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  • InstantiateOptions
    • InstantiateVariableOptions



Optional arrayDimensions

arrayDimensions: number[]


browseName: QualifiedNameLike

the browse name of the new node to instantiate

Optional componentOf

componentOf: NodeIdLike | BaseNode

the parent Object holding this object note

  • when componentOf is specified, organizedBy must not be defined

Optional copyAlsoModellingRules

copyAlsoModellingRules: boolean

shall we also replicate the HasModelling rule reference ?

Optional dataType

dataType: NodeIdLike

Optional description

description: LocalizedTextLike

an optional description

if not provided the default description of the corresponding Type will be used.

Optional displayName

displayName: LocalizedTextLike

an optional displayName

if not provided the default description of the corresponding browseName will be used.

Optional eventSourceOf

eventSourceOf: NodeIdLike | BaseNode

Optional extensionObject

extensionObject: ExtensionObject

Optional minimumSamplingInterval

minimumSamplingInterval: number

Optional modellingRule

modellingRule: ModellingRuleType


Optional namespace

namespace: INamespace

the namespace in which the node shall be instantiated (if not specified, the default instance namespace (own namespace) of the addressSpace will be used)

Optional nodeId

nodeId: NodeIdLike

Optional notifierOf

notifierOf: NodeIdLike | BaseNode

Optional optionals

optionals: string[]

a list of components and properties names that have a HasModellingRule of Optional in the type definition that we want to instantiate. Note:

  • the name must follow the OPCUA naming convention and match the browse name of the property (same case)
  • the name can be composed to represent a path to a property or component
  optionals: ["MyOptionalVariable", "MyOptionalMethod", "MyOptionalComponent.MyProperty"];


Optional organizedBy

organizedBy: NodeIdLike | BaseNode

the parent Folder holding this object


  • when organizedBy is specified, componentOf must not be defined

Optional propertyOf

Optional value

Optional valueRank

valueRank: number

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