nodeClass DataType
name TsnFailureCode
isAbstract false

Enumeration Members

BridgeDoesNotProvideNetworkId: 22

Nearest Bridge cannot provide network identification for stream transformation

CannotStoreDestinationAddress: 12

Cannot store destination address

EgressPortNotAvbCapable: 8

Egress port is not AVBCapable

FeatureNotPropagated: 20

Enhanced feature cannot be propagated to original Port

FeatureNotSupported: 25

Enhanced feature cannot be supported without a CNC

FirstValueChangedForStreamId: 16

Changes in FirstValue for a registered StreamID

InsufficientBandwidth: 1

Insufficient bandwidth

InsufficientResources: 2

Insufficient bridge resources

InsufficientTrafficClassBandwidth: 3

Insufficient bandwidth for Traffic Class

LatencyHasChanged: 7

Reported latency has changed

MaxFanInPortsLimitReached: 15

MaxFanInPorts limit has been reached

MaxFrameSizeTooLarge: 14

MaxFrameSize is too large for media

MaxLatencyExceeded: 21

MaxLatency exceeded

NoFailure: 0

No failure

OutOfMmrpResources: 11

Out of MMRP resources

OutOfMsrpResources: 10

Out of MSRP resources

PriorityIsNotAnSrcClass: 13

Requested priority is not an SR Class priority

SrClassPriorityMismatch: 19

SR class priority mismatch

StreamDestinationAddressInUse: 5

Stream destination address already in use

StreamIdInUse: 4

StreamID in use by another Talker

StreamIdTypeNotSupported: 24

Stream identification type not supported for stream transformation

StreamPreemptedByHigherRank: 6

Stream pre-empted by higher rank

StreamTransformNotSupported: 23

Stream transformation not supported

UseDifferentDestinationAddress: 9

Use a different destination address

VlanBlockedOnEgress: 17

VLAN is blocked on this egress port (Registration Forbidden)

VlanTaggingDisabledOnEgress: 18

VLAN tagging is disabled on this egress port (untagged set)