
A ContinuationPoint is used to pause a Browse, QueryFirst or HistoryRead operation and allow it to be restarted later by calling BrowseNext, QueryNext or HistoryRead.

  • Operations are paused when the number of results found exceeds the limits set by either the Client or the Server.

  • The Client specifies the maximum number of results per operation in the request message.

  • A Server shall not return more than this number of results but it may return fewer results.

  • The Server allocates a ContinuationPoint if there are more results to return.

  • Servers shall support at least one ContinuationPoint per Session.

  • Servers specify a maximum number of ContinuationPoints per Session in the ServerCapabilities Object defined in OPC 10000-5.

  • ContinuationPoints remain active until a/ the Client retrieves the remaining results, b/ or, the Client releases the ContinuationPoint c/ or the Session is closed.

  • A Server shall automatically free ContinuationPoints from prior requests from a Session if they are needed to process a new request from this Session.

  • The Server returns a Bad_ContinuationPointInvalid error if a Client tries to use a ContinuationPoint that has been released.

  • A Client can avoid this situation by completing paused operations before starting new operations. For Session-less Service invocations, the ContinuationPoints are shared across all Session-less Service invocations from all Clients. The Server shall support at least the maximum number of ContinuationPoints it would allow for one Session.

  • Requests will often specify multiple operations that may or may not require a ContinuationPoint.

  • A Server shall process the operations until it uses the maximum number of continuation points in this response. Once that happens the Server shall return a Bad_NoContinuationPoints error for any remaining operations. A Client can avoid this situation by sending requests with a number of operations that do not exceed the maximum number of ContinuationPoints per Session defined for the Service in the ServerCapabilities Object defined in OPC 10000-5. A Client restarts an operation by passing the ContinuationPoint back to the Server. Server should always be able to reuse the ContinuationPoint provided so Servers shall never return Bad_NoContinuationPoints error when continuing a previously halted operation. A ContinuationPoint is a subtype of the ByteString data type.

for historical access:

The continuationPoint parameter in the HistoryRead Service is used to mark a point from which to continue the read if not all values could be returned in one response. The value is opaque for the Client and is only used to maintain the state information for the Server to continue from. *

For HistoricalDataNode requests, a Server may use the timestamp of the last returned data item if the timestamp is unique. This can reduce the need in the Server to store state information for the continuation point. The Client specifies the maximum number of results per operation in the request Message. A Server shall not return more than this number of results but it may return fewer results. The Server allocates a ContinuationPoint if there are more results to return. The Server may return fewer results due to buffer issues or other internal constraints. It may also be required to return a continuationPoint due to HistoryRead parameter constraints. If a request is taking a long time to calculate and is approaching the timeout time, the Server may return partial results with a continuation point. This may be done if the calculation is going to take more time than the Client timeout. In some cases it may take longer than the Client timeout to calculate even one result. Then the Server may return zero results with a continuation point that allows the Server to resume the calculation on the next Client read call. For additional discussions regarding ContinuationPoints and HistoryRead please see the individual extensible HistoryReadDetails parameter in 6.4. If the Client specifies a ContinuationPoint, then the HistoryReadDetails parameter and the TimestampsToReturn parameter are ignored, because it does not make sense to request different parameters when continuing from a previous call. It is permissible to change the dataEncoding parameter with each request. If the Client specifies a ContinuationPoint that is no longer valid, then the Server shall return a Bad_ContinuationPointInvalid error. If the releaseContinuationPoints parameter is set in the request the Server shall not return any data and shall release all ContinuationPoints passed in the request. If the ContinuationPoint for an operation is missing or invalid then the StatusCode for the operation shall be Bad_ContinuationPointInvalid.




  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    • continuationPoint: Buffer

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • continuationPoints: Buffer[]

    Returns {
        continuationPoint: undefined;
        statusCode: ConstantStatusCode;
        values: never[];

  • Returns void

    • releaseContinuationPoints = TRUE

    passed continuationPoints shall be reset to free resources in the Server. The continuation points are released and the results and diagnosticInfos arrays are empty.

    • releaseContinuationPoints = FALSE

      passed continuationPoints shall be used to get the next set of browse information


    Returns IContinuationPointInfo<ReferenceDescription>

  • returns true if the current number of active continuation point has reached the limit specified in maxContinuationPoint


    • maxContinuationPoint: number

    Returns boolean