acoustic impedance
angular frequency, pulsatance
angular repetency, angular wave number
attenuation coefficient, phase coefficient, propagation coefficient
characteristic impedance of a medium
damping coefficient
dissipation factor, dissipance, reflection factor, reflectance, transmission factor, transmittance, absorption factor, absorbance
equivalent absorption area of a surface or object
frequency interval
logarithmic decrement
loudness level
mechanical impedance
period, periodic time
repetency, wavenumber
reverberation time
sound energy density, volumic, sound energy
sound exposure
sound intensity
(instantaneous) sound particle acceleration
(instantaneous) sound particle displacement
(instantaneous) sound particle velocity
sound power
sound pressure level, sound power level
sound reduction index
static pressure, (instantaneous) sound pressure
surface density of mechanical impedance
time constant, relaxation time
velocity of sound (phase velocity), group velocity
(instantaneous) volume flow rate
volumic mass, mass density, density, mass concentration of B, amount of substance, concentration of B
Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Bohr radius
decay constant, disintegration constant
elementary charge
fine structure constant
g-factor of atom or electron, g-factor of nucleus
gyromagnetic coefficient, (gyromagnetic ratio)
Hartree energy
hyperfine structure quantum number
internal conversion factor
Larmor angular frequency
level width, alpha disintegration energy
magnetic moment of particle, Bohr magneton, nuclear magneton ornucleus
magnetic quantum number
mass defect
mass excess
mass of atom (of a nuclide x), nuclidic mass, unified atomic mass constant
(rest) mass of electron, (rest) mass of proton, (rest) mass of neutron
maximum beta particle energy, beta disintegration energy
mean life, half life
neutron number
nuclear precession, cyclotron angular frequency
nuclear quadrupole moment
nuclear radius, electron radius, Compton wavelength
nuclear spin quantum number
nucleon number, mass number
orbital angular momentum quantum number
packing fraction, binding fraction
Planck constant
principle quantum number
proton number, atomic number
relative mass excess, relative mass defect
Rydberg constant
specific activity in a sample
spin angular momentum quantum number
total angular momentum quantum number
volumic activity, activity concentration
Characteristic Numbers (dimensionless parameters)
Alfven number
Cowling number
Euler number
Fourier number
Fourier number for mass transfer
Froude number
Grashof number
Grashof number for mass transfer
Hartmann number
Knudsen number
Lewis number
Mach number
magnetic Reynolds number
Nusselt number
Nusselt number for mass transfer
Peclet number
Peclet number for mass transfer
Prandtl number
Rayleigh number
Reynolds number
Schmidt number
Stanton number
Stanton number for mass transfer
Strouhal number
Weber number
Electricity and Magnetism
active energy
apparent power
coefficient, performance characteristic
conductance (for direct current), admittance, (complex admittance), modulus of admittance,(admittance), conductance (for alternating current)
coupling coefficient, leakage coefficient
current density
electric charge, quantity of electricity, electric flux (flux of displacement)
electric current, magnetic potential difference, magnetomotive force,current linkage
electric dipole moment
electric field strength
electric potential, potential difference, tension, voltage, electromotive force
electric susceptibility
electromagnetic energy density, volumic electromagnetic energy
electromagnetic moment, magnetic moment, (magnetic area moment)
linear electric current density, lineic electric current, magnetic field strength
lineic charge
lineic resistance
magnetic flux
magnetic flux density, magnetic induction, magnetic polarization
magnetic susceptibility
magnetic vector potential
number of turns in a winding, number of phases, number of pairs of poles
permeability, permeability of vacuum, magnetic constant
permittivity, permittivity of vacuum, (electric constant)
phase difference, phase displacement, loss angle
phase velocity of electromagnetic waves, phase speed of electromagnetic waves
power (for direct current), active power
Poynting vector
reactive power
relative permeability
relative permittivity
resistance (to direct current), impedance, (complex impedances), modulus of impedance, resistance (to alternating current), reactance
resistance load per unit length
self inductance, mutual inductance, permeance
surface density of charge, electric flux density, displacement electric polarization
volume density of charge, charge density, volumic charge
coefficient of heat transfer
density of heat flow rate
energy density
fahrenheit temperature
Gibbs function, Gibbs free energy
heat, quantity of heat, energy, thermodynamic energy, enthalpy, Helmholtz function, Helmholtz free energy
heat capacity, entropy
heat flow rate
isothermal compressibility, isentropic compressibility
linear expansion coefficient, cubic expansion coefficient, relative pressure coefficient
massic energy, specific energy
massic enthalpy, specific enthalpy
massic Helmholtz free energy,
massic thermodynamic energy
massieu function, planck function
pressure coefficient
ratio of the specific heat capacities, ratio of the massic heat capacity, isentropic exponent
specific heat capacity at: - constant pressure, -constant volume,- saturation
specific Helmholtz free energy
specific Helmholtz function, massic Gibbs free energy, specific Gibbs free energy
specific thermodynamic energy
surface coefficient of heat transfer
temperature variation over time
thermal conductance
thermal conductivity
thermal diffusivity
thermal insulance, coefficient of thermal insulation
thermal resistance
Light and Related Electromagnetic Radiations
angular wave number, angular repetency
CIE colorimetric functions
circular frequency
coordinates trichromatic
emissivity, spectral emissivity, emissivity at a specified wavelength, directional spectral emissivity
light exposure
linear attenuation coefficient
luminious efficacy, spectral luminous efficacy, luminous efficacy at a specified wavelength, maximum spectral luminous efficacy
luminous efficiency, spectral luminous efficiency,luminous efficiency at a specified wavelength
luminous exitance
luminous flux
luminous intensity
molar absorption coefficient
object distance, image distance, focal distance
optical density
photon exitance, irradiance
photon exposure
photon flux
photon intensity
photon luminance, photon radiance
quantity of light
radiant energy, fluence rate, radiant exitance, irradiance, first radiation constant
radiant energy density
radiant energy fluence, radiance exposure
radiant intensity
radiant power, (radiant energyflux)
refractive index
second radiation constant
spectral absorption factor, spectral absorptance, spectral reflectionfactor,spectral reflectance, spectral transmission factor, spectral transmittance, spectral radiance factor
spectral concentration of radiant energy density (in terms of wavelength),spectral radiant energy density (in terms of wave length)
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
velocity (speed) on propagation of electromagnetic waves in vacuo
vergence, lens power
wavenumber, repetency
angular impulse
compressibility, bulk compressibility
density, mass density, volumic mass
force, weight
force divided by length
friction factor, coefficient of friction
gravitational constant
kinematic viscosity
leakage rate of gas
linear density, linear mass
linear strain, relative elongation, shear strain, volume or bulk strain
mass flow rate
mass ratio
moment of force, moment of a couple, torque
moment of inertia (dynamic moment of inertia)
moment of momentum, angular momentum
poisson ratio, poisson number
power (for direct current), active power
Power flow rate
pressure, normal stress, shear stress, modulus of elasticity,shear modulus, modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus, modulus of compression
pressure ratio
relative density, relative mass density
second moment of area, second axial moment of area
second polar moment of area
section modulus
specific volume, massic volume
surface density, areic mass
surface tension
torsional stiffness, area-related torsional moment
viscosity (dynamic viscosity)
(instantaneous) volume flow rate
volume ratio
work, energy, potential energy, kinetic energy
work per unit weight
burst index
hardness index
Nuclear Reactions and Ionizing Radiations
absorbed dose
absorbed dose rate
angular cross-section
atomic attenuation coefficient
average energy loss per ion, pair formed, (average energy loss per elementary charge of the same sign produced)
average logarithmic energy decrement
diffusion coefficient, diffusion coefficient for neutron number density
diffusion coefficient for neutron fluence rate, (diffusion coefficient for neutron flux density)
dose equivalent
energy fluence
energy fluence rate, (energy flux density)
energy imparted, mean energy imparted
equivalence dose output
exposure rate
fast fission factor
half-thickness, half-value thickness
ion number density, ion density, neutron number density
kerma rate
linear attenuation coefficient
linear energy transfer
linear ionization by a particle, total ionization by a particle
macroscopic cross-section, volumic cross-section, volumic total cross-section, macroscopic total cross-section
mass attenuation coefficient
mass energy transfer coefficient
mean linear range, mean free path
mean mass range
molar attenuation coefficient
multiplication factor, infinite medium multiplication factor, effective multiplication factor
neutron source density
neutron speed
neutron yield per fission, neutron yield per absorption
non leakage probability
particle fluence
particle fluence rate, (partical flux density), neutron fluence rate, (neutronflux density), current density of particles
reaction energy
reactor time constant
recombination coefficient
resonance energy
resonance escape probability
slowing down area, diffusion area, migration area
slowing down density
slowing-down length, diffusion length, migration length
specific energy imparted, massic energy imparted
spectral angular cross-section
spectral cross-section
thermal utilization factor
total atomic stopping power
total cross-section
total linear stopping power
total mass stopping power
Periodic and related phenomena
angular frequency, pulsatance
damping coefficient
level of a field quantity, level of a power quantity
logarithmic decrement
rotational frequency
wave number, attenuation coefficient, phase coefficient, propagation coefficient, repetency
Physical Chemistry and Molecular Physics
absolute activity
acidity and alkalinity
activity coefficient of B (in a liquid as a solid mixture)
activity coefficient of solute B (especially in a dilute solution),standard absolute activity of solute B (especially in a dilute solution)
activity of solvent A, relative activity of solvent A (especially in a dilute solution), osmotic coefficient of the solvent A (especially in a dilute solution), standard absolute activity of solvent A (especially in a dilute solution)
affinity (of a chemical reaction)
amount of substance
angle of optical rotation
Avogadro constant
Boltzmann constant
catalytic activity
charge number of ion
chemical potential
degree of dissociation
diffusion coefficient, diffusion coefficient for neutron number density
electric dipole moment of molecule
electric polarizability of a molecule
electrolytic conductivity
elementary charge
Faraday constant
ionic strength
magnetic dipole moment
mass of molecule
massic optical, rotatory power, specific optical rotatory power
mean free path
microcanonical partition function, canonical partition function, grand-canonical partition function, grand partition function, molecular partition function, partition function of a molecule
molality of solute B
molar conductivity
molar flux
molar heat capacity, molar entropy, molar gas constant
molar mass
molar optical rotatory power
molar thermodynamic energy
molar volume
mole fraction of B, mole ratio of solute B
number of molecules or other elementary entities
partial pressure of B (in a gaseous mixture), fugacity of B (in a gaseous mixture), osmotic pressure
proton number, atomic number
relative atomic mass
relative molecular mass
standard absolute activity of B (in a liquid or a solid mixture)
standard equilibrium constant
statistical weight
stoichiometric number of B
thermal diffusion coefficient
thermal diffusion ratio, thermal diffusion factor
transport number of ion B, current fraction of ion B
volumic dose
volumic mass, mass density, density, mass concentration of B, amount of substance, concentration of B
volumic number of molecules (or particles), number density of molecules (or particles), molecular concentration of B
Solid State Physics
angular reciprocal lattice vector, fundamental reciprocal lattice vector
angular repetency, angular wave number
Bragg angle
Debye angular frequency
Debye angular repetency, Debye angular wave number
Debye temperature, Curie temperature, Néel temperature, Fermi temperature, Super conductor transition temperature
Debye-Walle factor
density of states
donor ionization energy, acceptor ionization energy, exchange intergral, superconductor energy gap, electron affinity
effective mass
electron number density, volumic electron number, hole number density, volumic hole number, donor number density, volumic donor number, intrinsic number density, volumic intrinsis number, acceptor number density, volumic acceptor number
Fermi angular repetency, Fermi angular wave number
Fermi energy
gap energy
Grüneisen parameter
Hall coefficient
Landau-Ginzburg number
lattice plane spacing, Burgers vector
lattice vector, fundamental lattice vector
Madelung constant
magnetic flux quantum
mean free path of phonons or electrons, London penetration depth, coherence length, diffusion length
mobility ratio
order of reflexion
particle position vector, equilibrium position vector of ion or atom, displacement vector of ion or atom
relaxation time, carrier life time
residual resistivity
Richardson constant
Seebeck coefficient for substances a and b
short-range order parameter, long-range order parameter
spectral concentration of vibrational modes (in terms of angular frequency)
thermodynamic critical magnetic flux density, lower critical magnetic flux density, upper critical magnetic flux density
thermoelectromotive force between substances a and b, Peltier coefficient for substances a and b
Thompson coefficient
work function
Space and Time
acceleration, acceleration of free fall, acceleration due to gravity
angle (plane)
angular acceleration
angular velocity
length, breadth, height, thickness, radius, radius of curvature, cartesian coordinates, diameter, length of path, distance
solid angle
velocity, phase velocity, group velocity
volume per temperature
volume ratio
Level 3 Units ( uncategorized)