 "use strict";
 * @module opcua.transport

// system requires
const assert = require("node-opcua-assert").assert;
const _ = require("underscore");
const util = require("util");

// opcua requires
const StatusCode = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCode;
const StatusCodes = require("node-opcua-status-code").StatusCodes;
const BinaryStream = require("node-opcua-binary-stream").BinaryStream;

const verify_message_chunk = require("node-opcua-chunkmanager").verify_message_chunk;

const TCPErrorMessage = require("../_generated_/_auto_generated_TCPErrorMessage").TCPErrorMessage;
const HelloMessage = require("../_generated_/_auto_generated_HelloMessage").HelloMessage;
const AcknowledgeMessage = require("../_generated_/_auto_generated_AcknowledgeMessage").AcknowledgeMessage;

const packTcpMessage = require("./tools").packTcpMessage;
const decodeMessage = require("./tools").decodeMessage;

const debug = require("node-opcua-debug");
const hexDump = debug.hexDump;
const debugLog = debug.make_debugLog(__filename);
const doDebug = debug.checkDebugFlag(__filename);

const TCP_transport = require("./tcp_transport").TCP_transport;

 * @class ServerTCP_transport
 * @extends TCP_transport
 * @constructor
const ServerTCP_transport = function () {
util.inherits(ServerTCP_transport, TCP_transport);

ServerTCP_transport.prototype.end = "DEPRECATED";
ServerTCP_transport.prototype._abortWithError = function (statusCode, extraErrorDescription, callback) {

    assert(statusCode instanceof StatusCode);
    assert(_.isFunction(callback), "expecting a callback");

    const self = this;

    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if (!self.__aborted) {
        self.__aborted = 1;
        // send the error message and close the connection

        debugLog(" Server aborting because ".red + statusCode.name.cyan);
        debugLog(" extraErrorDescription   ".red + extraErrorDescription.cyan);
        const errorResponse = new TCPErrorMessage({statusCode: statusCode, reason: statusCode.description});
        const messageChunk = packTcpMessage("ERR", errorResponse);

        self.disconnect(function () {
            self.__aborted = 2;
            callback(new Error(extraErrorDescription + " StatusCode = " + statusCode.name));


    } else {
        callback(new Error(statusCode.name));

function clamp_value(value, min_val, max_val) {
    assert(min_val < max_val);
    if (value === 0) {
        return max_val;
    if (value < min_val) {
        return min_val;
    /* istanbul ignore next*/
    if (value >= max_val) {
        return max_val;
    return value;

const minimumBufferSize = 8192;

ServerTCP_transport.prototype._send_ACK_response = function (helloMessage) {

    const self = this;

    assert(helloMessage.receiveBufferSize >= minimumBufferSize);
    assert(helloMessage.sendBufferSize    >= minimumBufferSize);

    self.receiveBufferSize = clamp_value(helloMessage.receiveBufferSize, 8192, 512 * 1024);
    self.sendBufferSize    = clamp_value(helloMessage.sendBufferSize,    8192, 512 * 1024);
    self.maxMessageSize    = clamp_value(helloMessage.maxMessageSize,  100000, 16 * 1024 * 1024);
    self.maxChunkCount     = clamp_value(helloMessage.maxChunkCount,        0, 65535);

    const acknowledgeMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage({
        protocolVersion:   self.protocolVersion,
        receiveBufferSize: self.receiveBufferSize,
        sendBufferSize:    self.sendBufferSize,
        maxMessageSize:    self.maxMessageSize,
        maxChunkCount:     self.maxChunkCount

    //xx acknowledgeMessage.receiveBufferSize = 8192;
    //xx acknowledgeMessage.sendBufferSize    = 8192;
    //xx console.log("xxx receiveBufferSize = ",acknowledgeMessage.receiveBufferSize , helloMessage.receiveBufferSize) ;
    //xx console.log("xxx sendBufferSize    = ",acknowledgeMessage.sendBufferSize    , helloMessage.sendBufferSize);
    //xx console.log("xxx maxMessageSize    = ",acknowledgeMessage.maxMessageSize    , helloMessage.maxMessageSize);
    //xx console.log("xxx maxChunkCount     = ",acknowledgeMessage.maxChunkCount     , helloMessage.maxChunkCount);

    const messageChunk = packTcpMessage("ACK", acknowledgeMessage);

    /* istanbul ignore next*/
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog("server send: " + "ACK".yellow);
        debugLog("server send: " + hexDump(messageChunk));
        debugLog("acknowledgeMessage=", acknowledgeMessage);

    // send the ACK reply


ServerTCP_transport.prototype._install_HEL_message_receiver = function (callback) {

    const self = this;

    self._install_one_time_message_receiver(function (err, data) {
        if (err) {
            //err is either a timeout or connection aborted ...
            self._abortWithError(StatusCodes.BadConnectionRejected, err.message, callback);
        } else {
            // handle the HEL message
            self._on_HEL_message(data, callback);


ServerTCP_transport.prototype._on_HEL_message = function (data, callback) {

    const self = this;

    assert(data instanceof Buffer);

    const stream = new BinaryStream(data);
    const msgType = data.slice(0, 3).toString("ascii");

    /* istanbul ignore next*/
    if (doDebug) {
        debugLog("SERVER received " + msgType.yellow);
        debugLog("SERVER received " + hexDump(data));

    if (msgType === "HEL") {

        assert(data.length >= 24);

        const helloMessage = decodeMessage(stream, HelloMessage);

        // OPCUA Spec 1.03 part 6 - page 41
        // The Server shall always accept versions greater than what it supports.
        if (helloMessage.protocolVersion !== self.protocolVersion) {
            debugLog("warning ! client sent helloMessage.protocolVersion = 0x"+helloMessage.protocolVersion.toString(16)," whereas server protocolVersion is 0x"+self.protocolVersion.toString(16));
        if (helloMessage.protocolVersion === 0xDEADBEEF || helloMessage.protocolVersion < self.protocolVersion) {
            // Note: 0xDEADBEEF is our special version number to simulate BadProtocolVersionUnsupported in tests
            // invalid protocol version requested by client
            return self._abortWithError(StatusCodes.BadProtocolVersionUnsupported, "Protocol Version Error" + self.protocolVersion, callback);


        // OPCUA Spec 1.04 part 6 - page 45
        // UASC is designed to operate with different TransportProtocols that may have limited buffer
        // sizes. For this reason, OPC UA Secure Conversation will break OPC UA Messages into several
        // pieces (called ‘MessageChunks’) that are smaller than the buffer size allowed by the
        // TransportProtocol. UASC requires a TransportProtocol buffer size that is at least 8 192 bytes
        if (helloMessage.receiveBufferSize < minimumBufferSize || helloMessage.sendBufferSize < minimumBufferSize) {
            return self._abortWithError(StatusCodes.BadConnectionRejected,
                "Buffer size too small (should be at least " + minimumBufferSize , callback);

        // the helloMessage shall only be received once.
        self._helloreceived = true;


        callback(null); // no Error

    } else {
        // invalid packet , expecting HEL
        debugLog("BadCommunicationError ".red, "Expecting 'HEL' message to initiate communication");
        self._abortWithError(StatusCodes.BadCommunicationError, "Expecting 'HEL' message to initiate communication", callback);


 * Initialize the server transport.
 *  The ServerTCP_transport initialisation process starts by waiting for the client to send a "HEL" message.
 *  The  ServerTCP_transport replies with a "ACK" message and then start waiting for further messages of any size.
 *  The callback function received an error:
 *   - if no message from the client is received within the ```self.timeout``` period,
 *   - or, if the connection has dropped within the same interval.
 *   - if the protocol version specified within the HEL message is invalid or is greater than ```self.protocolVersion```
 * @method init
 * @param socket {Socket}
 * @param callback {Function}
 * @param callback.err {Error|null} err = null if init succeeded
ServerTCP_transport.prototype.init = function (socket, callback) {

    assert(!this.socket, "init already called!");
    assert(_.isFunction(callback), "expecting a valid callback ");

    const self = this;




exports.ServerTCP_transport = ServerTCP_transport;