provide a signature length");

    if (this.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.SIGNANDENCRYPT) {

        const decryptedBuffer = crypto_utils.decryptBufferWithDerivedKeys(buf, derivedKeys);

        // replace decrypted buffer in initial buffer
        decryptedBuffer.copy(binaryStream._buffer, binaryStream.length);

        // adjust length
        binaryStream._buffer = binaryStream._buffer.slice(0, binaryStream.length + decryptedBuffer.length);

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (doDebug) {

    // now check signature ....
    const chunk = binaryStream._buffer;

    const signatureIsOK = crypto_utils.verifyChunkSignatureWithDerivedKeys(chunk, derivedKeys);
    if (!signatureIsOK) {
        this._report_error("SIGN and ENCRYPT : Invalid packet signature");
        return false;

    // remove signature
    binaryStream._buffer = crypto_utils.reduceLength(binaryStream._buffer, derivedKeys.signatureLength);

    if (this.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.SIGNANDENCRYPT) {
        // remove padding
        binaryStream._buffer = crypto_utils.removePadding(binaryStream._buffer);

    return true;

MessageBuilder.prototype._decrypt = function (binaryStream) {

    if (this.securityPolicy === SecurityPolicy.Invalid) {
        // this._report_error("SecurityPolicy");
        // return false;
        return true;

    const msgType = this.messageHeader.msgType;

    // check if security is active or not
    if (this.securityPolicy === SecurityPolicy.None) {
        this.securityMode = MessageSecurityMode.NONE;
        assert(this.securityMode === MessageSecurityMode.NONE, "expecting securityMode = None when securityPolicy is None");
        return true; // nothing to do
    assert(this.securityMode !== MessageSecurityMode.NONE);

    if (msgType === "OPN") {
        return this._decrypt_OPN(binaryStream);
    } else {
        return this._decrypt_MSG(binaryStream);


 * @method _read_headers
 * @param binaryStream
 * @return {Boolean}
 * @private
MessageBuilder.prototype._read_headers = function (binaryStream) {

    MessageBuilderBase.prototype._read_headers.apply(this, arguments);
    assert(binaryStream.length === 12);

    const msgType = this.messageHeader.msgType;

    if (msgType === "HEL" || msgType === "ACK") {

        this.securityPolicy = SecurityPolicy.None;
    } else if (msgType === "ERR") {

        // extract Error StatusCode and additional message
        binaryStream.length = 8;
        const errorCode = decodeStatusCode(binaryStream);
        const message = decodeString(binaryStream);
        if (doDebug) {
            console.log(" ERROR RECEIVED FROM SENDER".red.bold, errorCode.toString().cyan, message);
        return true;

    } else {

        this.securityHeader = chooseSecurityHeader(msgType);

        if (msgType === "OPN") {
            this.securityPolicy = securityPolicy_m.fromURI(this.securityHeader.securityPolicyUri);
            this.cryptoFactory = securityPolicy_m.getCryptoFactory(this.securityPolicy);

        if (!this._decrypt(binaryStream)) {
            return false;

        this.sequenceHeader = new SequenceHeader();

        /* istanbul ignore next */
        if (doDebug) {
            debugLog(" Sequence Header", this.sequenceHeader);

    return true;

MessageBuilder.prototype._safe_decode_message_body = function (full_message_body, objMessage, binaryStream) {
    try {
        // de-serialize the object from the binary stream
        const options = this.objectFactory;
        objMessage.decode(binaryStream, options);
    catch (err) {

        console.log(" ---------------- block");
        let i=0;
        this.message_chunks.forEach(function (messageChunk) {
            console.log(" ---------------- chunk i=",i++);
        return false;
    return true;

MessageBuilder.prototype._decode_message_body = function (full_message_body) {

    const binaryStream = new BinaryStream(full_message_body);
    const msgType = this.messageHeader.msgType;

    if (msgType === "ERR") {
        // invalid message type
        this._report_error("ERROR RECEIVED");
        return false;
    if (msgType === "HEL" || msgType === "ACK") {
        // invalid message type
        this._report_error("Invalid message type ( HEL/ACK )");
        return false;

    // read expandedNodeId:
    const id = ec.decodeExpandedNodeId(binaryStream);

    // construct the object
    const objMessage = this.objectFactory.constructObject(id);

    if (!objMessage) {
        this._report_error("cannot construct object with nodeID " + id);
        return false;

    } else {

        debugLog("message size =",this.total_message_size," body size =",this.total_body_size);

        if (this._safe_decode_message_body(full_message_body, objMessage, binaryStream)) {
            try {
                 * notify the observers that a full message has been received
                 * @event message
                 * @param {Object} objMessage the decoded message object
                 * @param {String} msgType the message type ( "HEL","ACK","OPN","CLO" or "MSG" )
                 * @param {Number} the request Id
                this.emit("message", objMessage, msgType, this.sequenceHeader.requestId, this.secureChannelId);
            catch (err) {
                // this code catches a uncaught exception somewhere in one of the event handler
                // this indicates a bug in the code that uses this class
                // please check the stack trace to find the problem
                console.log("MessageBuilder : ERROR DETECTED IN event handler".red);
        } else {
            const message = "cannot decode message  for valid object of type " + id.toString() + " " + objMessage.constructor.name;
            return false;
    return true;

exports.MessageBuilder = MessageBuilder;