interface IAddressSpace {
    historizingNodes?: {
        [key: string]: UAVariable;
    isFrugal: boolean;
    rootFolder: {
        objects: UARootFolder_Objects;
        types: UAObject;
        views: UAObject;
    browsePath(browsePath: BrowsePath): BrowsePathResult;
    browseSingleNode(nodeId: NodeIdLike, browseDescription: BrowseDescription, context?: ISessionContext): BrowseResult;
    constructEventData(eventTypeId: UAEventType, data: any): IEventData;
    constructExtensionObject(dataType: NodeId | UADataType, options?: Record<string, unknown>): ExtensionObject;
    deleteNode(node: NodeId | BaseNode): void;
    dispose(): void;
    extractRootViews(node: UAObject | UAVariable): UAView[];
    findCorrespondingBasicDataType(dataType: NodeIdLike | UADataType): DataType;
        | string
        | NodeId
        | DataType
        | UADataType, namespaceIndex?: number): null | UADataType;
    findEventType(eventTypeId: NodeIdLike | UAObjectType, namespaceIndex?: number): null | UAObjectType;
    findMethod(nodeId: NodeIdLike): null | UAMethod;
    findNode(node: NodeIdLike): null | BaseNode;
    findObjectType(objectTypeId: NodeIdLike, namespaceIndex?: number): null | UAObjectType;
    findReferenceType(referenceTypeId: NodeIdLike | UAReferenceType, namespaceIndex?: number): null | UAReferenceType;
    findReferenceTypeFromInverseName(inverseName: string): null | UAReferenceType;
    findVariableType(variableTypeId: NodeIdLike, namespaceIndex?: number): null | UAVariableType;
    generateEventId(): VariantByteString;
    getDefaultNamespace(): INamespace;
    getExtensionObjectConstructor(dataType: NodeId | UADataType): AnyConstructable;
    getNamespace(indexOrName: string | number): INamespace;
    getNamespaceArray(): INamespace[];
    getNamespaceIndex(namespaceUri: string): number;
    getNamespaceUri(namespaceIndex: number): string;
    getOwnNamespace(): INamespace;
    installAlarmsAndConditionsService(): void;
    installHistoricalDataNode(variableNode: UAVariable, options?: IHistoricalDataNodeOptions): void;
    inverseReferenceType(referenceType: string): string;
    normalizeReferenceType(params: UAReference | AddReferenceOpts): UAReference;
    registerNamespace(namespaceUri: string): INamespace;
    registerShutdownTask(task: ShutdownTask): void;
    resolveNodeId(nodeIdLike: NodeIdLike): NodeId;
    shutdown(): Promise<void>;

Hierarchy (view full)


historizingNodes?: {
    [key: string]: UAVariable;
isFrugal: boolean

when this flag is set, properties and components are not added as javascript member of the UAObject/UAVariable node

rootFolder: {
    objects: UARootFolder_Objects;
    types: UAObject;
    views: UAObject;


  • construct a simple javascript object with all the default properties of the event


    Returns IEventData

    result.$eventDataSource the event type node

  • construct an extension object constructor from a DataType nodeID or UADataType object


    Returns ExtensionObject

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Returns void

  • Internal

    walk up the hierarchy of objects until a view is found objects may belong to multiples views. Note: this method doesn't return the main view => Server object.


    Returns UAView[]

  • Parameters

    Returns DataType

  • Parameters

    Returns null | UADataType

  • find an EventType node in the address space


    • eventTypeId: NodeIdLike | UAObjectType

      the eventType to find

    • OptionalnamespaceIndex: number

      an optional index to restrict the search in a given namespace

    Returns null | UAObjectType

    the EventType found or null.


    • the method with throw an exception if a node is found that is not a BaseEventType or a subtype of it.
    • if eventTypeId is of type NodeId, the namespaceIndex shall not be specified
     const evtType = addressSpace.findEventType("AuditEventType");
  • Parameters

    Returns null | UAMethod

  • Parameters

    Returns null | BaseNode

  • find an EventType node in the address space


    • objectTypeId: NodeIdLike

      the eventType to find

    • OptionalnamespaceIndex: number

      an optional index to restrict the search in a given namespace

    Returns null | UAObjectType

    the EventType found or null.


    • if objectTypeId is of type NodeId, the namespaceIndex shall not be specified
        const objectType = addressSpace.findObjectType("ns=0;i=58");

    const objectType = addressSpace.findObjectType("BaseObjectType");

    const objectType = addressSpace.findObjectType(resolveNodeId("ns=0;i=58"));

    const objectType = addressSpace.findObjectType("CustomObjectType",36);

    const objectType = addressSpace.findObjectType("36:CustomObjectType");
  • Parameters

    Returns null | UAReferenceType

  • find a ReferenceType by its inverse name.


    • inverseName: string

      the inverse name of the ReferenceType to find

    Returns null | UAReferenceType

  • Parameters

    • variableTypeId: NodeIdLike
    • OptionalnamespaceIndex: number

    Returns null | UAVariableType

        const variableType = addressSpace.findVariableType("ns=0;i=62");

    const variableType = addressSpace.findVariableType("BaseVariableType");

    const variableType = addressSpace.findVariableType(resolveNodeId("ns=0;i=62"));
  • EventId is generated by the Server to uniquely identify a particular Event Notification.

    Returns VariantByteString

  • Returns INamespace

  • get the extension object constructor from a DataType nodeID or UADataType object


    Returns AnyConstructable

  • Parameters

    • indexOrName: string | number

    Returns INamespace

  • Returns INamespace[]

  • Parameters

    • namespaceUri: string

    Returns number

  • Parameters

    • namespaceIndex: number

    Returns string

  • Returns INamespace

  • Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • referenceType: string

    Returns string

  • Parameters

    • namespaceUri: string

    Returns INamespace

  • register a task that will be executed just before the address space is disposed.


    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns NodeId

  • shutdown the address space by executingthe registered shutdown tasks.

    Returns Promise<void>

    registerShutdownTask, dispose