certificateSigningRequestFilename: stringfind the issuer certificate among the trusted issuer certificates.
The findIssuerCertificate method is an asynchronous method that attempts to find the issuer certificate for a given certificate from the list of issuer certificate declared in the PKI
If the certificate is self-signed, it returns the certificate itself.
If the certificate has no extension 3, it is assumed to be generated by an old system, and a null value is returned.
the method checks both issuer and trusted certificates and returns the appropriate issuercertificate, if found. If multiple matching certificates are found, a warning is logged to the console.
returns the certificate status trusted/rejected
status: CertificateStatusVerify certificate validity
options: VerifyCertificateOptionsOptional
status: VerificationStatusProtected
create a self-signed certificate for the CertificateManager private key